D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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A r a u t h a t o r ’s L a i r

The dragon’s lair is a single, cavernous chamber with

many nooks, crannies, and icy outcroppings.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

Like the caverns above it, Arauthator’s lair is composed

entirely of ice.

Ceiling. The rough ceiling of the open cavern rises 40

feet above the varying height of the uneven floor.

Floors. The floor of the cavern is worn smooth and

is highly slippery. Arauthator and the scrags move

across the slick ice with ease thanks to their claws, but

characters without crampons or the ability to walk on

ice treat all areas of the lair cavern as difficult terrain.

See the “General Features” of the ice caves (above) for

information on crampons. Snowshoes are of no help

in the lair.

The terrain levels represented on the map of the

cavern show increments of 8 feet. The elevation of the

floor results from the ice splitting and splintering, so

the ledges are abrupt and have a distinctly step-like

appearance. Characters can drop down a level without

difficulty. Scrambling up a level requires a successful

D C 15 Strength (Athletics) check; the climber has

advantage on the check if equipped with crampons or

climbing gear.

Light. The lair cavern is normally dark. A ll

description assumes that the characters have a light

source or darkvision.

Temperature. The lair cavern is colder than the

tunnels and chambers above it. The cavern is a bonechilling

0 degrees Fahrenheit. Area 20 is even colder.

Visibility. Banks of vapor roll through the cavern,

limiting visibility to 60 feet for characters with light.

15._Sc r a g s ’ L a i r

This corner of the cavern is home to 2 scrags that

Arauthator allows to live in his lair, provided they guard

it in his absence. These aquatic trolls can breathe

underwater and have a swim speed of 30 feet.

If the characters approach, the scrags duck into hiding

places, then attempt to attack from ambush and claim

an unexpected meal.

16. Ice P i l l a r s

Pillars and platforms of ice jut up from the floor in this

area of the cavern. Climbing an ice pillar more than 8

feet tall requires a climber’s kit and a successful DC 15

Strength (Athletics) check.

A creature dropping down the chute from area 6 lands

on the top level of the large ice platform in the southeast

part of the cavern, 16 feet above the cavern floor. The

creature must then succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity

saving throw to stay on the platform. (A creature that

intentionally jumps down the chute takes half damage

from the descent and has advantage on this saving

throw.) If the saving throw fails, the creature slides off

the top level of the icy platform and hits the second level,

taking 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage and falling prone.

Any creature falling to the cavern floor attracts the

attention of the scrags in area 15.

17. T h e Ic e w o l f ’s Sp i n e

This jagged ridge of ice divides the cavern into sections.

Climbing up to at least the 8-foot level and moving along

the ridge is the only safe way to get from area 15 or 16

into area 19 or 20 without encountering the traps in

areas 18a and 18b.

Unlike other ledges in the cavern, the horizontal

surfaces of the Icewolf’s Spine aren’t level. The denizens

of the lair can traverse the ledges without difficulty, but

any other creature that moves more than 15 feet during

a round must make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics)

check. Failure indicates that the creature loses its

footing and falls to the next level below, taking 3 (ld6)

bludgeoning damage and landing prone. Wearing

crampons grants advantage on this check.

18a . T h e G u l l e t

This narrow passage is rigged with a magic trap. When

the first character passes through the narrowest point

of the passage, the entire area of the passage fills with a

stinking cloud for 1 minute.

Arauthator immediately becomes aware of intruders if

the stinking cloud is triggered. The dragon does not set

off the trap if it moves through the area.

18b . T h e T h r o a t

This narrow passage is rigged with a magic trap. When

the first character moves through the narrowest point

of the passage, a slow spell is triggered, targeting every

creature in the area. Creatures affected by the spell

suffer its effects for 1 minute.

Arauthator immediately becomes aware of intruders

if the slow spell is triggered. The dragon does not set off

the trap if it moves through the area.

19. T h e P e r c h

Arauthator sometimes sleeps on this vast ice shelf, but

more often he spends his time lounging in area 20.

Much of the treasure the dragon keeps at Oyaviggaton is

stashed here and on the ledges above. See “Arauthator’s

Treasure,” below.

20. A r a u t h a t o r ’s A b yss

The western end of the lair cavern is where Arauthator

(an adult white dragon) spends most of his time at

Oyaviggaton. Gold, jewels, and other treasure lies

scattered on the floor and frozen into the walls of this

vast chamber.

It is noticeably colder here than anywhere else in

the iceberg, reaching -10 degrees Fahrenheit. Any

character in an area where the temperature is below 0

degrees Fahrenheit must make a DC 10 Constitution

saving throw at the end of each hour. Characters

without cold weather gear automatically fail this save.

On a failed saving throw, a character suffers one level of


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