D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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the illness, his suspicions blossomed into full-blown

paranoia. He is convinced that someone at Xonthal’s

Tower poisoned him, and he now trusts no one. To

save himself, Iskander has decided to betray the cult

and seek safety elsewhere. Having heard the exploits

of the adventurers, he has decided that the cult's most

effective enemies are his best bet as allies—and that

a dragon mask should be more than enough to attract

their attention.

A n U n e x p e c t e d M e s s a g e

Iskander’s message to the party can arrive in any

manner you see fit, including through contacts in the

Zhentarim. Whether it comes directly to the characters

or to an N P C on the Council of Waterdeep, the message

could be a hastily scribbled note, an eloquent appeal

delivered by bonded messenger, or a whispered plea in a

dark corridor.

"You don’t know me, but we can help each other

immeasurably. My name is Iskander, and I made a

terrible mistake in joining the Cult o f the Dragon. The

cult's horrifying plans are sure to bring doom to all, but

I can stop those plans with your help. Rescue me from

the cult's clutches, and I will deliver to you the prize o f

prizes: the Blue Dragon Mask. W ithout it, Severin faces

an insurmountable setback in his effort to call Tiamat

back to our world. The mask is here in Xonthal’s Tower,

being studied and guarded by only a handful o f wizards,

including myself.

“The danger o f my treason becoming known grows

with every passing day, and if I’m discovered, I’ll surely

be killed. Please hurry, for the sake o f everyone and

everything you value.”

The adventurers are likely to be suspicious of Iskander,

intuiting that his offer is motivated more by concern

for his own survival than by concern for the world.

If divination spells are used to assess the situation,

give the characters a strong sense that Iskander is

on the level, and that the Blue Dragon Mask is in

his possession.

If the characters ask the members of the Council of

Waterdeep their opinions, the N P C s are unanimous: the

risk is enormous, but the potential payoff is even greater.

Losing one of the five dragon masks w ill be a huge

setback for Severin’s plans.

X o n t h a l ’s T o w e r

Xonthal’s Tower is legendary among the wizards

and tale-spinners of Faertin for its unusual magical

defenses, including a magical hedge maze that

surrounds it. The cultists avoid the hedge maze by

accessing a portal inside the tower that they use to

travel in and out.

The wizard Xonthal was an extraordinary figure.

Beginning as a lowly adventurer, he traveled across

Faerun and beyond, reaching distant Zakhara, Kara-Tur,

and even Maztica. H is work focused on conjuration and

elemental evocation, so he often kept elementals and

genies for company.

Xonthal prized solitude, so he designed his tower

and its surrounding hedge maze to deter intruders

and unwanted visitors. Over a century ago, the wizard

kicked his apprentices out and sealed the tower. No one

knows what Xonthal has been up to in the intervening

decades, or whether he’s even still alive. Some think he

must have become a lich, while others believe he’s just

dead. A ll that’s certain is that the hedge maze remains a

frustrating barrier, and the spells and wards protecting

the tower against entry remain as powerful as ever.

T h e V i l l a g e

Spreading out along the edge of the hedge maze is a

village, also called Xonthal’s Tower. The settlement

began as a place where Xonthal’s many apprentices

established homes of their own. As years passed, more

settlers were drawn to the area as word spread that the

wizard and his apprentices offered excellent protection

against marauding ores and monsters. The village is

smaller now than in the tower’s heyday, but about three

hundred people still live there.

The locals are friendly enough, but they’re wary of

strangers who ask too many questions about the tower.

Things were quiet there for a long time, but for almost

a year now, the villagers have seen lights through

the windows at night and heard unearthly sounds. A

few claim to have seen a blue dragon lingering in the

sky high above. Some villagers scoff at that idea, but

everyone agrees that the tower has been reoccupied.

Once the villagers are satisfied that the adventurers

haven’t come to lay waste to the tower (fearing that

an all-out battle would likely destroy the village too),

they’re interested in talking of little else besides who

could be inside. The most popular theories are that

Xonthal has returned or has awakened as a lich, or that

one of the genies and elementals he once imprisoned

finally broke free of its restraints but remains trapped

inside the tower.

The villagers warn the characters sternly about the

danger of entering the maze. Few who enter it ever

come back out, and those who do come out are much

worse for wear. Even animals and birds avoid the maze.

The tower and the maze are protected by brilliantly

crafted wishes cast by Xonthal. The tower is impervious

to all scrying and divination, and invulnerable against

all forms of attack and alteration. Approaching through

the maze and overcoming the puzzles designed by

Xonthal is the only way to get inside.

T h e M a z e

The hedge maze surrounding the central tower is an

astounding work of magical construction. In certain

regards, it’s even more impressive than the tower

because of the powerful ways it manipulates space.

A gently curving path leads into the maze from the

edge of the village. The villagers built a low fence across

the entrance to keep young children and animals from

wandering in. Fear of the maze is hammered into all

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