D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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A steep slope descends from the cave behind the

waterfall to the entrance to area 2, its surface slick

from billowing mist. A character must succeed on a DC

12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or a D C 12 Strength

(Athletics) check to climb or crawl down the slope.

Failure indicates that the character tumbles 40 feet

down the slope, taking 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage.

Characters using a rope to descend the slope can

do so safely.

D r a g o n A t t a c k

If the characters wear the garlands given to them by the

druid, Chuth has no idea of their approach, allowing

them to safely pass through this area and into the caves.

If the adventurers did not receive the garlands, or if

they took them off for any reason while within a quarter

mile of Chuth’s lair, the dragon’s many animal spies

alert him to the party’s approach. He waits at the mouth

of the cave, clinging to the wall near the entrance.

A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom

(Perception) check notices movement inside the cave but

can’t tell what it is (or how large a creature it might be).

Chuth uses his blindsight to detect when the

characters are approaching the entrance to the cave.

He then dives through the waterfall, soaring above the

characters as he uses his Poison Breath, attacking with

surprise if no one in the party noticed him. Characters

not wearing the garlands are also exposed to the

dragon’s Frightful Presence. Characters who fail their

saving throws against Frightful Presence likely flee

back into the woods, where spiders might be waiting.

On the dragon’s next turn, it retreats back to area 2 to

await the heroes’ next move.

2. Is l a n d C h a m b e r

This large chamber has a 40-foot-high ceiling set with

massive stalactites, with smaller stalagmites set across

the ground. A pool with a small island in the southeast

corner of the cavern is fed by streams of water dripping

down through the rock. The southwest face of the

cavern is a 25-foot-high bluff, part of which is area 4.

No O ne Home

When the characters approach the stronghold, there

might be a chance that Chuth has left the caves to hunt, or

that he and Neronvain are out scouting future raids. You

can determine this randomly as you see fit, or allow the

characters to hole up within sight o f the stronghold and

simply wait for the dragon and the wyrmspeaker to leave.

Removing Chuth and Neronvain from the stronghold for an

initial foray allows the characters to explore and eliminate the

guards without the pressure o f an imminent dragon attack.

This dungeon is a tough adventure even for higher-level

characters, especially with the legendary actions Chuth can

use in his lair. Attacking head-on if the dragon is aware o f the

adventurers' approach is likely a suicide mission.

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