D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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The dead cultist was slain by Iskander. They argued,

the dead cultist turned to step onto the teleport circle,

and Iskander stabbed her before stepping through the

teleporter himself.

A character who inspects the body and makes a

successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check can tell that

the cultist was killed by a dragontooth dagger.

The balconies are set 8 feet above the floor and can be

easily reached by climbing. The floor of each balcony is

a teleport circle sim ilar to those found throughout the

tower. The controls are located beneath the railing of

the balcony, and can be found with a DC 8 Intelligence

(Investigation) check. These controls can take

characters only back to the main circle in this area.

The decorations in the room are reminiscent of a

Maztican style of architecture. Xonthal studied the

culture of Maztica extensively and incorporated many

Maztican motifs into his home.

9. C l o s e d C h a m b e r s

What use Xonthal put these rooms to is unknown.

Empty when the cultists arrived, they were quickly

repurposed as barracks. Bedrolls scattered about show

that between four and six cultists use each room.

The teleporter on this level is located inside a circular

chamber with a closed door. The door and the walls of

the room are made of thin, unpolished steel. The door

swings outward if a simple latch is turned.

When the characters arrive, one cult fanatic and

four cultists are searching the floor for Iskander. The

cultists quickly realize they can’t defeat the adventurers,

and they make a dash for the teleport room. They try to

escape to the lounge (area 11), where they expect to find


10. Sh r i n e

When Xonthal lived in the tower, this shrine was

dedicated to Oghma. The cult traditionalists turned this

chamber into a laboratory for their studies.

Painted renditions o f dracoliches line the walls o f this

chamber, and a stone altar in the center o f the area

features the skeletal limbs and claws o f a dragon. A half-

dozen cultists look up in surprise at your appearance.

This room contains many notes and scrolls about

dracoliches but nothing of value.

11. L o u n g e

This chamber was Xonthal’s combination living room,

office, and den, used for studying, relaxing, and writing.

When they took over the tower, the cultists turned this

chamber into another dracolich laboratory.

A large fireplace in the center o f the room keeps this

chamber warm and cozy, its smoke magically vented

outside. About two-thirds o f the skeleton o f an adult

dragon is laid out on the floor, curled around the fireplace.

Before you have time for further assessment, however, a

half-dozen black-cloaked figures move to attack you.

The six cult fanatics in this room move in as soon as

anyone appears in the teleporter. If they can, the cultists

try to reach the teleport circle and activate it while one

or more characters are still on it. The teleport circle

takes only a few seconds to activate, so characters

standing in the circle won’t be able to move away unless

they have the ability to move as a reaction. The cultists

select the shrine level as the adventurers’ destination.

When the characters have time to examine the

skeleton (a black dragon), they can see that the bones

are disconnected and placed roughly, and that the

creature’s forelimbs are missing. They also see signs

that the cultists do their cooking here, finding a

collection of simple dishware stacked along the north

wall, along with sacks containing potatoes, turnips,

jerky, and flour.

Aside from the lovingly cleaned skeleton and notes

that a scholar might find interesting, this level holds

nothing of value.

12. O b s e r v a t o r y

Jorgen Pawl (mage) and 3 cult fanatics are outside this

chamber on the balcony when the characters teleport

in. A ll four wait to ambush the first character who

steps onto the balcony. If the characters explore the

observatory before investigating the balcony, the cultists

rush into the room, hoping to attack with surprise.

The skeletal forelimbs of a black dragon have been

mounted to the altar and enchanted with a permanent

animate objects spell. W hen the characters enter, it

won’t be apparent that the limbs are connected to the

altar or that they can be animated. Each limb has AC

10 and 50 hit points and can make one melee attack

per round at a creature within 5 feet of it: +4 to hit; 6

(ldlO + 1) piercing damage.

The room is occupied by two mages and five cult

fanatics who attack at the first sign of intruders. As an

action, one of the mages screams the command word

to activate the skeletal dragon limbs. If the cultist who

activated the limbs is killed, the limbs stop attacking,

but both mages know the command word. The cultists

all fight to the death.

This chamber is clearly the workplace o f a wizard. A pair

o f voluminous tomes on astronomy and astrology lie

open on a table. A massive telescope o f brass, crystal,

and polished mahogany rests on an intricate stand in the

middle o f the chamber. A ladder rests against one wall,

and an immense crystal lens is embedded in the ceiling.

Xonthal used this chamber for making observations of

the starry sky. The ladder is for reaching the ceiling-

mounted lens, which looks upward from the tower. Little

can be seen through it during daytime, but at night, the

lens gives the telescope a view of the entire sky from

horizon to horizon.

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