D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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T a z m i k e l l a

Female Copper Dragon

Tazmikella is fond of humans and has spent a great deal

of time living among them, but she has reservations

about supporting the factions. Her lair arid hoard have

been the target of cunning thieves and fast-talking

swindlers more than once, and she perceives betrayal

as a humanoid trait. She fears what might happen if one

or more factions turn against the metallic dragons to

demonstrate loyalty to Tiamat.

The copper dragon also believes that unrestricted

interaction between humanoids and dragons has been

disastrous for both races. The Dracorage mythal serves

as a sore reminder of the animosity that has often arisen

between the two peoples.

Desire. Tazmikella agrees with Protanther that the

metallic dragons could strike against the chromatic

dragons themselves. However, she is not convinced

they would succeed, and having humanoid allies would

reduce casualties for both sides.

Attitude. Neutral. If any character is a dragonborn,

Tazmikella is instead cautious. If the party contains any

character with a personal reputation for shady dealings

(particularly a rogue or bard), she is unfriendly.

Concession. Pick one magic item owned by a member

of the party, and which was found during a previous

adventure. That item turns out to have once belonged

to Tazmikella, and was part of a hoard she took from

an ancient black dragon she defeated. (Legend lore or

sim ilar magic used on the item confirms this story.) The

item holds sentimental value to her—or it did until a

thief stole it from her hoard. Returning the item to her

with an apology improves Tazmikella’s attitude.

H ave W e M et B e f o r e ?

The dragons on the council have lived for centuries. Given

how quickly humanoids build up progeny, it is possible that

one o f the dragons encountered a particular character’s

ancestors and recognizes the character by smell. Perhaps

the dwarf who killed Otaaryliakkarnos’s relative was the

long-lost grand-uncle o f the party’s dwarf cleric. Or perhaps

Tazmikella’s stolen magic item is not something currently

possessed by one o f the adventurers, but she recognizes an

ancestor o f a party member as the sweet-talking bard who

stole it generations before. The character can recognize

the item as a family heirloom, and will need to make

arrangements to have it returned.

G e n e r a l C o n c e s s i o n s

improves the attitude of a single dragon by one step.

For every additional share the dragons are promised

(two shares among twelve factions, three shares among

thirteen factions, and so on), the party improves the

attitude of another dragon by one step.

The attitude of the dragons is improved by wealth

in the following order: Tazmikella, Otaaryliakkarnos,

Ileuthra, Protanther, and Nymmurh. Promising onethird

(five shares among fifteen factions) or more of the

treasure improves the attitude of all five dragons.

O ther Prom ises. The dragons do not prompt the

party with options, but the characters can potentially

sway them with other offers. Reward player ingenuity

for options such as the following:

• A promise to turn over Severin as a prisoner if he

is captured, or to deliver his body to the dragons if

he is slain.

• Consecrating a major monastery or temple

to Bahamut.

• Dedicating a historical plot of land as belonging to

the dragons.

A Relic for Ju s t S u c h an O cc a s io n

Metallic dragons are known to bestow magic and treasure

from their hoards to help heroes from time to time. If the

characters do an excellent job impressing the dragons—

for example, bringing all five dragons up to an attitude of

friendly— or if they roleplayed the encounter well, the council

dragons might grant one or more characters with a token of

their esteem. This is likely a set o f 3 arrows o f dragon slaying,

or plate armor o f lightning resistance. Either will prove useful

against the cult, especially if the characters have yet to play

the Xonthal's Tower episode. Tazmikella can even return the

item the characters gave to her as a concession. (She does

not covet it when it might do others good, but simply resents

having had it stolen.)

C o n c l u s i o n

When the characters have reached a satisfactory

agreement with the dragons, Otaaryliakkarnos

offers to return to Waterdeep to let the council know

an agreement has been reached. The details and

terms—including any concessions promised by the

characters—can be discussed during the next council

session. If the characters do not reach an agreement

because they cannot or w ill not meet the dragons’

demands, Otaaryliakkarnos flies them back but departs

Waterdeep at once.

The party can make general concessions to the dragons

to appease them as a group, rather than make personal

concessions to individual dragons. A general concession

improves the attitude of a single dragon of your choice

by one step.

Wealth. Even good dragons love treasure, and

bestowing a share of the hoard the cult has collected for

Tiamat goes a long way toward improving the attitudes

of the council dragons. The party can effectively treat

the dragons as another faction receiving an equal

portion of the hoard, granting one share of the total

treasure divided among eleven factions. Doing so

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