D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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the yuan-ti attacked and hauled him off. A stone sluice

runs from the southern wall to empty into the pool. If

the characters can fill the basin in area 5 and release

the sluice quickly enough, the water pours into the pool

before it has a chance to evaporate. Alternatively, the

pool can be activated with a flask of holy water, which is

not subject to the mummy lord’s lair effects.

When any water hits the pool, it spreads out and flares

with a black light. Any character who received Ilda’s

warning (or who remembers the statues in area 3) w ill

hopefully declare that he or she looks away from the

pool. Otherwise, a character must make a DC 20 saving

throw against a suggestion spell. On a failed save, the

character gazes into the divination pool unless another

character immediately pulls the curious victim away

from the pool (and avoids gazing into it as he or she

does so). If not pulled away, a gazing character is driven

temporarily insane for 1 minute (see area 3). A character

pulled away from the pool does not suffer insanity but is

stunned for 1 minute.

U s i n g t h e P o o l

The divination pool has always required that a user

make a personal sacrifice to gain its secrets. However,

the pool’s magic has grown considerably hungrier over

the long years of its isolation. In response to the cruelty

of the yuan-ti, using the pool requires the sacrifice of all

or a significant part of a sentient creature.

doom.” Diderius opens the way only for those who are

particularly decorous in this exchnage.

If the adventurers try to open the sarcophagus,

Diderius warns them. If they persist, he attacks. The

mummies behind the frescoes also smash free and

attack. None of the monsters pursue those who flee this

room, which soon returns to its original state.

Diderius can use mummy lord legendary actions,

but he is unusual because he casts wizard spells. He

uses his 18 Intelligence as his spellcasting ability (his

Wisdom remains 18) and has the following wizard

spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): minor illusion, ray o f frost

1st level (4 slots): charm person, detect magic,

shield, thunderwave

2nd level (3 slots): cloud o f daggers, hold person, see invisibility

3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic

4th level (3 slots)'.fire shield, greater invisibility

5th level (2 slots): cloudkill, wall o f stone

A canopic jar in the sarcophagus contains Diderius’s

withered heart.

Secret Door. In the northern wall is a secret door

(Intelligence [Investigation] DC 20 to find). Knocking

on the stone wall reveals a hollow echo beyond, but the

mechanism for opening the door is on the other side. A

knock or stone shape spell can open it, or the door can

be forced with a successful D C 20 Strength check.

13. C r y p t o f D id e r i u s

Diderius’s final resting place is a 20-foot-high chamber

lit by braziers imbued with continual flame. A massive

stone sarcophagus sits atop a stepped stone dais at

center. The walls are decorated with life-sized frescoes

showing the lost gods of Netheril and Anauria. If the

party benefits from the boon granted in area 1, all the

characters sense it would be disrespectful to disturb

anything here—everything should remain as it is.

Frescoes. Characters who examine the frescoes can

attempt a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to

discover thin plaster on four of them. If any such fresco

is broken open, a mummy hidden behind it attacks.

The other three hidden mummies, all once Diderius’s

advisers, smash free to attack thereafter.

Sarcophagus. Diderius, the mummy lord, rests

within the sarcophagus. When the characters approach

within a few paces of it, a deep, clear voice issues from

the coffin, saying, “You approach Diderius in repose. I

know what you seek.”

If the adventurers spoke well to the staues in area

1, the voice says, “Yuan-ti have taken the one called

Varram beyond their portal in the northern wall. Be

prepared, for I shall open the way to peril." Unless

the characters ask Diderius to wait, a moment later,

with a chiming sound, the secret door opens to area

14. The party gains a surprise round to act against the

guards there.

Those who didn’t speak well in area 1 must ask

Diderius about Varram to gain information about his

whereabouts. Failure to do so respectfully causes

Diderius to say, “Leave me to my rest or face your

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