D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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F o l l o w - u p : M e t a l l i c D r a g o n s , A r i s e

The outcome of the support of the metallic dragons (as

allocated in the third council) is accounted for in this

fourth council. Factions that did not receive draconic

aid suffer terribly in the cult’s raids, and some delegates

resent the adventurers for withholding the service of

their dragon allies. Only Isteval, Connerad, and the

Harpers maintain their respect for the adventurers

regardless of how the dragons were assigned. Cormyr

remains largely untouched by the cult, whose operations

remain focused on the Sword Coast. The Harpers have

no strongholds, and so suffer less than other factions.

Ambassador Brawnanvil appreciates the value of dragon

guards, but his strongholds are deep underground and

hard for the cult to reach—and all dwarves know how

even good dragons covet dwarven gems and gold.

Sc o r i n g t h e Sessions

Every faction w ill donate troops and resources to the

struggle against the Cult of the Dragon. However, to

w in the battle requires the full, unconditional support

of multiple factions. The outcome of the Council of

Waterdeep is tracked on the Council Scorecard

(appendix C), which determines what resources are

available to oppose the Cult of the Dragon during the

final confrontation at the Well of Dragons.

W hich way a faction leans is determined by the

adventurers’ actions and accomplishments during

the adventure. Successfully completing an episode of

the adventure w ill usually gain support from multiple

factions. However, each faction has its own priorities,

and sometimes a heroic deed that pleases one faction

can anger or disappoint another. In some cases, a

faction might even prefer that the characters engage in

antiheroic acts—by executing certain enemies rather

than taking prisoners, for example. The adventurers

might also be seen to be favoring certain factions, if

metallic dragon allies are sent to defend the interests

and settlements of one faction over another.

Each faction has its own column on the scorecard.

Important events that occur during The Rise o f Tiamat

are noted along the side of the scorecard, beginning

with events that could have occurred in the previous

adventure, Hoard o f the Dragon Queen. If you didn’t

play Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, assume that events

marked with an asterisk (*) occurred and that other

events did not.

A plus sign (+) for a particular faction and event

indicates that the faction approves of the successful

outcome of that event, and that the characters gain

respect for that outcome. Each + counts as +1 in the

final tally. A negative icon (-) indicates that a faction

disapproves of an outcome and the characters lose

respect for it. Each - counts as -1 in the final tally. A

blank means that the faction either doesn’t consider the

event significant or that there’s no consensus within

the faction. Some events are especially important to

certain factions, and are marked double plus (+/+) or

double minus (-/-). They count as +2 or -2, respectively,

in the tally.

Whenever an event occurs as noted in the list, circle

or highlight the appropriate icons. You can usually mark

all the icons in a row at once. Icons that are marked off

are counted to determine each faction’s attitude, while

unmarked icons are ignored.

Three rows on the table have icons that can’t be

marked all at once. These are the decisions about which

factions receive metallic dragon guardians, which

factions had to make concessions to secure the metallic

dragons’ aid, and who takes possession of Xonthal’s

Tower. Only the factions that are affected have their

icons marked. For example, if King Melandrach and

Ulder Ravengard had to make concessions to win the

support of the metallic dragons, only their entries on

that line should be circled or highlighted.

Some attendees are easier to sway toward pledging

their full support, including Dagult Neverember. Others

are more difficult, such as Connerad Brawnanvil.

Additionally, securing S ir Isteval or Laeral Silverhand’s

full support provides one additional respect for certain

of the other factions, since both those senior delegates

hold great influence on the council.

The scorecard covers the events and outcomes that

are likely to occur over the course of the adventure.

However, The Rise o f Tiamat is an open-ended scenario,

such that decisions by the players might trigger events

that aren’t noted on the scorecard. Excellent diplomacy,

good roleplaying, and creative handling of events that

have the potential to impress or anger certain delegates

can be rewarded with additional respect, at your

discretion. Likewise, if the characters tackle episodes

in a different order from this list, just mark off icons for

events as they happen, then keep track of the subtotals

as you see fit.

At the end of each council, add up all the plusses and

minuses from that stage of the adventure and write

the subtotal in the provided space. At the end of the

fourth council, add up the subtotals. You can use the

subtotals as feedback to give the players an idea of how

the factions are reacting to their exploits and whether

the delegates treat them with respect, disdain, or

something between.

The scorecard is meant to be used only by the DM, but

there’s nothing wrong with sharing it with your players

if that suits the style of your game. If you don’t reveal

the specifics of the scorecard, convey the players’ and

adventurers’ goals through description and roleplaying,

providing good indications of how effectively the

adventurers are winning over the factions.

If a faction’s final tally equals or exceeds the “Score

Needed For Support,” the characters have won

that faction’s full support in the final battle. If the

tally is below the score required, that faction sends

only minimal support that won’t help in the final

confrontation. The benefits of each faction’s support are

determined in the final episode, “Tiamat’s Return.”

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