D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Galin does not know the identity of the green

wyrmspeaker, or the location of Neronvain and Chuth’s

lair. However, from the meeting place, he has watched

the dragon flying off on a course due southeast and he

has noticed that the wyrmspeaker’s clothes and hair

are often wet.

In t o t h e F o r e s t

Neronvain’s stronghold lies thirty miles from Altand

through dense, fog-filled forest. As they seek the

wyrmspeaker and his dragon, the characters meet

an old druid who can help or hinder their quest, and

must deal with the spidery guardians Chuth has set

outside his lair.

A T i m e l y R e s c u e

As the characters travel through the forest, they hear

the crunch of a large tree breaking, followed by a female

voice crying out. If they investigate, they see a venerable

woman with her leg trapped under a heavy fallen tree.

She calls out for help when she sees the party. This

druid is the caretaker of this part of the forest.

Three awakened trees are hidden among the other

trees nearby—one of which has intentionally and

harmlessly fallen across the druid, allowing her to feign

injury and draw the characters to her. She guesses

correctly that the group are seeking the dragon, and

wishes to give them a boon to aid their fight against

this scourge of her forest, but she wishes to test their

strength of character first. She w ill not help those who

do not help others.

If the characters help the druid without reservation,

read the following.

It takes all your effort to lift the tree, knowing that you put

yourselves at risk if it shifts against you. But then even as

you are close to freeing the woman, the tree begins to rise

on its own. Two other trees standing nearby shift back

along the ground as the elf stands and smiles, showing no

sign o f injury.

“ Heroes at last!” she says. “ How many might fall back

in fear at the sight o f a stranger in the woods, or think

first o f their own safety before helping another? I grant

you my blessing. May your hearts prove true where others

fear to tread."

The woman picks flowers from her hair that you

swear were not there a moment ago, then twists her

fingers to weave them into garlands as if by magic. She

lays a garland around each of your necks, then suddenly

transforms into an owl. Her awakened tree servants

stomp after her into the forest.

As long as the characters wear these garlands, they

are invisible to Chuth’s animal spies (part of the magic

imbued into the area around the dragon’s lair) as they

approach Neronvain’s stronghold. In addition, the

first time a character wearing a garland is confronted

by Chuth, he or she feels a stirring warmth from the

garland and automatically succeeds on the saving throw

against the dragon’s Frightful Presence.

If the characters ignore the druid, she calls out

pitifully for help as they move away, offering a last

lament against their cowardice as they disappear. If the

adventurers attack the druid, the awakened trees attack.

They fight to the death as the druid turns into an owl

and flies away.

S p i d e r s ’ H a u n t

A quarter of a mile from Chuth’s lair, thin strands of

spiderweb begin to be seen, hanging nearly invisible

in the misty air. The webs mark the overlap between

the dragon’s lair and the hunting grounds of a brood

of spiders. The webbing combines with the dense mist

of the forest to make the area around the lair heavily

obscured and difficult terrain, up to when the party

reaches the pool (area 1). Because the webs are moist,

they do not burn away easily. The direct application of

fire destroys webs, but fire doesn’t spread among them.

A character with a torch can use an action to clear the

webs within reach.

As the characters advance, the webbing becomes

thicker and shows birds and animals trapped within

it. Any movement through the webbing alerts the 3

ettercaps and 7 giant spiders lurking nearby. The

ettercaps attack with web garrotes, while the spiders

use the webs to drop into the party’s midst. If two

ettercaps or five spiders are slain, the rest flee.

N e r o n v a i n ’s St r o n g h o l d

The Green Wyrmspeaker has established a stronghold

for himself and Chuth within a cave complex in the

Misty Forest, its entrance hidden behind a waterfall

that tumbles down a high cliff. The green dragon has

taken over the largest cavern of the stronghold as one of

its many lairs.

Neronvain is served by a group of cultist bodyguards,

while Chuth has won the service of a number of ettins

to help guard the stronghold. The dragon also controls a

terrified group of elf prisoners Neronvain brought back

from one of their raids, who fight for the dragon and the

wyrmspeaker unless they can be convinced to flee.

Chuth is an adult green dragon. See appendix A

for Neronvain.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

Secret Doors. Secret doors inside the stronghold

are little more than cracks between chambers, just

large enough for Medium creatures to squeeze through.

They are obscured behind loose rocks or other cover,

and require a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)

check to notice.

Light. The stronghold is dark except where

otherwise noted.

L P o o l

The pool at the foot of the waterfall is 20 feet deep at

its center, its surface obscured by an emerald haze that

marks this place as a green dragon’s lair.

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