D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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E piso d e 6: M e t a l l i c D r a g o n s , A rise

X T " TTien the Cult of the Dragon sounded the

\ / \ / Draakhorn, its tremors were felt across the

V V North. In response, many metallic dragons

began to investigate what the sounding meant, and to

gather what information they could on the cult from

nearby humanoid cultures.

One of those dragons, an ancient gold wyrm named

Protanther, invoked an ancient draconic rite of council,

summoning ambassadors from among the metallic

dragons. Meeting in the Nether Mountains, the council

w ill determine what metallic dragons should do in the

face of the looming threat of Tiamat.

The council includes representatives from each of the

five metallic dragon races, who w ill spread word to their

fellows of the council’s decision. Of specific importance

to the factions of Waterdeep is the question of whether

the dragons should aid the civilized humanoid races

in their fight against the cult, or whether they w ill act

on their own.

During the council, the adventurers have a chance to

engage and debate some of Faerun’s wisest and most

powerful creatures. They must convince the dragons

that the cause of the humanoid folk of the Sword Coast

is just, and that dragons and non-dragons need to

support each other in this conflict.

To broker such an alliance, the characters might

need to promise concessions on behalf of different

factions—whether they have those factions’ permission

to offer concessions or not. If they are successful,

the adventurers can gain not only the support of the

dragons as a whole but also the specific favor of certain

councilors, including valuable magic items from those

dragons’ own hoards.

U n l i k e l y A m b a s s a d o r s

By ancient tradition, the draconic council includes

ambassadors from the diminutive humanoid races.

The silver dragon Otaaryliakkarnos—in the guise of

the human E lia—comes to the Council of Waterdeep to

extend the invitation to the draconic council, at which

point, the delegates discuss who should be sent as

ambassadors for the humanoid factions of the Sword

Coast. As a group not aligned overall with any specific

faction or cause, the party is deemed to be the best fit.

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