D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episode 5: The Cult Strikes Back

During the course of this adventure, the heroes

undertake various activities to thwart the plots

of the Cult of the Dragon. The cult’s awareness

of the characters’ opposition to their goals w ill have

started even earlier if the characters played Hoard of

the Dragon Queen. Either way, it doesn’t take long for

the cult to target the characters as a threat that must

be eliminated.

Like the “Council of Waterdeep” episode, this episode

is played out as separate encounters. However, these

attacks work best if they are incorporated into other

episodes, rather than played out between episodes.

Think about the pacing of other episodes and the

placement of these encounters so that the cult’s attacks

can be spaced out over time. In particular, the third

attack should be placed for maximum effectiveness.

The cult’s attacks can happen anywhere, but the

characters are at greatest risk while on their home

ground. The cult wants its enemies to know that they

aren’t safe anywhere. If the characters ever split up

to pursue separate missions in what seem like safe

environments, the cult is almost certain to strike.

C h a r a c t e r D e a t h

Character death should always be handled carefully, but

don't be afraid to kill party members in this adventure. The

characters should be high enough level to cast raise dead,

or to seek out such magic from their allies. Especially if they

played through Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, the characters

have had ample opportunity to prove their worth to the

Harpers, the Order o f the Gauntlet, and the other factions.

F ir s t A t t a c k

The cult’s first attack against the heroes is a measured

assault designed to deliver a warning.

L o c a t i o n a n d T i m i n g

This attack can occur anywhere. The cult has no

concern for innocent bystanders, but the encounter w ill

be easier for you to run without a panicking crowd to

deal with. This combat encounter should occur after

a previous combat encounter has drained some of

the characters’ resources, but before they can finish

a long rest.

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