D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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L T h e Su n d i a l

After walking up the entrance path into the maze,

this is the first area the characters arrive at, entering

along pathway E.

You've entered an intersection where eight paths converge

symmetrically. You can see Xonthal’s Tower dead ahead

above the hedge wall, but the way the paths curve, there's

no telling which one might lead to it.

A sundial stands in the center o f the intersection, the

shadow from its gnomon pointing straight toward the

tower— which is highly odd, because the sun isn't behind

you. Your shadows point in the proper direction. Only the

sundial's shadow points ahead.

The sundial is anchored to the ground and cannot be

moved or shifted. The eight paths leading out of this

area are identical. If the characters try to make any

identifying marks on the ground or leave items in this

area, the marks and items are gone the next time they

arrive here. The adventurers shouldn’t know whether

they’re coming back to the same spot each time or

whether more than one identical sundial intersection

exists in the maze.

The sundial’s shadow indicates the correct path. If

the characters follow one of the paths not indicated

by the sundial, it leads them to one of the other areas

of the maze (your choice). There is no turning back

from a wrong path. Once the last character has gone

out of sight of the sundial (15 feet along the curving

path), reversing direction delivers all characters to

the same area they would have reached if they’d kept

going forward.

If the characters take the correct path, they return

to area 1 after 2d6 rounds. Each time they return, the

sundial points toward a different path, in the order

presented below. However, each time the characters

enter this area after the first, the gnomon casts more

than one shadow. The adventurers must deduce the

correct path from among multiple shadows, but those

solutions aren’t obvious or even fair. Xonthal was trying

to keep enemies and curiosity-seekers out—not just to

present them with an enjoyable mental challenge.

S u n d i a l S h a d o w s

Sundial Shadows Point At Correct Path

1 A A

2 A, C B

3 A, D, F E

4 B, D, F, H Sundial

5 A -H Edge o f hedge

into the gnomon and the sundial shows no shadow at

all. The correct path in this case is the sundial itself.

A character who jumps or climbs onto the sundial is

drawn into its stone surface, then is suddenly dropped

out of the sky to land harmlessly around sundial 5.

The fifth sundial casts eight shadows that point at

every possible pathway. No path is the right one. To

correctly bisect the shadows, characters must move

between the paths, straight into the end of any hedge. As

soon as a character steps, runs, or dives headlong into a

hedge, he or she emerges safely at the foot of the tower.

Each time the characters choose a wrong path,

they emerge at one of the other maze areas described

below, which you can use in any order you like. If the

characters make the wrong choice more than six times,

you can reuse areas, create new ones of your own, or let

the characters wander down a path much longer than

usual before encountering the sundial again.

Characters always return to the same sundial puzzle

they most recently departed (sundial 1 through 5), so

that they do not need to retrace their steps from the very

beginning after each wrong turn. However, they have

no way to tell whether they have returned to the same

specific sundial, as noted above.

C o m p l e t i n g t h e M a z e

When the characters complete the maze by successfully

entering the hedge at the fifth sundial, they emerge

within sight of a teleportation circle at the foot of the

tower. The body of a dead cultist lies sprawled on the

ground (the one Iskander threw off the balcony earlier).

Behind them, the characters see a straight path that

leads directly to the sundial intersection. Another path

extends thirty yards beyond the sundial, ending at the

exit to the village.

A few seconds after the first character steps onto the

circle, all creatures in the circle are teleported to area

8 of the tower. Alternatively, the characters can walk

out of the garden from the foot of the tower without any

detours or difficulties. However, any gems they collected

in the maze (see below) w ill mysteriously vanish from

their possession.

Splitting th e Party

Some parties are going to try splitting up in the hope of

outwitting the maze. No matter how the characters attempt

to do so, however, they always wind up back together.

If groups take separate paths, they meet at the same

destination. If one character stays at the sundial while others

take a path, that path leads back to the sundial where the

character is waiting. Moreover, that character swears that

the others have been gone for ld6 hours— long enough

to gain the benefit o f a short rest (though taking a long

rest is impossible in the maze). As usual, any identifying

marks made in the area vanish during those hours without

anyone noticing.

The first three sundials are straightforward, even if

the solutions are not always obvious.

The fourth sundial casts four shadows in an “X ”

shape. As the characters examine them, the shadows

start slowly rotating around the face of the sundial,

spinning faster and becoming shorter until they shrink

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