D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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The pool is 50 feet deep, and the island is a column of

stone rising from its bottom. To the southeast, 25 feet

below the surface of the lake, a 20-foot-wide underwater

passageway leads to Chuth’s lair in area 10.

If the characters did not alert Chuth to their approach,

a group of elf guards (3 commoners and 1 noble) stand

at the northwest entrance to this area, driven by fear

into serving the dragon (see area 4). They are expecting

more cultists to arrive at the lair, and savvy characters

might be able to bluff or roleplay past them. The elves

demand the characters’ names and ask questions they

believe only true cultists would know the answers to,

including knowing the identities of the cult’s leaders and

the structure of its ranks.

Even if they are fooled initially, the elves become

suspicious if the characters begin to ask any questions

that cultists should know (including questions about

Neronvain, Chuth, or the stronghold). In this event, the

elves call out for help and attack at once.

Any fight here draws the creatures in areas 3, 4, and

5, which fight as described below. Chuth emerges from

the pool and joins the fight 3 rounds later.

D r a g o n A t t a c k

If the characters were attacked by Chuth at the pool, the

dragon clings to the ceiling in this area, using his breath

weapon on the characters as soon as they enter the

caves. He then crashes down on the party, focusing on

elves over any other humanoids with his melee attacks.

Chuth refrains from using his breath weapon if doing so

might hurt or hinder his allies.

The dragon’s roar signals the start of the fight for the

servants of Chuth and Neronvain lying in wait for the

adventurers. The elves fire bows from atop the bluff of

area 4, while the ettins and cultists wade into melee

beside their master. See areas 3, 4, and 5 for creature

stats and information. Neronvain attacks at range from

behind the cultists, staying close to the entrance to

areas 5 and 6.

If the characters kill or incapacitate all of Neronvain

and Chuth’s servants, the dragon hides in the pool and

emerges each time his breath weapon recharges. While

hiding in the water, the dragon is heavily obscured.

If Neronvain is reduced to 54 hit points, he summons

Chuth to his side and consumes a potion o f healing. If

Chuth is reduced to 78 hit points, he likewise seeks out

Neronvain in the fight. The two then fall back to area 10

through the pool.

N ice D a y f o r a Sw im

If the characters follow Chuth and Neronvain into the pool,

don’t forget that the dragon is amphibious. Chuth can use

any o f his attacks underwater, as well as his lair actions.

Characters swimming through the underwater passage might

be suddenly restrained by underwater vines, making them

easy targets for the dragon’s Poison Breath, or putting them

at risk o f drowning if they cannot free themselves.

3. E t t i n L a i r

This filthy chamber features only three huge trash

mounds piled against the west walls. This place is

home to 3 ettins, all of which hate each other. If the

adventurers make it this far undetected, the ettins

assume them to be more stupid human cultists doing

stupid human things. They ignore the characters

as they go back to pushing each other around for

“touchin’ me stuff.”

With a bit of clever roleplaying, the characters might

be able to incite the ettins to fight one another. This

costs each ettin 21 hit points and keeps them busy for

10 minutes as they wrestle and shout.

The leader of the ettins is a female named Grunda-

Gurga. She has a belt o f h ill giant strength but wears it

improperly as a sash, receiving none of its benefits and

having no awareness of its magical potential.

4. E l f Q u a r t e r s

The tunnel leading to this area rises 20 feet to end in a

rickety wooden door, constructed by the elves to keep

some of the ettin smell out. This area sits atop an open

bluff, with its northeast edges looking out over area 2.

Neronvain and Chuth brought a dozen elves back

from their raids in the Misty Forest as prisoners —8

commoners, 3 nobles with whom Neronvain

converses on occasion, and a knight and mage who are

Chuth’s playthings.

If the characters have entered the caverns undetected,

any elves not on guard duty (see area 2) are here. As

long as no alarm has been raised, the elves are hesitant

to attack possible guests of Neronvain or Chuth, but they

remain suspicious.

The elves are terrified of Chuth, and the cunning

dragon has convinced them that he w ill free them in

time if they are loyal. It takes convincing roleplaying and

a DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the

elves to flee rather than wait around for the dragon to

eventually tire of and eat them. If the characters received

the garlands from the druid and place them on the elves,

this automatically convinces them to safely flee.

F o r g o t t e n S h r i n e

An ancient shrine stands in the southwest corner of

the cavern, showing a young female human holding a

basin. A successful D C 15 Intelligence (Religion) check

recognizes the shrine of Eldath, goddess of waterfalls.

Water flows from cracks in the ceiling and onto the

statue’s head, then into the basin. The long years have

etched thin white lines resembling the tracks of tears

across the statue’s face.

The goddess Eldath still listens at this shrine.

Characters who pray for her assistance in fighting the

dragon can receive a boon at your discretion, including

water breathing, bless, or other useful spells.

5. C u l t i s t C o m m o n R o o m

This area is brightly lit by torches set into roughly

carved wall sconces. Long tables made of split logs are

where the cultists sit to eat or entertain themselves. A

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