D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episodes 3 and 4:

Death to the Wyrmspeakers

1 Arom their first discovery of the dragon masks in

M Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, the characters w ill

- L have recognized the importance of the masks to

the Cult of the Dragon.

Over the course of the adventure, the heroes have two

chances to come face to face with the wyrmspeakers of

Severin’s inner circle, perhaps claiming their dragon

masks and hindering Severin’s plans.

This section comprises two distinct episodes. In the

first episode, the characters track Varram, keeper of

the White Dragon Mask, to an ancient crypt overrun by

yuan-ti in the Serpent Hills. In the second episode, the

adventurers go up against Neronvain, wyrmspeaker of

the Green Dragon Mask, in a hidden stronghold and

dragon lair in the Misty Forest. These episodes play out

at different points during the first and second sessions

of the Council of Waterdeep, but are presented together

because they form two halves of a single m ission-

taking the fight to the wyrmspeakers as a means of

thwarting Severin’s plots.

Three of the five wyrmspeakers of the cult—Galvan

the Blue, Rezmir the Black, and Severin himself, who

wears the Red Dragon Mask— are already at the Well

of Dragons and beyond the party’s reach. However,

the white wyrmspeaker Varram is forced to leave the

security of his stronghold after losing possession of

the White Dragon Mask, while the green wyrmspeaker

Neronvain engages in raids against the elves of the

Misty Forest with his draconic ally, Chuth. When word

comes to the Council of Waterdeep that two of the five

wyrmspeakers might be at large, the adventurers seize

the opportunity to strike.

E p is o d e 3:

V a r r a m t h e W h i t e

Varram the White is a close ally and confidant of

Severin, but the Cult of the Dragon leader is unaware of

how his old friend’s actions have threatened the cult’s

plans. Varram’s White Dragon Mask has gone missing,

stolen by a thief allied with the Zhentarim and now

hidden from normal scrying magic. Varram is desperate

to retrieve the mask before Severin discovers it is

missing, and so he has created the pretense of taking a

group of trusted followers to seek out a site of ancient

magic in the Serpent Hills, which he claims w ill help

the cult in its plans to summon Tiamat. In truth, Varram

is seeking the Tomb of Diderius—site of an ancient

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