D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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cooking fire burns in the center of the room, its smoke

rising out to the central cavern and then out of the caves.

If the alarm hasn’t been raised, 5 dragonclaw and 1

dragonfang cultists (see appendix A) are at leisure here.

Unless the characters are wearing cult garb and can

roleplay effectively, the cultists immediately recognize

them as intruders and attack.

6. C u l t i s t Q u a r t e r s

Rough bunks, bedrolls, and backpacks fill this area. If

the alarm hasn’t yet been raised, 5 dragonclaw and 1

dragonfang cultists (see appendix A) are asleep here.

T r e a s u r e

Hidden under the mattresses in the bunks are a total of

30 gp, 120 sp, 23 ep, and 200 cp, plus a single 5 pound

silver trade bar from Baldur’s Gate (20 gp).

7. St o r e r o o m

The cult keeps considerable quantities of food and

alcohol here. Judging by the volume of these stores,

Neronvain is planning a long series of assaults against

the elves of the Misty Forest.

T r e a s u r e

The food is mostly common fare, but Neronvain’s

personal stock includes 8 bottles of Evermead, each

worth 100 gp. Since contact with the elven island of

Evermeet is so rare, it is easy to find a buyer.

8. N e r o n v a i n ’s C h a m b e r s

Neronvain has created a lush living space in this

rough-walled cavern, decorating it with select art and

craftworks from his raids. Rich carpets and tapestries

cover the floor and walls of the cavern, which features a

hewn-log bed, a large mirror, and a trunk.

The entrance tunnel to this chamber is protected

by a glyph o f w arding attuned to Neronvain. A D C 14

Intelligence (Investigation) check notices the glyph. If

anyone but Neronvain steps within 5 feet of the glyph,

it erupts to deal 22 (5d8) acid damage to all creatures

within 20 feet of it.

A secret door is hidden behind a tapestry.

If Neronvain is in the stronghold, he is found in this

area only if the characters have managed to come this

far without engaging in any combat or causing any alert

to be sounded. He is otherwise encountered when he

enters the fight against the characters.

T r e a s u r e

If the characters can collect all the furniture, carpets,

tapestries, and art objects from this area, the lot is

worth a total of 1,500 gp. However, it should occur to

the characters that these goods are the rightful property

of the elves they were stolen from.

The trunk is protected by a poisoned needle trap,

which can be detected with a successful DC 18

Intelligence (Investigation) check. If the trap is triggered,

it makes an attack: +10 to hit, 1 piercing damage, and

the character is subject to an unusual poison and

must attempt a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a

success, the affected area (usually the hand struck by

the needle) becomes numb in 30 minutes, then becomes

transparent 1 hour later. After another 2 hours, the

affected area painfully returns to normal as the victim

takes 27 (6d8) poison damage. If the saving throw is

failed, the effect progresses as above but the victim takes

54 (12d8) poison damage.

9. S e c r e t Pa s s a g e

This secret room is for Neronvain’s personal use only.

A small shrine to Fenmarel Mestarine—the elven god

of outcasts, scapegoats, and solitude—resembles a pair

of white eyes peering out from the dark wall above a

small basin.

Also present here is a journal that reveals Neronvain’s

relationship to King Melandrach, whom Neronvain

refers to frequently as “my poor father.” The journal also

reveals that the Green Dragon Mask is already at the

Well of Dragons, under Severin’s protection and ready

to be assembled into the Mask o f the Dragon Queen.

10. C h u t h ’s L a i r

No one but the dragon and Neronvain are allowed in this

area. Along the east wall is Chuth’s portion of the hoard

collected from the elves of the Misty Forest, though this

pales in comparison to what the cult claimed for Tiamat

and what the dragon possesses in his other lairs. The

vaulted ceiling is 60 feet high here.

If Chuth is in the stronghold, he is initially found

here only if the characters have come this far without

engaging in any combat or sounding any alarm, or if

he and Neronvain have retreated to the lair. If Chuth is

encountered here, he uses his breath weapon, legendary

actions, and lair actions indiscriminately. He tries to

push powerful melee combatants back to the walls, then

creates a wall of thorns to fence them in.

Because this is only a small portion of his total

hoard, Chuth has no interest in dying to protect it. He

flees when he is reduced to half his hit points or fewer.

Neronvain fights until similarly reduced, then makes

his way to Chuth and convinces the dragon to flee

the caverns.

T r e a s u r e

Chuth’s small hoard contains ten gold trade bars from

Baldur’s Gate worth 50 gp each, plus 10 pp, 120 gp,

2,400 sp, and 8,000 cp. Feel free to add a couple useful

potions or scrolls to the hoard as well.

C o n c l u s i o n

This episode can end either with one or both of Chuth

and Neronvain dead or escaped from the stronghold.

If either survives, they retreat to the Well of Dragons

and report the adventurers’ actions to Severin. (If

appropriate, you might let either Chuth or Neronvain

seek revenge as part of the force that attacks the

adventurers in the episodes of “The Cult Strikes Back.”)

In any event, the threat against the Misty Forest is

ended. King Melandrach hears of the party’s actions

and is grateful for the heroes’ bravery. However, the

discovery that his lost son Neronvain is a wyrmspeaker

fills him with shame and rage.

The characters gain a level at the end of this episode.

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