D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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18. L o n g H a l l w a y

The walls of this long hallway seem to undulate, moving

back and forth as though the corridor is slithering in

the manner of a giant snake. This is only a permanent

illusion effect, but it is unsettling all the same.

When the characters reach the turn in the hallway, 4

lizardfolk charge from the direction of area 22, followed

by 2 yuan-ti malisons (type 1). If the characters moved

past the door to area 17 without checking that room, the

3 lizardfolk and 1 yuan-ti pureblood in that area come

charging out.

19. H a t c h e r y

The floor of this room is 20 feet below the floor of the

adjoining hallways, which are reached by tall ladders.

The walls of this yuan-ti hatchery drip with slime, and

the floor literally writhes with the room’s occupants.

Yuan-ti produce copious young, which are consumed

by their siblings so that only the strongest survive. A

swarm of these young (use the a swarm of poisonous

snakes) crawl through piles of eggs and crushed egg

shells littering the floor, and are watched over by 1

yuan-ti abomination and 3 yuan-ti purebloods.

At the first sign of the party, the yuan-ti use suggestion

as they apologize for any previous strife, stating that

their kin meant no harm to the characters. As a show

of good faith, the abomination invites the characters to

descend the ladders and join the yuan-ti for a feast.

If the characters are completely swayed, the yuan-ti

wait until they descend, then they and the swarms

attack. If the characters flee, the yuan-ti pursue. If they

are attacked from above, the yuan-ti ascend the ladders

to fight. The abomination flees any fight if reduced to

half its hit points or fewer.

20. L i z a r d f o l k D e n

This foul-smelling chamber is piled high with trash and

filth. The yuan-ti’s lizardfolk slaves are kept here. The

area is presently empty, with all its residents accounted

for in other areas.

T r e a s u r e

Hidden throughout the lizardfolk’s filthy nests are 22

gold pieces and 125 silver pieces in loose coin.

21. P ris o n

The yuan-ti use humanoid sacrifice to power the magic

of the divination pool. Their unfortunate victims are

held here until needed, but the prison is presently empty.

22. T e m p l e

The heart of the yuan-ti settlement, this huge chamber

features giant stone serpents along the east and west

walls, their open mouths guttering green flames. The

leaders of the yuan-ti are here—3 yuan-ti purebloods, 2

yuan-ti malisons (type 2), and 1yuan-ti abomination

priestess—along with any yuan-ti and lizardfolk that

retreated from previous encounters.

The yuan-ti and lizardfolk stand in the shadows

of the flickering green flames, ready to attack but

understanding that the adventurers are a serious threat

if they’ve made it this far unscathed. At the back of the

room, near an altar carved with the form of a giant

openmouthed cobra, the comatose Varram has been

beaten and bound.

D e a l i n g f o r t h e D w a r f

If the characters have made any mention of their search

for Varram during their previous battles with the yuan-ti

or lizardfolk, the yuan-ti abomination priestess holds

Varram’s dragontooth dagger to the dwarf’s neck. The

priestess has heard of the characters’ mission, though

she does not know or care why they seek the dwarf.

If the yuan-ti have no idea why the characters have

attacked, the priestess knows only that Varram has been

begging for his life by promising the yuan-ti great wealth

if he is freed. The priestess plans to bargain with the

characters by offering them the hypothetical wealth the

dwarf has promised her.

Either way, if the characters want Varram alive, the

priestess demands that the party leave the complex

without killing any more yuan-ti. She is w illing to turn

over the dwarf, but explains that his soul has been

temporarily drawn from his body by powerful yuan-ti

magic. When the characters have left the enclave, it

w ill be returned. (The priestess is lying—Varram is in

his present semiconscious state because of the brutal

treatment he’s received at the hands of the yuan-ti.)

If the characters refuse her offer, the priestess

attempts to use suggestion to sway whomever she

perceives as the party’s leader. If that fails and combat

breaks out, she slays Varram (he has only 3 hit points

remaining), then attacks with her followers.

D e v e l o p m e n t s

A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check

reveals a secret space and a passage beneath one of the

serpent statues in the temple. W ithin the space is the

enclave’s treasure hoard, comprising 800 gold pieces,

100 platinum pieces, 2 cloudy emeralds worth 500 gp

each, a necklace of 22 crysoprase beads worth 20 gp

each, and 2 scrolls, one of levitation and the other of call

lightning. The passage leads to the exit the yuan-ti use

to leave the complex without passing through the crypt.

The exit is carefully hidden behind a screen of rocks

and scrub trees a hundred yards away from the plaza

entrance to the ruins.

C o n c l u s i o n

Varram remains incoherent until he receives healing

magic or finishes a long rest. Once his health is

restored, the fallen wyrmspeaker is quick to accept his

status as the party’s prisoner—if only because he knows

that Severin w ill kill him if he makes any attempt to

return to the cult. Varram can offer detailed insight into

the cult’s hierarchy and plans, and can reveal secret

sympathizers and traitors within the factions of the

Council of Waterdeep, at your discretion. Taking the

dwarf alive earns the party significant respect among

the factions, though bringing back word of his death is

nearly as impressive.

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