D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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If he is asked about the White Dragon M ask, Varram

grudgingly admits that he saw it in the pool—and that it

has already been found and reclaimed by the cult, and is

presently at the Well of Dragons.

The characters gain a level at the end of this episode.

E p is o d e 4: N e r o n v a i n

With the loss of Skyreach Castle at the end of Hoard

o f the Dragon Queen, the Cult of the Dragon’s efforts

to gather Tiam at’s tribute were badly compromised. To

compensate, the cultists launched several raids against

the elves of the Misty Forest, led by Wyrmspeaker

Neronvain and his companion, the green dragon Chuth.

Having fulfilled their quota for the cult, wyrmspeaker

and dragon retreated deeper into the Misty Forest,

leaving the elven enclaves ruined behind them.

However, the survivors of those cult raids would have

been astonished to learn that the green wyrmspeaker is

Neronvain—King Melandrach’s exiled son, believed to

have died many years before.

On one of his raids, Neronvain won the fealty of an elf

named Galin—a warden of the forest who pledged his

service to the wyrmspeaker in exchange for ending the

attack on his home village. Neronvain accepted, using

Galin’s knowledge of the Misty Forest to help plan raids

against other settlements. Galin has so far kept secret

his oath to Neronvain, though he feels tremendous guilt

over his actions.

Under King Melandrach’s command, the elves of the

Misty Forest have stepped up their defenses, and the

cult attacks have ceased. Melandrach believes the threat

has ended, though his son Alagarthas disagrees. Prince

Alagarthas used the Emerald Enclave to search for clues

to the source of the raids, and they have learned that an

elf seen with the green dragon appeared to command

the beast. Both Prince Alagarthas and Delaan

Winterhound of the Emerald Enclave believe that more

attacks are imminent, and that the green dragon’s

master might be one of the cult’s wyrmspeakers. But

what neither realize is that the Green Wyrmspeaker is

actually Alagarthas’s own half-brother Neronvain—the

disgraced second son of King Melandrach, exiled by

his people and long thought dead. They now seek the

adventurers’ help to find this dragon master.

G a l l f o r A id

Delaan Winterhound comes to the adventurers during

the Council of Waterdeep or while they are returning to

the city after completing another episode. He speaks of

the draconic incursions in the Misty Forest mentioned

at the council, and says that the Emerald Enclave's

agents have been working with the support of Prince

Alagarthas to prevent a new round of attacks. With

his agents already scattered throughout the Misty

Forest, he wants the adventurers to travel to one of

the few dragon-raided settlements left standing in the

aftermath—a village called Altand. If Delaan’s belief that

the mysterious master of the green dragon was one of

the cult’s wyrmspeakers is true, the survivors of Altand

might know something that w ill help find him.

T h e M i s t y F o r e s t

This episode takes place within the Misty Forest—a vast

woodland concealed by thick mist and rain. Enormous

spruce trees dominate the northern end of the forest

where Altand is found—and where Neronvain and Chuth

have established their stronghold.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

Mist. The mist in the forest is omnipresent. Though it

can be ignored inside buildings, all outdoor areas of the

forest are lightly obscured.

In v e s t i g a t i o n a t A l t a n d

Altand is primarily a wood elf settlement, blending

almost seamlessly into the forest around it. The village

exists on two levels, with a few structures built on the

ground around an ancient monument to an elven ranger.

Residences and the village temple are built into the

upper boughs of the forest. The elves string rope bridges

between these sites and construct circular walkways

around the trees.

Like many other settlements raided by the dragon,

pulley-operated platforms connect the two levels of the

village, and provide an excellent defense against the

ores that occasionally enter the forest as an alternative

to raiding human settlements along the Trade Way.

However, those defenses proved a deathtrap against the

flying green dragon, leaving many elves unable to reach

the ground quickly enough to escape.

Su r v i v o r s ’ T a l e s

Of the three hundred residents of the village, more

than half survived the raid—a different outcome than at

other raided settlements, where the dragon hunted and

killed the elves to the last adult and child. Many of the

residents of Altand were on the ground when the attack

came. O f the elves in the upper level of the village, many

died of the dragon’s poisonous breath while waiting to

descend, or fell to their deaths as bridges and walkways

collapsed under the weight of panic.

Most survivors fled and saw little of what ensued.

However, by asking careful questions of a number of

villagers, the characters can learn the following:

• The dragon swooped down and attacked on the

ground first. Nearly half of the village’s victims died

during that first assault.

• Humans in the regalia of the Cult of the Dragon followed

the dragon, killing all those they found. The

village’s priest stepped out to lead others in fighting

the dragon, but the beast swallowed him whole.

• Some survivors claim to have seen a cultist riding

atop the dragon. Most of those refer to the dragon

rider as human, like the other cultists. However, a

few people report that the figure moved with the

grace of an elf.

• With the priest dead, the village’s warden, Galin, has

become the leader of Altand. Though he was in the

thick of the fight, he survived unscathed, and has been

a potent force for rallying the survivors.

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