D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episode 7: Xonthal’sTower

Though Severin’s hold on the Cult of the Dragon

is strong, there remain traditionalist elements

within the cult that long for the old ways of

reverence for the dracoliches. Many such elements

center around scholars and academics, for whom the

cult’s new focus has made their knowledge and research

irrelevant. Others think that Severin is being taken in by

devils and that Tiamat w ill play him for a fool—a notion

fairly close to the truth.

Two of the leading dracolich traditionalists—a

dragonsoul named Jorgen Pawl and his trusted

lieutenant Iskander—have been most vocal in their

objections. As the time of the summoning ritual

approaches, Severin understands that he can’t risk

losing loyal troops to infighting and insurrection.

He has thus agreed to give Jorgen Pawl and his followers

a dragon mask to examine, allowing them to determine

whether Severin’s understanding of the masks’ power is

correct. If Severin is wrong, he w ill know before risking

everything on a do-or-die gamble. If he is right, the

traditionalists w ill give their support to Severin’s plans.

What Jorgen does not know is that Severin asked

his Red W izard allies to create a false mask, supplying

the scholar with a duplicate of the Blue Dragon Mask

that appears both powerful and inscrutable, though it

holds little in the way of real magic. Severin knows the

scholars w ill discover the deception eventually, but he

hopes that the false mask w ill keep the traditionalists

occupied while he completes his plans.

The Cult of the Dragon recently took control of

Xonthal’s Tower—an ancient and mysterious wizard’s

tower on the southern slope of Mount Hlim. Although

not all the cult members at Xonthal’s Tower are

dracolich traditionalists, Jorgen Pawl and Iskander

are in command there, and they have drawn many

likeminded individuals under their sway.

I s k a n d e r

Neutral evil male human wizard

The young second-in-command at Xonthal’s Tower

stands an impressive 6-feet-5-inches tall. Iskander is not

overly brave, but he is observant. One fact that hasn’t

escaped his notice is the number of rising stars in the

Cult of the Dragon who meet mysterious ends before

reaching their full potential. The suspicion that some

cultists practice “advancement through assassination”

or eliminate ambitious underlings to safeguard their

own positions preys heavily on Iskander’s mind.

Four tendays past, Iskander came down with a

stomach affliction that left him critically weak. During

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