D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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G h o s t l y Ro l e p l a y i n g

Even a confrontation with a good ghost should be harrowing.

This is a creature whose spirit is tied to the world out of

anguish, and any interaction with Ilda should be a precarious

process o f talking to a character who might fly off the handle

at any moment. She might vanish into thin air for no reason,

then return in a fury if the characters try to call her back.

• The pool’s revelations could drive a user insane

unless the questions asked were specific and dealt

only with the physical world, avoiding metaphysical

concerns. Gazing into the pool without first offering a

sacrifice was exceedingly dangerous.

• Using the divination pool required a personal sacrifice,

but over time, the pool’s demands grew steeper. If

others have been using the pool since Diderius died,

as Ilda suspects the yuan-ti do, its current price must

be dark indeed.

10. D i n i n g H a l l

Two long tables of plain stone stand at the south end

of this dining hall, while a long marble table stands to

the north. The door up the stairs leading to area 8 has

“? D A N G E R ” written in chalk on it. The door down

the southern stairs is spiked shut, and has “D A N G E R ”

scrawled on it in chalk.

Five bearded devils are seated at the marble table—

the last survivors of Varram’s expedition. When his

cultist followers were routed investigating area 11,

Varram left the devils here with instructions to guard

against any creatures coming out of that area. The

devils take their orders seriously, which means they all

but ignore the adventurers unless the characters attack.

If the devils are questioned politely, they tell the

characters only that they were ordered to remain here.

They admit that their master is Varram, and speak of

great treasure down the stairs to the south. The dwarf

has been gone for some time, but they have no idea what

happened to him.

If the devils are offered 100 gp or more in gems, they

also tell the characters that they have fought and killed

undead in the complex; that the dwarf lost something

important to his cult and needs the divination pool to

get it back; and that they are working for the cult on the

orders of their lord Zariel, Archduchess of Avernus, who

wants Tiamat out of the Nine Hells.

The characters are free to pass through this room,

including entering area 11—but they w ill be attacked

with glee by the devils when they leave that area.

11. T r e a s u r e V a u l t

W hile Diderius lived, this area was his bedchamber, and

it still contains an elegant bed, sets of bookshelves, a

large wooden chest, and a side table set with ewer and

goblets. The cultists sealed this room after a disastrous

run-in with its undead guardians.

On the Stairs. The dumbwaiter shaft from area

6 to the stairwell in front of the vault was once used

to bypass the long w alk from the bedchamber to the

upper parts of the complex for Diderius’s servants. The

dumbwaiter’s ropes and rotted wooden platform are

strewn across the stairs.

This area is guarded by 2 wraiths and 4 specters.

The wraiths are the spirits of warriors who pledged

their souls to Diderius in exchange for the w izard’s

exotic knowledge. They can be defeated in combat, but

their spirits are bound to the room by ancient magic,

causing them to manifest again 24 hours after being

destroyed. The specters are the reanimated souls of

three cultists who died here and of three yuan-ti that

died exploring the ruins. They do not manifest again

if destroyed.

A successful D C 18 Intelligence (Investigation)

check reveals a loose brick in the w all opposite the

door. Pulling the brick out reveals magic runes carved

into the wall that bind the wraiths that guard this

area. Marring the runes prevents the wraiths from

manifesting again if they are destroyed.

T r e a s u r e

The bookshelves contain magical treatises and notes

on divination that have withstood the ravages of

time. They detail the spellcasting practices of ancient

Netheril, and w ill fetch 750 gp if sold. If the characters

search the room, they find a crumbling book titled

Transubstantiality across Potentialities stuck between

the bed and the wall. If it is returned to the library (area

9), the ghost is free to move on from this world.

The silver ewer and four goblets next to the bed are

magical. If a character pours from the empty ewer

into an empty goblet, a fuming gas flows between both

vessels. A character who “drinks” from a gas-filled

goblet receives advantage on saving throws against

poison and resistance to poison damage for 3 hours.

Each of the goblets can be used to produce this effect

once per seven days.

The airtight chest holds seven silk robes kept free

from rot, and worth 50 gp each if sold.

The chest also holds an amethyst-set ring o f poison

resistance and two scrolls of protection from energy.

12. D i v i n a t i o n P o o l

This long gallery holds the magic pool that was the

source of Diderius’s power. The double doors to the

south have no markings on them, but they feature the

same hazard as the doors in area 4.

Broken arrows, bloodstains, and a dead cultist

are strewn across the floor of the chamber. A DC 12

Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that the arrows

were shot from the north doorway leading into area 13.

The arrows are carved of stone and their heads are in

the shape of fangs, set with the symbol of a cobra with

a crown above it. A DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check

recognizes the symbol of the yuan-ti god Merrshaulk.

If a character inspects the body, it is revealed that

the cultist died not from arrows but from a dagger

wound. A successful D C 15 Intelligence (Investigation)

check reveals that a dragontooth dagger was the killing

weapon. This was the unlucky cultist the duplicitous

Varram sacrificed when he used the pool.

The Pool. The pool is currently empty. Varram had

only just completed the pool's divination ritual when

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