D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episode 2: The Sea of Moving Ice

Far to the north, beyond the Spine of the World and

above even Icewind Dale, lies the Sea of Moving

Ice. Gigantic icebergs wander listlessly through

this glasslike sea, or are sent smashing and grinding

against each other by bitterly cold winds, the sea spray

transformed into fantastic frozen shapes around them.

Only creatures adapted to severe cold can survive such

frigid extremes, but many beasts—and even people—

make their homes in the Sea of Moving Ice. One such

creature is the white dragon Arauthator, known as “Old

White Death” by those he stalks and terrorizes. In this

section of the adventure, the heroes’ battle against the

cult leads them to one of Arauthator’s iceberg lairs.

"The Sea o f Moving Ice was the last known location o f the

Draakhorn. No one can pinpoint its present location from

the sound, or even verify with certainty that the relic is still

in the northern sea, but the search must start there.

“The one person who could tell us more is a tiefling

sorcerer called Maccath the Crimson. No one alive knows

more about the Draakhorn than her, but the Arcane

Brotherhood, o f which she is also a member, hasn’t

seen her for three years. She was investigating the Sea of

Moving Ice when she disappeared.”

T h e D r a a k h o r n ’s G a l l

Each time the Draakhorn sounds out, its unearthly call

echoes across the Sword Coast. Dragons hear it plainly,

even as other creatures hear it only as an indistinct

moaning when their surroundings are quiet and the

wind blows just right. Creatures that cannot hear the

Draakhorn can still sense it, like a faint vibration felt

subconsciously and interpreted as a sense of dread.

The adventurers were introduced to the Draakhorn by

Dala Silmerhelve during the first session of the Council

of Waterdeep. When they are ready to seek more

information on the ancient relic, Dala provides it.

“O l d W h i t e D e a t h ”

The white dragon Arauthator haunts the Sea of Moving

Ice like an avenging wind. Personifying the brutality and

savagery of his kind, Arauthator is a solid ally of the Cult

of the Dragon, and can be counted on to be present at

the Well of Dragons when Tiamat makes her triumphant

return from the Nine Hells.

Arauthator’s chief lair is beneath a remote peak

known as Lonefang Mountain, but he maintains a

number of smaller lairs among the icebergs that drift

with the seasonal tides in the Sea of Moving Ice. One

of these is known as Oyaviggaton (“island of eternity”)

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