D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s



Overview............................................ 5

Outline of Episodes.............................. 5

Adventure Hooks.................................. 6

Additional Encounters...........................6

Running the Adventure.......................... 7

Groups............................................... 8

Villains............................................... 8

Allies................................................ 11

Episode 1: Council of Waterdeep.......... 18

Starting the Adventure.................... 18

Back in Waterdeep......................... 19

Gathering Allies............................. 19

Sessions of the Council .................. 19

Scoring the Sessions......................23

Episode 2: The Sea of Moving Ice......... 24

The Sea of Moving Ice..................... 25

Oyaviggaton.................................. 27

Ice Caves......................................29

Map: Arauthator’s Lair.................... 31

Arauthator’s Lair............................36

Developments............................... 37

Leaving Oyaviggaton...................... 37

Arauthator’s Treasure......................37


Episodes 3 and 4: Death to

the Wyrmspeakers............................. 38

Varram the White...........................38

Tomb of Diderius...........................40

Map: Tomb of Diderius................... 40

Ss’tck’a l....................................... 45


Neronvain..................................... 48

The Misty Forest............................ 48

Neronvain’s Stronghold................... 50

Map: Neronvain’s Stronghold........... 51


Episode 5: The Cult Strikes Back......... 54

First Attack...................................54

Second Attack............................... 55

Third Attack.................................. 56

Sequence of Events........................ 57

Episode 6: Metallic Dragons, Arise....... 58

Unlikely Ambassadors.................... 58

Council of Dragons.........................59


Episode 7: Xonthal’s Tower................. 62

The Maze..................................... 63

Map: Xonthal’s Tower......................65

The Tower.................................... 69

Dungeon...................................... 71

Exiting Xonthal’s Tower................... 74


Episode 8: Mission to Thay................. 75

The Enemy of My Enemy................. 7 5


Episode 9: Tiamat’s Return................. 78

The Well of Dragons....................... 79

Map: The Well of Dragons................ 80

Map: Tiamat’s Temple..................... 84

Tiamat’s Temple............................. 85

Enemies and Allies.........................86

Victory or Defeat............................88

Appendix A: Monsters..................... 89

Appendix B: Magic Items.................93

Appendix C: Council Scorecard.........94

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