D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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C u l t F o r c e s

The assailants the cult throws against the characters

should be adjusted for the strength of the party. Using

foes from the First Attack Cult Forces table, construct

this first attack as a hard encounter using the guidelines

in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

F i r s t A t t a c k C u l t F o r c e s


Dragonclaw 200

Dragonwing 450

XP Value

Dragonfang 1,100

Half-blue dragon gladiator* 1,800

Young blue dragon 5,000

*Use the gladiator statistics but add resistance to lightning damage and the

breath weapon of a blue dragon wyrmling.

P l a n o f A t t a c k

The cultists try to attack with surprise, using one of two

different plans outlined below. Feel free to adapt one

of these plans or devise a plan of your own. Assume

that the cultists have either observed the characters for

a few days or have been briefed about their targets by

other spies.

O p tio n 1: A tta c k a t an Inn. If the characters are

staying at an inn, the cultists might opt for a direct

assault, crashing through the front door. A more subtle

approach sees them enter the inn a few at a time

disguised as customers, then attacking when they have

the characters outnumbered and surrounded. The

dragon is unlikely to enter the inn building, opting to use

its breath weapon through the windows or attacking any

characters or bystanders who step outside.

O p tio n 2: A tta c k on the R oad. As the characters

are traveling, the cultists can get ahead of them and

lay an ambush. Alternatively, cultists might follow the

party at a distance by day, then move closer when the

characters stop to rest for the night. A surprise attack in

the dark or at dawn is particularly dangerous, granting

the dragon complete freedom of movement and creating

the possibility that some party members w ill be asleep

or unarmored.

C o n c l u s i o n

Because the cult has underestimated the heroes’

strength, this first assault is doomed to fail. However, try

to ensure that at least one cultist escapes to report what

happened. If no one gets away alive, leave signs that

other cultists were hanging back as reinforcements, but

fled when the original force was overwhelmed.

Make sure the characters understand what this attack

was about. If it makes sense for the circumstances of

the attack, the cultists w ill be dressed in full regalia,

complete with masks and dragon-wing capes. With their

last breaths, dying cultists should curse the characters

and exclaim, “The dragons rise! You cannot stop us!”

The characters gain a level at the end of this episode.

Se c o n d A t t a c k

The first attack established that the heroes are an even

more dangerous threat than the cult believed. In this

second encounter, a stronger cult force attacks to kill.

L o c a t i o n a n d T i m i n g

Place this encounter at a point when the characters are

not at their strongest or most well prepared. Wait until

they are scattered, their spells and features are depleted

by previous fighting, or they are injured and low on

healing. In particular, if the attack comes during a long

rest but before the characters have finished that rest,

they won’t yet have recovered full hit points, spells, and

other resources. Such an attack puts the characters at

a huge disadvantage, but reinforces that the Cult of the

Dragon wants the adventurers dead.

A dramatic location works best for this attack. The

cultists not only want to eliminate a threat, they want

to send a message to all others who oppose them.

Attacking at an important public building such as a

major temple or a palace declares that no place is safe

from the cult, while an assault at a large marketplace

or a royal garden guarantees a maximum number

of witnesses.

C u l t F o r c e s

The second attack force comprises a team led by a

dragonsoul cultist (see appendix A). If this is an isolated

fight with the characters at or near full strength, choose

adversaries that create a deadly encounter. If the

adventurers are weakened from earlier encounters, aim

for a hard encounter instead.

Don’t be reluctant to use forces that are likely to

kill one or more characters. The destruction of the

heroes is the goal of this attack, and if the risk of death

doesn’t feel real, the players won’t take the threat of the

cult seriously.

S e c o n d A t t a c k C u l t F o r c e s


Dragonwing 450

XP Value

Dragonsoul 1,800

Mezzoloth 1,800

Nycaloth 5,000

Adult black dragon 11,500

P l a n o f A t t a c k

These attackers know more about their targets than the

first group did, thanks to the survivors from that battle.

O p tio n 1: In d o o r A tta ck. The attackers launch their

assault while the characters are visiting an important

location crowded with innocent bystanders. The black

dragon begins by tearing off a section of the roof to

incite as much terror as possible. W hile the characters

are distracted by that assault, invisible nycaloths

move in and attack with surprise. The mezzoloths use

cloudkill to surround the characters, unconcerned about

N P C s caught up in the attack.

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