D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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When the characters face off against Arauthator,

the dragon roars so loudly that the whole iceberg

reverberates with his rage. This calls the ice trolls from

area 12, which arrive 5 rounds later.

Pools of slush spread across the floor of the cavern,

prevented from freezing by the seawater’s high salt

content. One such pool, in the westernmost angle of

the cavern, conceals a flooded passage connecting to

the Sea of Moving Ice. This is Arauthator’s customary

entrance and exit. When the dragon is reduced to 100

hit points or fewer and facing three or more foes, he

dives for this exit and escapes into the frozen sea. If the

dragon flees, the ice trolls retreat as well.

D e v e l o p m e n t s

If the characters defeat Arauthator, the reactions of

Oyaviggaton’s other inhabitants are dependent on

whether the dragon is killed or driven off.

If Arauthator is killed, the ice toads grieve, but

they won’t take any action against the characters. In

contrast, the kobolds are furious with grief, throwing

themselves at the characters in frenzied, suicidal

attacks. The ice trolls’ reaction w ill likely be influenced

by whatever interaction the characters had with them

earlier. The trolls might flee without a word, or they

might decide they like Oyaviggaton and make it their

permanent home.

The Ice Hunters are elated over the dragon’s death.

When the characters emerge from the iceberg, the

normally reserved villagers greet them with cheers and

offers of the choicest fermented fish. The villagers then

begin packing their few belongings into their hide boats

and prepare to leave immediately.

If Arauthator is wounded and driven off, Maccath

or Marfulb know enough of the dragon to predict that

he w ill spend months recovering at one of his other

lairs before returning to Oyaviggaton. The Ice Hunters

believe that this gives them enough time to lose

themselves in the vast expanse of the Sea of Moving Ice

and find a new home where Arauthator can’t track them.

The dragon is vengeful, but with everything else going

on, Maccath believes Arauthator won’t put any real effort

into seeking out his former thralls. The Ice Hunters

have no contact with civilization, so they can’t possibly

spread word of his humiliating defeat.

W ith the dragon’s disappearance, the kobolds hide

if they can, while the ice toads demonstrate the same

impassive stoicism they show if the dragon is killed. The

ice trolls shy away from Arauthator’s treasure as long

as he is alive, knowing better than to come between a

dragon and its hoard. They don’t really care if someone

else plunders items from the dragon’s hoard, and

they’re too stupid to think they might be blamed for any

such thefts.

L e a v i n g O y a v i g g a t o n

The characters have no chance to sail away from the

iceberg aboard Frostskim m r while Arauthator is free

to attack. The dragon can strike just as easily from the

sky or from beneath the water, freezing or capsizing

the ship, then picking off the crew at his leisure. If

the adventurers try to sneak away with Maccath, the

sorcerer’s absence is noticed by the kobolds and ice

toads within a day.

If Arauthator was beaten in combat and forced

to retreat, he w ill not pursue Frostskim m r as the

characters sail away. The adventurers and the crew

might see the dragon shadowing them in the far

distance, but Arauthator is too proud and fearful to face

the party again.

A r a u t h a t o r ’s T r e a s u r e

If Old White Death is killed or driven away, he leaves

his iceberg lair’s treasure hoard behind. (Because

Oyaviggaton is just one of a number of minor lairs

maintained by the dragon, the treasure here represents

only the smallest part of his total wealth.)

Areas 19 and 20 contain a total of 700 gp, 1,000

sp, and 20 precious stones (five each worth 200 gp,

400 gp, 600 gp, and 800 gp). In addition, add potions,

scrolls, and magic items at your discretion. Alternatively,

use the treasure tables in the Dungeon Master’s

Guide to generate a hoard whose value is in line with

your campaign.

To claim this treasure, it must be hacked out of the ice

in the lair cavern. Doing so takes half a day (and is thus

impossible if Arauthator is still in the lair).

Marfulb’s four decades of data on Arauthator is

priceless to the Arcane Brotherhood (a fact Maccath w ill

recognize if the characters don’t) or to other collectors

of draconic lore. If the dragon is dead, Marfulb can be

talked into letting this material be transported south,

provided she gets to come along. If Arauthator still lives,

the ice toad would prefer to stay and continue her work

with her records intact.

C o n c l u s i o n

Arauthator is a strong ally of the Cult of the Dragon,

and the adventurers deal a solid blow to the cult by

defeating him. Additionally, by returning Maccath and

the stolen lore of the Hosttower, the characters can earn

the allegiance of the Arcane Brotherhood in the fight

against the cult’s plans.

The characters gain a level at the end of this episode.

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