D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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C r e d i t s

Ko b o l d P ress

Designers: Steve Winter, Alexander W inter

Developer and Producer: W olfgang Baur

Editor: Scott Fitzgerald Cray

Interior Illustrators: John-Paul Balmet, N icole Cardiff,

G uido Kuip, M arcel M ercado, Bryan Syme

Cartographer: Jared Blando

Art Director: M arc Radle

W izards o f t h e C o a s t

D&D Lead Designers: M ike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford

Producer: Greg Bilsland

Adventure Contributors: M ike Mearls, Christopher Perkins,

M att Sernett, Chris Sims, Rodney Thom pson,

Jeremy Crawford

Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Shauna Narciso

Cover Illustrator: M ichael Komarck

Graphic Designers: Bree Heiss, Emi Tanji

Project Management: Neil Shinkle, John Hay

Production Services: Cynda Callaway, Jefferson Dunlap,

David Gershm an, Anita W illiam s

Brand and Marketing: Nathan Stewart, Liz Schuh,

Chris Lindsay, Shelly Mazzanoble, Hilary Ross,

Laura Tom m ervik, Kim Lundstrom , Trevor Kidd

Playtesters: M elissa Bassett, Andre Begin, M ik Calow,

M elanie Cote, M anon Crevier, Ben Danderson, Dave

Eadie, Frank Foulis, Rodrigo Gorgulho, Pete Griffith,

Liam Gulliver, Jon Harvill, Joseph Kauffmann, Yan

Lacharite, Renata Landim, Rodrigo Landim , Eric Leroux,

Carlos Eduardo Lopes, Julia Lopes, David Muller, Claudio

Pozas, Paula Pozas, Count Response, Sara Servin, Robin

Stacey, Jaime Thayer, Keoki Young

F o r e w o r d

W ith this adventure, you are ready to begin the final

assault against Tiamat, wrapping up the first great

campaign for the fifth edition of D u n g e o n s & D r a g o n s .

Whether or not you played through the first installment

of this series—Hoard o f the Dragon Queen—you need

only the basic rules and the Tyranny o f Dragons online

appendix to play through this adventure.

This campaign takes the game to ever-greater heights

of power, both for the heroes and for the foes they face.

The challenges of this adventure are greater than

anything the characters have faced before—and of

course the thrill of presenting those bigger challenges in

an epic light is more satisfying for the Dungeon Master

as well. Go big in these episodes!

The adventurers might be blasted and destroyed

by dragon fire, ensnared by sorcery, or cut down by

vengeful cultists. But the options and allies available to

the heroes as they fight against the Cult of the Dragon

are equally great.

Defeating Tiamat won’t be easy, but I am certain

you and your players w ill make it both exciting and

memorable. Good luck, and good gaming!

Wolfgang Baur

Founder, Kobold Press

July 2014

Disclaimer: Tiam at does not apologize f o r TPKs.


N o longer im prisoned in the Nine Hells,

Tiam at makes her trium phant ascent and

claim s the W ell o f Dragons as her lair. Her

arrival, as illustrated by M ichael Komarck,

portends the dawn o f a grim new age.

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ISBN: 978-0-7869-6565-6 [ £

First Printing October 2014


D U N G E O N S & D R A G O N S , D&D, W izards o f the Coast,

Forgotten Realms, the dragon am persand, Tyranny o f Dragons, Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, The Rise o f Tiam at, Player’s H andbook, M on ster Manual, Dungeon M aster’s Guide,

all other W izards o f the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks o f W izards o f the Coast in the U SA and other countries. A ll characters and their distinctive

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