D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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throw against a suggestion spell. Success indicates that

the character shrugs off the statue’s magic, while failure

indicates the character is held by the dark gaze within

the stony cowl for 1 round. During this time, the statue

whispers impossible secrets to the character, which

carry both benefit and burden.

The character must then make a D C 15 Intelligence

saving throw. On a failed save, the character cannot

grasp the secrets it was shown, and there is no effect.

On a success, the character understands the world more

accurately, gaining advantage on Intelligence checks for

the next 24 hours. However, the character is also driven

temporarily insane for 1 minute. An insane creature

can’t take actions or reactions, can’t understand

what other creatures say, can’t read, and speaks only

in gibberish. You control the creature’s movement,

which is erratic.

4 . M o s a ic C h a m b e r

This chamber is a high vaulted dome with a deep inset

ledge circling the room, 10 feet wide and 15 feet up. The

floor here is set with a beautiful tile mosaic showing a

knight in plate armor wielding a glowing sword against

a chimera. The word “S A F E ” is written in chalk on

the door leading to area 5, marking that chamber as a

resting place used by the cultists.

When the first character enters this room, the tile

chimera begins to slowly shift. W ith a successful DC

14 Wisdom (Perception) check, a character notices this

movement and is not surprised as the tiles shoot up and

the chimera seemingly claws its way out of the mosaic.

The tile chimera acts as a normal chimera magically

animated and customized per the sidebar. It makes a

clacking noise as it moves, and when injured, it sprays

tiles instead of bleeding. It is thin in one dimension

and can use that fact to its advantage in combat. The

creature flies up to the ledge to use its fire breath

at range, flying down to attack in melee until it can

breathe again.

C u s t o m i z a t i o n : A n i m a t e d T ile C r e a t u r e

An animated tile creature acts like the creature it resembles,

except it is a construct that has no need to breathe, drink,

eat, or sleep. The creature also gains the following features.

Damage Resistances piercing

Damage Immunities poison, psychic

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,

petrified, poisoned

A tile creature gains the following trait.

Rejuvenation. If destroyed, the tile creature regains all its hit

points and becomes active again in 24 hours unless at least

half its tiles are collected and kept separate from the rest of

the creature’s tiles.

A tile creature gains the following reaction.

Narrow Dodge. When targeted by a melee attack, the tile

creature can take a reaction to turn its narrowest aspect

toward the attacker. The attacker has disadvantage on the

attack roll.

M osaic Sun. The sun is depicted in the mosaic near

the hallway that is area 6—and is actually a sliding

circular plate that reveals the bone boulder trap in that

area. The plate is only apparent with a successful DC

24 Wisdom (Perception) check or a D C 18 Intelligence

(Investigation) check.

D o o r Hazard. The double doors leading to area 12

are plated in corroded copper engraved to depict a group

of wizards peering over a pool of water. The oversized

figure of a male wizard at the top of the image raises his

hands as if summoning a creature from the pool.

The doors bulge out noticeably from their frame,

pushed out by the weight of stone where the ceiling of

the corridor between area 4 and area 12 has collapsed.

Pulling on either door unleashes enough force to break

the hinges and send the doors and a wall of rubble

crashing into the room. Any creature within 10 feet of

the doors must make a D C 18 Dexterity saving throw

to jump out of the way. On a failure, the creature takes

28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage, or half damage on a

successful save. The fall of rubble leaves the hallway

filled with stone and impassable.

5. W e l l C h a m b e r

The divination pool used water to create a mirror-like

surface for its powerful rituals, which was replenished

from this well. The well holds water still, but the

regional effects Diderius imposes on his lair causes it to

evaporate within a few rounds of being hauled up into

this area. A bronze bucket on a rope sits near the well,

while an empty basin stands 8 feet up along the north

wall, with stone steps leading up to it. A brass lever

protrudes from the wall near the basin. When water is

poured into the basin and the lever pulled, it feeds the

sluice in area 12.

The sides of the well and the floor next to it are

covered in bright red mushrooms. They are slick

with a watery sheen that resembles blood, and have

the taste and texture of raw liver if picked and eaten

before the lair effects spoil them. They are safe to

consume, however.

The cultists used this room as a forward campsite

during their short expedition. Sleeping rolls and

camping gear are scattered around. As with the door

leading into this area, “S A F E ” is scribed on the wall in

chalk in case anyone became lost or disoriented.

Trolls. The well here connects to the reservoir that

feeds the fountain in the plaza outside. The trolls in that

area sometimes come here when their hunting goes

poorly and feed on the liver mushrooms. Though the

cultists did not encounter them before being taken by

the yuan-ti, the trolls attack in the middle of the night if

the party uses this area for resting. As on the plaza, the

trolls flee down the well if badly injured.

6. H a l l w a y

This hallway slants down sharply, dropping 15 feet

over its full length. Any character who takes a moment

to poke around and succeeds on a D C 17 Intelligence

(Investigation) check notices a secret panel halfway

down the hallway, large enough for a Small creature

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