D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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2. C h u u l P o o l

Filling the center of this eighty-foot-square courtyard is

a circular pool o f water sixty feet across. The water is

dark and murky, reducing visibility to about one foot. A

garnet gemstone hovers one foot above the center o f the

pool. Another path leaves the area through the hedge

wall on the far side o f the pool, directly opposite where

you entered.

Four chuuls dwell in this dark water. They stay hidden

as long as the characters remain in the courtyard, but

attack any creature that enters the pool or touches

the gem. Attacking chuuls try to paralyze characters,

then drag or throw them into the 50-foot-deep pool to

drown them. They are fascinated by magic, though, and

if any magic item is dropped into the pool, the chuuls

are distracted for 5 rounds. They won’t attack during

that time, and if they were already attacking, they

stop and dive to the bottom of the pool to inspect their

new treasure.

If the characters attempt to leave the area without

retrieving the garnet, both paths curve away and bring

them back here after a short walk. If the characters

leave any marks, items, or companions behind in this

area, all the same conditions apply here as in area 1.

If the garnet is carried out of this area, either path

leads the characters back to the sundial.

T r e a s u r e

The bottom of the pool holds the treasure that’s been

dropped in by various visitors: six potions o f healing,

one potion o f growth, one potion o f fire breath, a wand

o f fear (3 charges), three +1 daggers, a driftglobe, and an

elemental gem (clear sapphire/air elemental).

3. C y c l o p e s ’ Pa s t u r e

When the cyclopes are within 20 feet of the

characters, the one that lost the game scoops up a

small boulder from the ground and gestures toward the

party. He then looks downfield and heaves the boulder

100 feet, where it bounces and rolls another 20 feet.

Both cyclopes then turn and look at the characters


The boulders at this end of the field are all at least 2

feet in diameter and weigh 500 pounds or more.

The cyclopes speak only Giant. If any character

addresses them in that language, they ignore any

questions but explain the rules of their game: the

characters’ boulder must fly farther than the cyclops’s.

How the characters accomplish this is unimportant

to the cyclopes, but the boulder can’t be dragged or

carried—it must fly at least part of the distance.

The characters can beat this challenge in several

ways. The most straightforward solution is to reduce the

boulder with an enlarge/reduce spell, then use the same

spell to enlarge a strong character to throw it. Other

solutions might involve casting levitate on the rock and

giving it a push, digging a trench for the rock to roll

down the length of the field, or propelling it with magic

in some other way. The cyclopes w ill accept any solution

the characters attempt, as long as it propels the stone

farther than the cyclops did.

Each cyclops defends itself if attacked, and killing

them changes nothing. The characters still need to

propel a stone farther than the cyclops did to get back to

the sundial.

When the characters beat the challenge, the stone

that the cyclops threw splits in half, revealing a topaz

gemstone inside. If the topaz is carried out of this area,

either path leads the characters back to the sundial.

If the characters attempt to leave the area without

winning the contest, both paths curve away and bring

them back here after a short walk. If the characters

leave any marks, items, or companions behind in this

area, all the same conditions apply here as in area 1.

You emerge from the path into an area far larger than

any open area you expected to encounter in the maze

garden. This rectangular space must be ninety feet

across, with its far side almost 150 feet away. It looks like

a boulder-strewn pasture, with a large pond to one side

and a fenced vegetable garden and oversized cottage on

the other. Sheep graze in the pasture, tended by a pair of

cyclopes, but none o f them are moving. They all appear

frozen in time.

As soon as any character advances into the area, the

creatures here spring to life, with the sheep grazing

and the cyclopes chatting idly with each other. When

the cyclopes notice the characters, they exchange a few

unheard words, then play some sort of game analogous

to rock/paper/scissors. One loses, and both cyclopes

approach the characters. They don’t appear to be

carrying weapons.

4. C a r n i v o r o u s G a r d e n

Ahead, you see a bubbling fountain filling the pathway.

Large bright flowers grow in the hedges on both sides of

the fountain, each blossom shimmering in the light. The

air smells particularly fresh and sweet here.

A large flower grows on each northern and southern

side of each square on the map except the square with

the fountain. As the characters get closer, they can

see that the shimmering of the flowers comes from a

large pearl set into each one. However, if any of these

carnivorous flowers is attacked, or if a character tries to

remove a pearl from a flower, all twelve flowers attack

any enemy they can reach. Use the statistics of an

otyugh to represent each flower, except they have speed

0, and they have the plant type.

Once a flower is killed, its pearl can be removed. If

a pearl is carried out of this area, either path leads the

characters back to the sundial.

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