D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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St a g e 3

T h ird C ouncil o f Waterdeep. At the third meeting of

the Council of Waterdeep, the characters take lead

roles in shaping the fight against the cult.

X onth al’s Tower. The Cult of the Dragon is not without

its own internal strife, as the adventurers discover

when a cultist contacts them with the offer to turn

over one of the dragon masks essential to Severin’s

plans. The characters must infiltrate a cult stronghold

and claim the mask, then save a nearby village from

the blue dragon that means to take the relic back.

M issio n to Thay. The ritual that w ill bring Tiamat

to Faerun is too complex for the cult’s spellcasters

to perform without their Red W izard allies—all

Thayan exiles. The adventurers travel to Thay to

forge an alliance with the Red Wizards, whose lich

lord Szass Tam hungers for revenge against the

exiles. The Red W izards of Thay are evil to the core,

though, and the delegates must tread carefully as they

present their case.

The C ult Strikes B a ck (Part 3). The Cult of the Dragon

now knows the adventurers’ strengths and methods.

If the characters don’t take precautions to safeguard

themselves, the cult stands a good chance of killing

them all with a third attack.

St a g e 4

Fourth C ouncil o f Waterdeep. At the final meeting of

the council, the characters must work to unite the

factions of the Sword Coast for the final battle against

the Cult of the Dragon. Severin is ready to fulfill his

plans, and the combined forces of the Sword Coast

must strike now if the cult is to be stopped.

Tiam at’s Return. At the Well of Dragons, a battle

unfolds that w ill decide the fate of Faerun. The

factions of the Sword Coast fight alongside new and

unexpected allies, facing off against the assembled

might of the dragon cultists, flights of chromatic

dragons, other monsters, and mercenaries. The

adventurers choose their own role during the battle,

and might rescue sacrificial prisoners, shut down the

Draakhorn, or take the lead in disrupting the magical

ritual that w ill allow Tiamat to enter the world.

A d v a n c e m e n t

Tyranny o f Dragons: The Rise o f Tiamat was designed

around the milestone system of advancement. At the

start of the adventure, the characters should be 7th

or 8th level. Instead of tracking specific experience

awards, characters can level up at the completion of

significant episodes of the adventure. The characters

level up after every episode listed below:

• Episode 3: Death to the Wyrmspeakers (Varram)

• Episode 2: The Sea of Moving Ice

• Episode 5: The Cult Strikes Back (First Attack)

• Episode 4: Death to the Wyrmspeakers (Neronvain)

• Episode 5: The Cult Strikes Back (Second Attack)

• Episode 7: Xonthal’s Tower

• Episode 8: Mission to Thay (level gain at D M ’s option)

• Episode 5: The Cult Strikes Back (Third Attack)

Leveling up after seven milestones should bring the

characters to 14th or 15th level in time for the final

battle at the Well of Dragons.

A d v e n t u r e H o o k s

For characters who have not played Hoard o f the Dragon

Queen, the adventure can also begin by playing out

another episode before the first session of the Council of

Waterdeep. The party could be summoned by a factional

leader seeking aid against the Cult of the Dragon, with

the characters asked to undertake the “Varram the

White” portion of the “Death to the Wyrmspeakers”

episode. Seeking to capture a high-ranking cult leader is

a great step in the fight against the cult. Once they return

to Waterdeep, the adventurers then become embroiled in

the first session of the “Council of Waterdeep” episode.

Tyranny o f Dragons can be adapted to different

regions of the Forgotten Realms, or to a different

campaign setting entirely with a bit of preparation on

your part. Change the names, factions, and locations

present in the adventure to suit your own campaign.

A d d i t i o n a l E n c o u n t e r s

The Rise o f Tiamat is an open-framework adventure

designed for higher-level characters. As such, not all

your game sessions need to stick to the main track of

the adventure narrative. Additional events, rumors, and

encounters can be used as needed or added as side treks

or distractions. The following encounter seeds are meant

to be used when you want to break up the narrative or if

the players get off track. Each can be expanded as you

like, and is meant to tie into one of the main episodes in

the adventure (or to let you gently guide the players in

that direction). Each additional encounter also provides

a sense of the wider scope of the setting.

M o n s t r o u s U p r i s i n g

A charismatic half-red dragon veteran leads a band

of 21 kobolds and 7 lizardfolk, taking advantage of

the unrest along the Sword Coast. The group might

besiege a village the characters are staying at, raid and

enslave another settlement, or start charging tolls along

one of the trade roads of the Sword Coast. This band

isn’t organized enough to attack all at once and provide

a significant challenge to the party. Instead, it shows

the increasing anarchy of the region, and the way that

Tiamat’s rise has emboldened evil creatures that aren’t

directly serving the Dragon Queen.

P o w e r o f t h e C u l t

The Cult of the Dragon expands its operation in larger

and bolder ways. Its leaders send diplomatic missions

to Berdusk, Triel, and other settlements demanding

tribute—and offering protection from dragon raids

for those who comply. Cultists shake down caravans

seeking protection money, and have been burning

caravans that belong to the rivals of those who do

pay. Less scrupulous merchants are finding it easier

to do business with the cult than to fight against

them. Any Zhentarim contacts of the adventurers are

understandably worried about these developments.

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