D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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proper cold weather gear, they are at no risk from the

cold while in the ice caves.

Visibility. The ice caves are open to the sea,

creating banks of vapor that roll constantly through

Oyaviggaton’s corridors and chambers. This fog is more

common in the low points of the caverns. In areas noted

as +10 feet on the map, visibility is unrestricted unless a

patch of random fog is encountered. In areas noted as 0

feet, visibility is limited to 75 feet. In areas noted as -10

feet or -20 feet, visibility is limited to 45 feet.

R a n d o m E n c o u n t e r s

In addition to the inhabitants noted in specific areas, the

adventurers might run into Arauthator’s minions in any

corridor or empty chamber. Whenever the characters

move from a chamber into the circular corridor, or from

the corridor into a chamber with no occupants, roll a

d6. On a roll of 1, an encounter occurs. Then roll on the

table to determine the specifics.

Ic e C a v e s E n c o u n t e r s


1-2 Fog

Encounter or Event

3-5 Kobolds (3d6)

6-8 Ice toads (ld6)

9 Maccath the Crimson

10 Ice trolls (ld2)

Fog. The air is suddenly filled with roiling vapor.

Visibility is reduced to 5 feet for 2 minutes or until the

characters move 90 feet away.

Kobolds. Arauthator brought a pack of unwitting

kobolds to Oyaviggaton generations ago, and the

creatures have been serving him in the frigid cold ever

since. In the event of an encounter, a squad of 3d6

kobolds is working in or passing through the area. If

the characters are dressed as Ice Hunter villagers or are

wearing some other appropriate disguise, the kobolds

eye them warily but don’t immediately sound an alarm.

Make a single Wisdom check for the kobolds with a DC

equal to the lowest of the characters’ checks to disguise

themselves. The kobolds’ Wisdom modifier is -2, but

they have advantage on this check because of their

numbers. If the check is successful (or if the characters

aren’t disguised), the kobolds launch a single volley

of sling stones at the intruders, then flee in as many

directions as possible to report the intrusion to the ice

toads or ice trolls.

Ice Toads. A crew of ld6 ice toads (see appendix A)

is working in this area or passing along the corridor.

Disguises are ineffective against the ice toads, which

know what creatures live in Oyaviggaton at any given

time. If they see anything unexpected—even Ice Hunter

villagers entering the caves without permission—they

stop what they’re doing and observe the characters’

actions, asking questions if they can. The ice toads flee

to the ice trolls if threatened, fighting only if they must.

The ice toads speak their own language, plus enough

Draconic and U luik to communicate with Arauthator,

the kobolds, and the Ice Hunters. They work for

Arauthator but have no special devotion to the dragon.

If a fight is coming, their loyalty goes to whomever

they expect to win. That means the dragon, unless the

characters somehow impress them.

M accath the Crimson. Maccath often wanders the

ice caves, deep in thought. On meeting strangers, her

reaction is oddly subdued. See area 10 for more details

on Maccath’s situation.

Ice Trolls. Encountered singly or in small roving

gangs, ice trolls are ordinary trolls with bluish skin

and immunity to cold damage. Unless any ice toads are

nearby to intervene, the ice trolls treats any creature not

a kobold, an ice toad, Maccath, or an Ice Hunter as an

intruder. For more information on the ice trolls working

for Arauthator, see area 12.

L E n t r a n c e f r o m H u t

Inside the hut of the shaman Bonecarver, old furs

heaped atop poles are laid across an opening leading

down to the ice caves. Steps are cut into the wall of the

chute, creating steep, icy stairs that drop down 100 feet

in a tight spiral. Because this entrance is seldom used,

the steps become increasingly obscured by frost as the

characters descend. At the 40-foot mark, a character

must attempt a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to

maintain a grip on the dangerously uneven footholds.

Failure means the character loses his or her footing,

sliding and tumbling 60 feet to the bottom and taking

21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage. Characters can mitigate

this danger by roping themselves together or using a

climber’s kit. Past the 40-foot mark, the steps improve

again so that no further checks are necessary.

The chute and its icy stairs end at the ceiling. A sturdy

ladder then descends into the approximate center of a

rectangular chamber. The exit to the corridor is an icy,

15-foot-wide passageway sloping downward.

The chamber is empty except for a dozen baskets

woven from leather strips and walrus ribs, stacked in

the north corner. These contain frozen fish and a few

skin-wrapped bundles of rotting shark meat that the Ice

Hunters consider a delicacy.

2. E n t r a n c e f r o m

t h e V i l l a g e H a l l

Hidden beneath the planks in the back corner of the

village hall, this entrance to the ice caves consists of

a chute carved with icy stairs descending 100 feet

in a tight spiral. This route is used regularly to bring

supplies to Arauthator’s minions, so the steps are clear

and easy to climb. Supplies are carried down strapped

to villagers’ backs, or lowered in baskets with the pulley

and rope in the village hall.

This chamber is empty except for three bundles of

rolled-up sealskins sitting where the ladder descends

from the chute above to the approximate center of

the room. Additionally, a bed of piled furs has been

arranged in the southwest corner, from which the sound

of loud coughing can be heard when the characters

enter the chamber. Villagers who suffer disease or

injury beyond Bonecarver’s limited healing ability

are quarantined here in the relative warmth of the

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