D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Before the characters head down into the cavern,

Maccath tells them they have no easy way back up

to these chambers. Old White Death doesn’t want

anyone—intruders or guests—to be able to easily

leave his lair.

12. Ic e T r o l l s

The ice trolls that Arauthator has gathered to his service

use this hall as their residence, and no other creatures

are permitted here. An ice troll has bluish, translucent

skin and immunity to cold damage; it otherwise has the

statistics of an ordinary troll.

A minimum of 2 ice trolls are here when characters

first enter, but 3 or more can be placed in this area

at your discretion (and depending on whether the

adventurers meet conditions that might lead to fighting;

see below).

This cavernous chamber is filled with drifting mist that

shrouds a field o f ice pillars rising from floor to ceiling.

The muffled silence beyond is broken only by the sound of

running water.

Ice pillars and pressure ridges form razor-sharp crags

that loom out of the roiling fog. Streams of crackling

water, magically flowing even at subzero temperatures,

course thickly through the hollows beneath winddriven,

icy snow.

From the entrance, only swirling fog can be seen

and only the wind can be heard. If Maccath or any ice

toad is with the party, they advise the characters in the

strongest possible terms to stay out of this chamber.

Those who venture here aree silently surrounded

and ambushed by the ice trolls. The trolls hungrily

pursue the adventurers if they flee, but they heed

the ice toads and refrain from attacking if the toads

command them to.

The trolls speak Giant and understand a little bit

of the Draconic tongue. They are w illing to trade or

bargain with characters who prove too difficult to

kill. Only the verifiable offer of food and treasure can

convince the trolls to turn against Arauthator.

13. Ic e T o a d W o r k p l a c e

Giant ice toads serve Arauthator as overseers at

Oyaviggaton. They manage the labor of the kobolds,

direct the Ice Hunter villagers to provide the lair with

food and other supplies, and have the patience required

to deal with the ornery ice trolls.

A bizarre sight greets you in this rough-walled chamber.

About a dozen giant toads with thick, mottled white hides

are at work here, scribing strange writing into the ice o f

A total of 11 ice toads (see appendix A) work in this

chamber, scribing records and tallies into the ice

using sharpened antlers or their own claws. They also

maintain rough maps of the Sea of Moving Ice based

on reports from the Ice Hunter villagers. At regular

intervals, their temporary records are transferred to

more permanent form.

See “Random Encounters” (above) for guidelines

on how the giant ice toads respond to intruders. The

characters’ best chance to avoid a fight in this area—

and to keep the toads from alerting the ice trolls—is to

win the ice toads to their cause by treating with their

leader, Marfulb.

The average ice toad is smart, but their leader

Marfulb is exceptional (Intelligence 13). Her knack for

organization and governance had no outlet until her

path crossed Arauthator’s on the Sea of Moving' Ice, and

she has served as the seneschal of Oyaviggaton for the

four decades since. Not even Arauthator understands

the workings of Oyaviggaton as well as Marfulb, who

knows the contents and value of every pack, chest,

and heap of coins in the iceberg down to the last

copper piece.

M a r f u l b ’s L o r e

In addition to data about Arauthator—his treasures,

mating habits, and epic battles with frost giants and

other monsters—the information amassed by the ice

toads includes exhaustive details on the ever-changing

Sea of Moving Ice, the weather north of the Spine of

the World, and the culture of the elusive Ice Hunters.

Marfulb feels great satisfaction in her life’s work, but

she knows too little about society south of the Spine of

the World to sense its full importance.

Characters equipped with a bag o f holding could take

all the parchments and stone slabs with them when

they leave Oyaviggaton. The Arcane Brotherhood would

regard the lore as one of the most amazing works of

natural philosophy in existence (once it is painstakingly

translated from the ice toads’ unique language), and they

would clamor to meet and praise Marfulb. Without a bag

o f holding, the collection is too large to move.

14. Ice T o a d L a ir

This freezing, miserable chamber makes a perfect home

for the ice toads, but is presently empty. None of the

toads’ belongings here has value as loot, but they make

a strange and curious collection. Such objects include

walrus-tooth wart scrapers, spears fashioned from

narwhal horn, oddly shaped furniture sculpted into the

icy floor instead of rising above it, writing implements

carved from baleen and shaped for a webbed hand, and

art objects that combine carved whalebone, driftwood,

and mundane items such as silverware and glass

stoppers salvaged from shipwrecks.

the walls, or onto weathered parchment and stone tablets.

A few toads transfer parchments and tablets into and out

of floor-to-ceiling cubbyholes cut into the ice along the

entire southern wall.

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