D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Ic e H u n t e r s

The Ice Hunters are nomads that have lived in the North

far longer than any other humans. Short, dark-haired,

broad-faced, and with light brown skin, they cling

stolidly to their culture and their traditions of fishing

and whaling on the Sea of Moving Ice, and of hunting

for seal, walrus, and polar bears among the ice floes.

They travel by dogsled on land and ice, and paddle

seal-hide boats called khyeks or oumyeks across the

frigid water. They worship totems of animals from the

world around them, such as Clever Oomio the gray seal,

Grandfather Walrus, Great White Bear, and Pindalpau-

pau the Reindeer Mother.

The Ice Hunters came unaware to the dragon’s

iceberg generations ago. Desiring servants to guard

his lair during his long absences, the dragon killed just

enough of the tribesfolk to force the rest to obey him

out of terror. Using their unsurpassed ability as scouts,

they act now as Arauthator’s eyes and ears on the Sea

of Moving Ice. Living as thralls, they have no doubt that

if they ever leave the iceberg, Arauthator w ill hunt them

down and take horrific revenge.

R a n d o m E n c o u n t e r s

Searching the Sea of Moving Ice for the plateau-like

iceberg described by Maccath is a time-consuming

process. Roll a d6 each morning, afternoon, and night.

On a roll of 1, an encounter occurs. Roll on the table

to determine the specifics, adding +1 for each previous

table roll made while the characters were searching

from the ship on water by day. Searching by night or

searching by day while Frostskim m r is on an ice floe

doesn’t improve the odds of finding Oyaviggaton.

S e a o f M o v i n g Ic e E n c o u n t e r s


Encounter or Event

1 Giant octopi

2 Merrow

3 Polar bear

4 Scrags*

5 Ice Hunters

6 Ice Hunters in fishing boats

7+ Oyaviggaton sighted

*Use trolls with the Amphibious trait and a swim speed o f 30 feet.

If combat becomes necessary, Captain Lerustah fights

as a knight and his crew fight as 40 guards. If fighting

aboard Frostskimmr, the characters must be cautious

while using area spells that deal fire or force damage.

One such spell does minimal damage that can be fixed

by the crew at sea after the fight ends. If two such spells

are used, Frostskim m r must be hauled onto an ice floe

for repairs that take half a day. Roll normally for events

during that time, but reroll any total of 7 or higher.

Giant Octopi. This event can occur by day or

night, but only on water. Two giant octopi attack

simultaneously, trying to drag characters and crew off

the ship into the freezing water. When one octopus is

killed, the other withdraws underwater and escapes.

Merrow. This event can occur by day or night, on

ice or water. Five merrow move as close as possible to

Frostskim m r before attacking. If the characters are on

the ship, the merrow try to swamp it by making a D C 25

Strength check, with a +2 bonus to the check for each

additional merrow involved in the attempt. Success

means that Frostskim m r lurches dangerously and

each creature on board must make a D C 15 Strength

or Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a

creature is dumped overboard. (To make things easy,

divide the crew into groups of five and make one saving

throw for each group.)

A creature that falls into the frigid water is swimming,

and must make a D C 12 Constitution saving throw at

the start of each turn that it is in the water. On each

failed saving throw, the creature suffers one level of

exhaustion. Characters in the water are preferred

targets for monsters in the water.

P o la r Bear. This event can occur day or night, but

only on the ice. A crew member aboard Frostskim m r

spots a polar bear stalking a wounded Ice Hunter

on an ice floe. If the characters intervene and save

the hunter, he is grateful, and converses with them in

his own tongue. (If the characters have no means to

communicate with him, one of Frostskim m r’s crew can

translate.) Though he is not from the tribe that lives on

Oyaviggaton, the hunter knows the iceberg. In response

to any questions about Oyaviggaton, he advises the

characters as to its distance and direction from their

current position, but warns them to keep away from it.

Armed with this information, the characters gain a +1

bonus to their next two daytime event rolls.

Scrags. This event occurs only at night, and only on

the ice. W hile Frostskim m r sits on an ice floe to wait

for morning, three aquatic trolls, known as scrags

(swim speed 30 ft., can breathe underwater), attack the

ship. If the characters and crew don’t intend to haul

Frostskim m r onto an ice floe for the night, one of the

scrags swims beneath the ship and wrenches a plank

loose, causing a serious leak that requires the ship to be

pulled onto the ice for repairs.

Ice Hunters. This event can occur only by day. A

hunting party from Oyaviggaton (12 tribal warriors)

is spotted pursuing seals on an ice floe, whether

Frostskim m r is on the water or on an adjacent ice

floe. The hunters are surly and uncommunicative if

approached, knowing that they must return to the

iceberg before nightfall or their kin w ill be punished.

Captain Lerustah is puzzled by their behavior, knowing

that the Ice Hunter people are shy but never hostile.

The hunters quickly paddle their khyeks away to the

northeast. If the characters follow the hunters or use

that bearing for the next stage of their journey, they gain

a +1 bonus to their next daytime event roll.

Ice H unters in Fishin g Boats. This event

occurs only during the day. A group of fishers from

Oyaviggaton (12 tribal warriors) are spotted in their

characteristic boats, whether Frostskim m r is in the

water or on a nearby ice floe. They are unfriendly and

uncommunicative if approached, paddling away to the

northeast as soon as they are able. If the characters

follow the hunters or use that bearing for the next

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