D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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When the characters arrive in this area, 8 kobolds are

working in the chamber, polishing and maintaining the

ice. If they recognize the characters as intruders, they

try to keep away from them in the fog, then slip out of

the chamber when they can.

8. T r o p h y H a l l

Trophies of Arauthator’s many battles are displayed

in this chamber. Visibility is 45 feet, so the characters

won’t be able to see much from the doorway. Among the

creatures frozen here in death are two remorhazes, a

trio of behirs, five abominable yetis, and a giant squid

of jaw-dropping size. A complete longship with sail

raised is also on display here. The ship clearly w ill

not fit through any of the iceberg’s entrances; it was

painstakingly disassembled outside and reassembled

here by the kobolds. Characters who know ships can

see mistakes in the rigging and hull planking, but it’s

passably good work for a display.

O f more immediate interest is the open chest of gold

and jewels sitting on the ship’s deck. The chest contains

375 gp, 1,480 ep, and 495 sp, plus jewelry and precious

objects worth another 225 gp. A character examining

the chest without disturbing it or the contents can

estimate its value at between 1,000 and 1,500 gp with a

successful DC 10 Intelligence check.

If the chest or any of the treasure it contains—even

a single coin—is removed from the ship, Arauthator

senses it immediately and dispatches 2 ice trolls (see

area 12) to investigate.

9. U n u s e d C h a m b e r

This chamber is empty, awaiting the day when

Arauthator’s collection of trophies overflows

areas 7 and 8.

10. M a c c a t h t h e C r i m s o n

If Maccath the Crimson hasn’t been encountered

elsewhere in Oyaviggaton, the characters meet her here.

At the top of the ramp from area 9, 1 ice troll (see

area 12) stands guard over this cavern. It positions itself

around the corner so it can’t be seen until intruders

reach the top of the ramp.

The empty ice floor o f this chamber holds a most

unexpected sight. A large shelter is seemingly built of

scraps, and in the style o f the tents used by the desert

nomads o f Calimshan, some two thousand miles

to the south.

Maccath’s shelter is made from huge tapestries and

carpets draped across a frame of whale ribs, and stands

8 feet tall, 20 feet wide, and 30 feet long. The bottoms

of the walls drape down onto the ground, leaving no

gaps underneath. The tent has no obvious entrance,

but a character can slide between any two overlapping

tapestries to emerge inside the shelter.

When the characters step inside, read or paraphrase

the following.

The interior o f the shelter is surprisingly warm, thanks to

a small stove and simple lamps burning aromatic whale

oil. Carpets are heaped on the floor in thick layers, and

tapestries from every culture in Faerun hang suspended

from a sturdy frame o f whale ribs.

Books and scrolls are stacked neatly on tables and

reading stands made o f hide and whalebone. The only

furnishings in the shelter not made from these natural

materials are the carpets and tapestries, and a portable

writing desk that appears to have been taken from a

sailing ship.

If this is the characters’ first meeting with Maccath the

Crimson, add:

Seated at the writing desk is a female tiefling wearing

a blazing crimson cloak over tailored furs. The cloak is

fastened with a silver-and-ivory brooch bearing a design

reminiscent o f a stylized, branching tree— the symbol

o f the Arcane Brotherhood. Two kobold attendants

stand nearby, glancing nervously between you and the

tiefling. After a few moments, the tiefling looks up with

an expression o f pale disinterest and asks, “ Have you

come to save me or kill me? Not that there will be much

difference between the two.”

When Maccath arrived at Oyaviggaton three years ago,

Arauthator would normally have killed her without a

second thought. However, the brooch of the Arcane

Brotherhood she wore suggested to Arauthator that the

tiefling might present a solution to two problems. First,

the dragon possessed numerous items and writings

stolen from the Arcane Brotherhood, some of which

defied his understanding even after decades of study.

Second, Arauthator had long sought a way to help his

mate Arveiaturace overcome her grieving over the death

of the wizard she once served. Replacing that dead

wizard with a living one—and a member of the Arcane

Brotherhood at that—seemed a perfect solution.

Maccath was smart enough to convince the dragon

that his offer had won her over, expecting that she

would eventually be able to seek a means of escape

from the iceberg. However, she has so far been thwarted

by Arauthator’s potent magic—including spells and

rituals stolen from the Arcane Brotherhood—which

have kept her sealed and helpless in Oyaviggaton,

invisible to scrying and unable to use sending to call

for help. Before he turns Maccath over to Arveiaturace,

Arauthator has had the tiefling deciphering his stolen

writings, though the work has gone slowly thanks to

the inherent complexity and danger of the material.

Maccath is studying one of the stolen scrolls when the

characters walk in.

If the characters announced their presence by fighting

the ice troll, the 2 kobolds w ill be visibly agitated, even

though Maccath shows little concern. The kobolds have

been directed to stay with the tiefling and follow her

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