D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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to fit through, or a Medium creature that is squeezing.

The panel reveals a narrow shaft that once housed a

dumbwaiter, which drops down 30 feet to the stairwell

leading to area 11. (The cultists discovered this shaft

and used it to enter areas 10 and 11, though no sign can

be found of their passage.)

B one B o u lder Trap. At 15 feet beyond the shaft

entrance, a mechanical plate installed in the floor

triggers a rolling boulder trap. A successful DC 22

Wisdom (Perception) check by one of the characters in

the first rank of the marching order is required to notice

this trigger without activating the pressure plate.

If the plate is activated, the circular mosaic pattern

that appears as the sun on the floor in area 4 slides

back and a 7-foot-diameter sphere made of hundreds of

skeletal bodies rises magically from the floor. This bone

boulder tilts toward area 6 and rolls down the sloping

hallway before crashing against the wall in area 7.

As it rolls through, the bone boulder crushes and

slashes at any creature in area 6, dealing 18 (4d8)

bludgeoning damage and 18 (4d8) slashing damage, or

half damage with a successful DC 17 Dexterity saving

throw. Any creature that fails this first save is grabbed

by skeletal hands and pulled into the sphere, which

continues to roll over any other creatures in the hallway.

A creature trapped in the bone boulder can attempt

a D C 17 Strength or Dexterity check to break free

before the boulder slams into the wall in area 7. Any

creature that fails to escape is inside the boulder when

it hits, and is caught in an explosion of bones and stone,

taking 14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d6)

slashing damage.

7. T h r o n e R o o m A n t e c h a m b e r

The smell of incense fills this room, and rich tapestries

cover the walls. On the south wall, a chute large enough

only for a Small character to squeeze through lets in

light from outside.

If the characters spoke properly to the statues in area

1, an unfamiliar voice is heard to whisper as they enter

this area: “Humility proffered in the manner of Mystril

shelters those opening the way to seeking knowledge.”

A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check

reminds a character of a holy gesture among adherents

of the fallen goddess Mystril, involving turning the head

downward and raising the hands as if holding a lamp.

Characters who make this gesture while opening the

double doors to the north can pass without difficulty.

Sarcophagi. Six sarcophagi are embedded in the

walls behind the tapestries, holding the mummified

remains of Diderius’s household guards. A character

who opens the north double doors without making the

proper gesture, or who tampers with a sarcophagus,

awakens the 6 mummies, which lurch forth and attack.

8^ T h r o n e R o o m

A throne on a massive dais resembles a floating cloud

concealing a golden sun. Seated on the throne is a

twelve-foot-tall, regal and well-muscled humanoid male

with a flowing white beard and purple toga—in reality,

a clay golem that Diderius used to receive favored

guests in this area. The unnatural appearance of the

throne and the golem are the result of a permanent

image spell. At the foot of the throne is a pile of treasure

containing 250 sp, six fine silver necklaces worth 50

gp each, and a potion o f fire breath. Even with a quick

glance, characters can see that the pile also contains

hundreds of copper pieces and worthless bits of jewelry

and pottery.

In addition to the illusion covering it, the golem has

been imbued with castings of magic mouth. When

any character first approaches it, the creature speaks

in a soothing, magnificent voice, saying, “Ye who

seek Diderius’s insight must first furnish tribute, that

Diderius might work his mighty magic. Lay such tribute

at my feet or depart.”

Diderius was not a greedy wizard, and he accepted

even meek offerings from the poor in the town. As long

as each party member places something more valuable

than a clay cup in the treasure pile, the characters are

allowed to pass. If the adventurers attempt to steal any

of the treasure or to use the door to area 10 without

leaving treasure, the golem attacks.

9. St u d y a n d L i b r a r y

The room east of the throne room antechamber was

Diderius’s study and library, in which he would meet

with sages and travelers. Its dusty shelves and tables are

now empty, the scrolls and tomes once held here having

been looted long ago. However, the area’s unwitting

guardian remains.

Ilda is a neutral good ghost who was once one of

Diderius’s apprentices. She worshiped her master, but

was mistakenly banished as a thief when one of his

prize tomes was misplaced. Ilda died not long after

Diderius, and her spirit returned here to act as caretaker

to his great stores of knowledge.

Ilda is not violent except to those who would steal

from Diderius. She manifests when the characters

enter this area, demanding to know why they have come

and threatening them if they plan to loot the library.

If the characters point out that there’s nothing left in

the library to steal, Ilda is overcome by a fit of misery

as she agonizes over her failures. A successful DC 14

Intelligence (Religion) check reveals that Ilda can be

released from her sojourn here if any volumes from the

lost library are returned (see area 11).

Ilda knows that yuan-ti dwell in the innermost parts

of the complex. She knows nothing about the cultists,

who have not entered this area. If the characters gain

her confidence, she can also offer up the following


• Diderius’s passion was powerful divination magic,

which is how he discovered the mysterious pool in this

cavern complex. He excavated these chambers around

the pool, and kings and wizards came bearing tribute.

When he died after many centuries of life, this underground

manse became his crypt.

• The divination pool allows those using it to peer

past many magical protections that block lesser divination


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