D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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divination pool that he hopes w ill show him the location

of the lost mask.

Harper agents have heard rumors of the theft of the

White Dragon Mask, and Leosin Erlanthar has recently

learned that the dwarf Varram was seen in the trade

settlement of Boareskyr Bridge, near the Serpent Hills.

With the Harpers already spread far and wide on their

intelligence-gathering missions, the adventurers are a

perfect choice to pursue the wyrmspeaker.

F o l l o w i n g t h e T r a i l

Leosin Erlanthar contacts the party during a council

session in Waterdeep. After filling them in on the

rumors that Varram has lost the White Dragon

Mask and gone abroad in search of it, he sends the

characters to Boareskyr Bridge, instructing them to

seek information on Varram’s recent movements and

probable destination.

This episode sees the characters journey from

Boareskyr Bridge to a forgotten Anaurian ruin in the

Serpent Hills. The divination pool that Varram seeks is

there—but so too is a clan of yuan-ti that are a threat to

the wyrmspeaker and the adventurers alike.

B o a r e s k y r B r i d g e

Boareskyr Bridge bears the name of a now-vanished

realm north and east of the Trade Way. The bridge

provides access across the W inding Water and is

a major landmark. Constructed of black granite, it

bears sculpted images of the deities Cyric and Bhaal,

commemorating the legendary battle they fought on the

bridge during the Time of Troubles.

This way station settlement is little more than a

collection of tents, wagons, and caravans providing

food, fresh mounts, and other services to travelers. A

contingent of paladins from the theocracy of Elturgard

maintains watch over the bridge in a newly built keep.

B o l o ’s T e n t s i d e I n n

Bolo’s Tentside Inn is a rough-and-tumble establishment

set up in a large pavilion near the center of Boareskyr’s

tent city. When the characters make inquiries about

Varram, they are directed to Bolo’s and its female

halfling proprietor.

“A dwarf in purple robes? Oh, I saw him. He was asking

about escorts into the hills, when this hooded fellow

starts asking him his business. The dwarf looked him

straight in the eye, then pulled out his dagger and stabbed

the tall fellow dead! He was one o f the scaled folk o f the

Serpent Hills, come down to spy on us! That dwarf's a

hero, make no mistake. But he and his entourage took off

straight away for the hills then, quick as cats!”

Varram’s only goal in killing the yuan-ti spy was

stopping word of his movements from reaching the

Serpent H ills before he got there, but it has made him

something of a local hero. Bolo is happy to share what

she knows as long as the characters don’t let on that

they intend to harm the dwarf.

Varram traveled with more than a dozen other

companions, including a handful of cloaked and

hooded warriors. She assumed them to be barbarian

mercenaries, but Varram is actually traveling under

the protection of a force of bearded devils. The dwarf

headed into the Serpent H ills after killing the yuan-ti.

T h e Se r p e n t H i l l s

Good weather and the fact that Varram and his large

party were moving with haste makes their trail into

the hills easy to follow. From Boareskyr Bridge, the

adventurers pursue the dwarf into the Serpent H ills—a

swath of badlands, mesas, and rocky plateaus sprinkled

with trees and tall grass. Varram’s trail leads some

sixty-five miles north-northeast.

Lizardfolk and nagas, trolls and giants, and the

treacherous yuan-ti all lurk in the Serpent Hills, amid

the tombs and ruined settlements of more than one

fallen civilization. As the characters pursue Varram, roll

a d20 every 6 hours of travel; an encounter occurs on a

roll of 17-20. Determine the encounter by rolling on the

table below.

S e r p e n t H ills E n c o u n t e r s



1 Humanoids (ld6)

2 Herd mammals (5d6)

3 Hill giants (ld2)

4 Unmarked grave

5 Shrine

6 Vultures (3d6)

7 Ruined settlement

8 Lizardfolk (2d8)

Hum anoids. Humanoids ranging into the Serpent

H ills might be treasure hunters, escaped slaves from

the monstrous land of Najara, or scouts from Elturgard

keeping watch on yuan-ti activity.

H e rd Mam m als. Packs of goats, antelope, and

other herd mammals range across the Serpent Hills.

They avoid other creatures, but can become fierce if

threatened or cornered.

H ill Giants. The party comes across one or two

hill giants gorging on a fallen herd animal. When the

giants notice the adventurers, they see the opportunity

for another meal. A hill giant retreats when reduced

to half its hit points or fewer, preferring prey that does

not fight back.

Unm arked Grave. A low rise covered in hastily

collected rocks marks the resting place of one of

the many explorers to have fallen in the Serpent

Hills. At your discretion, an unmarked grave at night

could become an encounter with a ghost or other

restless undead.

Shrine. An isolated shrine to one of the many lost

gods of Netheril or Anauria rises up out of the desert.

Many such sites show signs of having been used as

campsites by travelers in the hills.

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