D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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well that a successful D C 20 Wisdom (Perception)

check or DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check is

needed to detect it.

Any character who eats the poisoned fish must make

a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Faihjre means the

character takes 13 (3d8) poison damage and becomes

unconscious for 8 hours. On a successful save, the

character takes 9 (2d8) poison damage. If all the

characters are rendered unconscious by the poison, they

are tied up and carried down to area 1 in the ice caves,

where they awaken to see 5 ice toads (see appendix A)

examining their belongings.

C o n v i n c i n g t h e S h a m a n

Of all the Ice Hunters, Bonecarver is the only one whose

favor the characters have any chance of winning. She

does not initially trust the adventurers, and is as keen to

see them depart Oyaviggaton as the rest of her people.

However, she knows that the Ice Hunters w ill eventually

perish under Arauthator’s wrath, and she has long

dreamed that the totem spirits w ill send heroes with the

strength to best the dragon.

With effective roleplaying and a DC 15 Charisma

(Persuasion) check, Bonecarver w ill meet privately with

the adventurers and speak the truth of her people’s

plight. A druid, ranger, or some other character who can

truthfully express an understanding of the shaman’s

animal totem-based faith has advantage on this check.

Bonecarver is not w illing to risk the lives of her

tribesfolk in a battle against the dragon. However, she

shows the characters the entrance to the ice caves from

her hut and explains what she knows about the caves.

This includes their general layout, occupants, and the

presence of the “horned lady” (Maccath the Crimson).

Ic e T o a d s

Arauthator has attracted a number o f ice toads to

Oyaviggaton, where they help to maintain the iceberg and

the dragon’s many treasures and trophies. The ice toads

are good at this job, thanks to their exceptionally intelligent

leader, Marfulb.

Feeding on seals, sea birds, and fish caught for them by the

Ice Hunters, Oyaviggaton’s ice toads are not automatically

hostile to strangers. Once characters get inside Arauthator’s

lair, they might find that these creatures can be helpful to

their quest. Ice toads normally speak only their own obscure

language. Those in Oyaviggaton know a little Draconic and

Uluik (the language o f the Ice Hunters), but their accents

are thick and their pronunciation atrocious. Marfulb is

fluent in Draconic thanks to many hours spent conversing

with Arauthator.

When the characters encounter ice toads, their intelligence

won’t be apparent until they act or attempt to speak. Even

then, characters might not recognize the ice toads’ croaking

as language. Ice toads move on all fours, but their webbed

front feet are surprisingly dexterous. Some carry tools and

useful items in pouches slung around their necks.

Ic e C a v e s

Beneath the village lies a network of ice caves inhabited

by Arauthator and his minions. Two entrances lead

into the caves from the village: one hidden inside the

meeting hall and the other inside the shaman’s hut. The

dragon enters the caves by way of underwater tunnels

that connect to his lair chamber, but these are too deep

and well hidden to be used by the adventurers.

G e n e r a l F e a t u r e s

With its caverns carved out of the glacial depths of the

iceberg, every surface in Oyaviggaton is made of ice.

Ceilings and Walts. Most passages in the ice caves

are at least 15 feet wide, and ceilings are 20 feet high

unless noted otherwise. The walls are intricately carved

with draconic imagery, pillars, cornices, filigrees,

buttresses, leering dragon faces, and other decorative

flourishes. This work has been done by kobolds in

Arauthator’s service, and its quality varies widely.

Floors. The floors inside the iceberg are worn glasssmooth

from decades of traffic. Arauthator, the ice trolls,

and the ice toads move across the slick ice with ease

thanks to claws and bony spurs on their feet that give

them traction. The dragon’s kobold servants wear spiky

crampons made of animal teeth strapped to their feet.

Characters without crampons or the ability to walk on

ice treat all areas of the ice caves as difficult terrain. A

successful DC 10 Intelligence check allows a character

to rig a set of crampons from items in a climbing kit,

or to convert a pair of kobold-sized crampons to fit a

Medium creature. Snowshoes are of no help inside

the iceberg.

There are no stairs inside the iceberg; the floor slopes

between areas of different elevation. Characters can

slide down a one-level ramp with ease. Sliding down a

two-level ramp (for example, from area 10 to area 9) is

automatic if the character is sitting, but requires a DC

10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check if the character tries to

slide down while standing. Characters equipped with

crampons cannot stand, but can treat ramps as difficult

terrain. Moving along a two-level ramp with crampons

also requires a successful D C 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics)

check. Characters without crampons can climb a onelevel

ramp with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check,

or can climb a two-level ramp with a successful D C 20

Dexterity check. Acrobatics is of no use to these checks,

but using a climber’s kit grants advantage on the checks.

Any failed Dexterity check to move on a ramp results

in the character sliding to the bottom of the ramp and

falling prone.

Light. The interior of Oyaviggaton is filled with dim

light by whale-oil lamps that are kept filled and lit by the

kobolds. The light is for the benefit of the ice toads, who

are the only residents of the caves who need light to see.

Temperature. The ice caverns are cold, with the

temperature in most chambers hovering around 20

degrees Fahrenheit. The white dragons, the ice trolls,

and the ice toads don’t mind the cold. The kobolds and

Maccath the Crimson bundle up in furs and warm their

living quarters with small stoves that burn whale oil

supplied by the villagers. As long as the characters wear

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