D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Option 2: O utdoor Attack. An attack in a

marketplace, garden, or some other outdoor location

opens with the black dragon and one or more flying

nycaloths appearing overhead to create a panic. The

cultists are hanging on to the dragon, but they drop

down to engage the party in melee while the dragon

circles above, attacking with its breath weapon and

using its Frightful Presence on rounds when its

breath is still recharging. W hile the crowd inhibits

the characters’ movement, mezzoloths can easily and

rapidly teleport through it.

D e v e l o p m e n t s

Don’t be afraid to engage in some triumphal

monologuing by the dragonsoul cultist leading the

attack. Whether the attackers are winning or losing,

the cultist fights with cries of “The dragons rise!” and

“We are unstoppable!” At some point, the leader lets

important information slip: “The Masks are joined, the

call has sounded! Soon the Gates of the Nine Hells shall

swing wide and She shall return!”

As with the first assault on the adventurers, try to

ensure that if the attackers are defeated, at least one

escapes to report the outcome of the battle. Most easily,

the dragon can fly away if the battle turns against it.

The yugoloths were summoned by Red Wizards

and paid by the cult to kill the adventurers, but they

have no loyalty to their benefactors. If a yugoloth takes

damage from a single attack that deals more than half

its remaining hit points, it withdraws from combat on its

next turn. If it hasn’t already tried to summon another

yugoloth, it does so immediately. If it’s already used that

power, it simply flees, intending to regroup with other

survivors later.

Because the yugoloths are mercenaries, the

characters can attempt to buy them off with a better

offer—one that not only exceeds what the cult is paying

but covers the damage to reputation that comes from

changing sides in the middle of battle. A good starting

offer is 10,000 gp, or 2,000 gp per yugoloth if more than

five of them are in the fight.

In addition to damaging bystanders, this encounter

can easily destroy buildings and great landmarks.

This formidable assault should provide a sense of the

destruction that w ill wash over the Sword Coast if the

Cult of the Dragon is successful in its plans.

C o n c l u s i o n

The attackers might win this fight and kill all the

characters. However, that doesn’t need to end the

adventure. Healers in the Order of the Gauntlet, the

Harpers, and the Emerald Enclave can restore the

characters to life so they can continue waging war

for the forces of good. Surprisingly, dying in this

battle might give the characters an advantage. When

the attackers report to Severin that the meddling

adventurers are dead, they’ll be written off as a threat. If

the raised characters make an effort to keep out of sight

of the cult’s spies, their next blow against the cult could

come as a complete surprise.

The characters gain a level at the end of this event.

T h i r d A t t a c k

The second attack was meant to finish off the heroes. If

a third attack proves necessary, the cult escalates to the

highest level.

If nothing else, the second attack should impress

on the characters that the first attack wasn’t a fluke

or a one-time event. They have a price on their heads.

Additionally, the potency of the second attack should

make the characters understand that if a third strike is

even more powerful than the second, they won’t survive.

If it doesn’t occur to the players that the characters

should take steps to protect themselves, a concerned

N P C can make the suggestion.

L o c a t i o n a n d T i m i n g

This attack can occur in any settlement the characters

are staying in or passing through. Ideally, use a location

where one or more characters have homes or family.

After the second cult attack, allow the characters to

complete one or two episodes of the adventure before

the cult makes this final attempt on their lives. Because

this attack is an all-out assault, the characters should

have full access to spells, healing, and other resources.

C u l t F o r c e s

Enough chromatic dragons have responded to the

Draakhorn’s call that a full flight of young red dragons

can be dispatched to deal with the heroes once and

for all. For this final assault, the cult bolsters the red

dragons with a handful of cultists, half-dragons, and

Red W izards (mages) who are members of Rath Modar’s

splinter sect. The cultists and Red Wizards arrive on the

backs of the red dragons.

Make this a deadly encounter—and not just by the

numbers prescribed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. By

now, the cult knows how the characters fight, and so do

you. Sometimes players can make a group of characters

tougher than their basic game statistics indicate. If

that’s the case for your group, take that into account

when selecting the attacking force.

T h i r d A t t a c k C u l t F o r c e s


Dragonwing 450

XP Value

Dragonfang 1,100

Half-red dragon gladiator* 2,300

Mage 2,300

Half-green dragon assassin** 3,900

Young red dragon 5,900

* Use the gladiator statistics but add resistance to fire damage and the

breath weapon o f a red dragon wyrmling. These changes increase the

gladiator’s challenge by 1, increasing its XP value.

** Use the assassin statistics but add the breath weapon o f a green dragon

wyrmling. This change doesn’t affect the assassin’s challenge.

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