D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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by the local tribes known as the Ice Hunters, because

of the many enemies Arauthator has frozen into the icy

walls of the berg’s hollowed interior.

In addition to his size, cunning, and ferocity,

Arauthator wields spellcasting power that makes him

a particularly dangerous foe. More than a century ago,

during one of the cyclical periods of draconic violence

known as the Rage of Dragons, Arauthator joined with

a dozen other dragons in attacking the Hosttower of

the Arcane in Luskan. Their assault toppled the west

arm of the tower, and Arauthator was seen scooping

up numerous items of great magical importance and

power, including at least three tomes of rare spells. The

possibility of recovering those books is part of what

drew Maccath the Crimson to the Sea of Moving Ice.

Arauthator’s iceberg lair serves primarily as a meeting

ground for him and his mate, the ancient white dragon

Arveiaturace (“the White Wyrm”). She is aware of the

cult’s activity but has been reluctant to join forces with

it, and Arauthator seeks a way to gain her commitment.

At one time, Arveiaturace served a wizard named

Meltharond, whose corpse remains strapped to a

saddle on the dragon’s back. She has never accepted

his death, and still speaks to him as if he were alive.

Arauthator hopes that if he provides Arveiaturace with

a new wizard to serve, she w ill recover from her grief

and join him in wholeheartedly supporting the Cult of

the Dragon. When the proud, ambitious Maccath the

Crimson arrived in Arauthator’s lair, the dragon enticed

her with the prospect of becoming Arveiaturace’s

master and rider.

M a c c a t h t h e C r i m s o n

The Arcane Brotherhood is a league of mages based in

the city of Luskan at the fabled Hosttower of the Arcane.

The Hosttower is an academy for the best and brightest

mages of Faerun. Only the most promising are accepted

as members in the Arcane Brotherhood, and only

members of the order can study at the Hosttower.

Maccath the Crimson was one of those best and

brightest when she journeyed to the Hosttower

seeking admission. Her knowledge of dragon lore and

draconic relics was already vast, but she wanted to

know more about the dragons’ magic. Even though she

gained access to the accumulated lore of the Arcane

Brotherhood, Maccath concluded that some questions

could be answered only by dragons—and that questions

about the magic stolen from the Hosttower during

the last Rage of Dragons could be answered only by

Arauthator. Maccath set sail on an expedition to learn

those answers three years ago and hasn’t been heard

from since.

Dala Silmerhelve provides the characters with all that

is known of Maccath’s fate.

“ Maccath reported her progress to the Hosttower by

way o f sending spells. Her last report spoke o f seeing

Ice Hunters paddling their sealskin boats toward a huge

iceberg, flattened like a plateau across its surface, but

ringed by icy peaks. She had intended to follow the Ice

Hunters and investigate the iceberg. After that, no more

reports came.

“Attempts to find Maccath using scrying and other

magical means located only her ship, adrift and heavily

damaged. Some o f the ship’s crew were seen dead, but

no sign o f the tiefling sorcerer was ever found. However,

the lair o f a dragon as powerful as Arauthator is no

doubt protected against scrying magic. If Maccath is

alive, in addition to the lore she can share regarding

the Draakhorn, the Arcane Brotherhood would be most

grateful to get her back."

Se t t i n g Sa i l

In Waterdeep, the characters are outfitted with cold

weather gear, including snowshoes suitable for

traversing deep drifts, and have passage north arranged

on a ship specially built for plying the waters of the Sea

of Moving Ice. Frostskim m r is captained by a human

male known as Lerustah Half-face. The right half of

his face was left a scarred ruin from severe frostbite

suffered years ago on the Sea of Moving Ice. He keeps

a leather hood drawn across his face most of the time,

both for warmth and so as not to frighten children.

Lerustah is a brave explorer and a skilled sailor.

Frostskim m r is a light longship with a shallow draft,

driven by a single sail or by oars when necessary.

The combination of wind and oar power is needed for

picking a course through close-packed ice. Despite the

ship’s length of nearly sixty feet, it is still light enough

to be lifted by its forty crew members if it becomes

hemmed in by ice. The ship is open to the air, but the

crew rig sailcloth shelters across the deck to keep away

the wind and sleet and hold in some warmth.

T h e Se a o f M o v i n g Ic e

The journey up the Sword Coast isn’t the focus of this

episode, so you don’t need to dwell on it in detail. With

favorable winds, Frostskim m r reaches the Sea of

Moving Ice in a few days. From that point, the ship must

slow down and proceed cautiously.

Captain Lerustah has no strong feelings one way

or the other about whether the crew should pull

Frostskim m r onto an ice floe at night or spend the

night on the water. An ice floe is more comfortable and

offers safety from certain aquatic creatures. On the

open water, the ship is safer from creatures that hunt

only on the ice, but sleeping on the deck is colder and

less comfortable than in an easily built snow shelter.

The decision of where to spend the night is up to the


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