D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Ss’t c k ’a l

Long after Diderius’s death, the yuan-ti discovered

the crypt and claimed it as their own. A small group of

yuan-ti now lives here, backed up by lizardfolk slaves.

They are the caretakers of the divination pool, which

high-ranking yuan-ti use to seek magical insight for

their far-reaching plots. The yuan-ti have avoided

moving into the original chambers of the complex,

fearing the undead there. Instead, they have expanded

the complex by excavating deeper into the cliff side.

The yuan-ti capture and sacrifice those who visit the

tomb of Diderius. They are not above cutting a deal to

save themselves, however.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

It is noticeably warmer here than in the crypt, and the

air is uncomfortably humid throughout.

Walls. The walls of the yuan-ti enclave are worked

slabs of dark green stone, slick with slime and moisture.

Ceiling. 10 feet high unless otherwise indicated.

L ig h t None unless otherwise indicated.

14. E n t r y w a y

This rough natural cavern holds the winch system for

raising the stone slab secret door between area 13

and area 14. The doorway is guarded by 6 lizardfolk,

which attack at the first sign of the door rising

between this area and area 13. One lizardfolk runs to

warn the yuan-ti while the others move into position

near the door.

If it takes the characters more than 10 rounds to open

the door, 4 more lizardfolk and 3 yuan-ti malisons

(type 1) show up. The door is then opened from this area

and the enemy forces attack. The malisons retreat if

one of them is killed. The lizardfolk retreat when half of

them are dead.

The eastern stairs descend 30 feet before coming to

the bridge in area 15.

15. B r i d g e

The steep stairs from area 14 lead to an uneven stone

bridge extending over a dark pit. The bridge slopes

downward 40 feet to another stairwell leading down.

Moisture drips down from the high ceiling, covering

the bridge in slick moss that hangs over the edge in

green cascades. Any creature moving along of the

bridge must succeed on a D C 14 Dexterity saving throw

or fall. On a failed saving throw, a creature can attempt

a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to cling to the

bridge rather than fall off into the darkness.

The pit over which the bridge extends is 120 feet deep

at the top of the bridge (to the west) and 80 feet deep at

the foot of the bridge (to the east). The area below the

bridge is a feeding chamber for the snakelike yuan-ti

young (see area 19), which crawl between the two areas

through holes in the wall. Any characters or lizardfolk

that fall off the bridge take appropriate falling damage,

then are attacked by the yuan-ti young. Climbing back

up to where the bridge meets either set of stairs requires

three successful DC 15 Athletics checks.

Any lizardfolk that retreated from area 14 attempt to

hold the party off here. In addition, 6 more lizardfolk

crouch on the bridge to reinforce the area, hoping that

characters trying to fight their way past fall off into

the darkness below. They are supported by 2 yuan-ti

malisons (type 1) armed with bows, which attack from

the eastern stairs. The malisons also use suggestion

spells to tell characters that a fellow party member has

been replaced by a yuan-ti spy and should be attacked.

16. M e d i t a t i o n C h a m b e r

In this large chamber, the yuan-ti meditate in the name

of their dark gods and discuss their own plans and

schemes. The northeast and southwest walls of this

chamber feature statue shrines to the yuan-ti deities

Merrshaulk and Sseth. The other two walls have statues

of yuan-ti high priests carved into them, with suits of

plate armor arranged as offerings at their feet.

When the characters arrive here, hundreds of

snakes begin to slither out of holes in the statues

and the corners of the room. Though they are not a

threat by themselves, the snakes fill the suits of armor,

which rise up to attack as 2 helmed horrors and a

poisoned longsword attack. The target of a snake

horror’s successful longsword attack must make a DC

12 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison

damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a

successful one. The horrors won’t leave this room.

T r e a s u r e

Four rubies worth 1,000 gold pieces each are set in the

eyes of the statues and can be pried out.

17. Y u a n - t i Q u a r t e r s

A dozen cylindrical shafts 3 feet wide and 7 feet deep

are cut into the stone floor here, and are used as

sleeping holes by the lesser yuan-ti. Two totems stand

here, both in the form of asps rising up with their

mouths open. These totems radiate magic that negates

some of the regional effects of a mummy lord’s lair in

this area, allowing the yuan-ti to store food and water

here that does not evaporate or spoil.

This room is presently guarded by 3 lizardfolk and 1

yuan-ti pureblood, unless those creatures have already

been encountered in area 18.

D a rt Trap. The secret door in the hallway leading

to area 21 is marked by an archway scribed into the

wall. However, a pressure plate is set 10 feet before the

archway, revealed by a successful D C 15 Intelligence

(Investigation) check. When any creature steps on the

pressure plate, darts shoot out from the walls along the

length of the hallway, targeting all creatures in the area:

+8 to hit, 3 (ld6) piercing damage, and the target must

succeed on a D C 14 Constitution saving throw or take

10 (3d6) poison damage and be paralyzed for 1 minute.

T r e a s u r e

Characters who search the sleeping holes can find 600

copper pieces, 200 silver pieces, and 150 gold pieces, as

well as a potion o f poison.

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