D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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companions behind in this area, all the same conditions

apply here as in area 1.

7. G o r g o n M a z e

As they follow the path, the characters are drawn into a

maze within the larger maze of the magical garden.

The curving path you follow suddenly twists to reveal a

proper maze cut out o f the surrounding hedges. Mom ents

later, the pounding o f hooves rings out, and a gorgon

charges out o f the greenery toward you.

This area is ringed by unbroken hedge walls that make

it impossible to escape. The characters won’t know this

until they explore the area fully, and they won’t have

time to do that with a gorgon on the loose.

The maze permits the gorgon to move freely through

the hedges when it uses its Trampling Charge attack.

As it races after the adventurers, it attacks with its

Petrifying Breath as often as it can. Each time it does so,

a diamond crystallizes from its breath and drops to the

ground. A character can spot the gem with a successful

DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A character can pick

the diamond up before the start of the gorgon’s next

turn, but if not picked up, it dissipates to mist.

When a character picks up the diamond, a pathway

opens up in the middle of each of the four sides of

this area, any of which lead the characters back to

the sundial.

The gorgon won’t follow the characters out of

the maze. If the gorgon is killed, another gorgon

materializes somewhere in the area 1 minute later.

T h e T o w e r

After making their way through the dangers of the

hedge maze, the adventurers can enter Xonthal’s Tower.

Once inside, they learn that Iskander’s fellow cultists

have discovered his treason and are trying to kill him.

The characters must figure out the tower’s magical

teleportation system, then defeat both the cultists and

some of Xonthal’s original defenses to rescue Iskander

and claim the dragon mask he promised them. Before

the characters can leave, however, they must deal with

the blue dragon summoned to protect the mask.

Though the tower appears square from the outside, its

chambers and walls are circular when seen from inside.

This strange incongruity is another manifestation of

Xonthal’s ability to manipulate space.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

Ceilings. Chambers in the tower have 10-foot-

high ceilings.

Light. Areas 8 to 13 are brightly lit by narrow

windows and magic lamps.

Sound. The structure of the tower muffles sound

between levels. Only the loudest shouting or noise can

be heard on an adjacent level, and nothing short of an

explosion or a thunderwave spell can be heard more

than one level away.

Teleport Circles. The aboveground levels of Xonthal’s

Tower contain no stairs. The only way to pass from one

level to another is by using teleport circles built into the

tower (marked “T ” on the map). Because they aren’t

climbing up or down, characters have no way to know

which level they’re on after teleporting except by looking

out the windows. The tall windows in the tower are too

narrow for any creature more than a few inches wide to

pass through.

On the wall behind each teleport circle is a metal

panel inscribed with symbols. Touching a symbol

causes it to glow softly. A few seconds later, all creatures

standing in the circle teleport to the area selected by

the symbol.

T e l e p o r t S y m b o l s



Chair Audience chamber (area 8)

Two Chairs*

Audience chamber balconies

Upside-down “ L" Closed chambers (area 9)

Rectangle Shrine (area 10)

Flame Lounge (area 11)

Star Observatory (area 12)

Square Bedroom (area 13)


Right Triangle

Dungeon teleporter

(locked— area 14)

Sundial area o f the hedge maze

(area 1; not accessible from the


^Appears in the audience chamber (area 8) only. The specific balcony is

determined by which chair is touched.

Characters who touch the right triangle return to the

sundial seen from the foot of the tower, allowing them to

return to the tower along the straight path or to exit the

maze to the village (see “Completing the Maze,” above).

To teleport down to the dungeon level, the symbol

must be touched by the hourglass-shaped key that

Iskander waved from the balcony. Xonthal conducted

many dangerous experiments in the dungeons, and he

didn’t want anyone getting into that level—or getting out

of it—without his approval.

The key is a representation of an hourglass made of

ivory and crystal. Iskander used the key to escape into

the dungeon from the observatory, but tossed the key

back into the room after using it so the adventurers

could follow him down. Jorgen Pawl found the key and

has it now. The characters must take the key from him

to reach the dungeon level.

8. A u d i e n c e C h a m b e r

The walls o f this chamber bear exotic geometric designs

representing feathers, eagles, and snakes, all rendered in

a style you’ve never seen before. To one side o f the room,

a human female is sprawled face down in a pool o f blood.

She is dressed like a high-ranking member o f the Cult

o f the Dragon.

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