D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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F o l l o w - u p : M e t a l l i c D r a g o n s , A r i s e

A ll the delegates are impressed if the party has gained

the support of the metallic dragons, even if their

own faction was asked to make concessions. The

good dragons are wise and just creatures, and their

acceptance of the party greatly boosts the adventurers’

standing in everyone’s eyes.

King Melandrach is furious if the characters agreed

to an apology for the Dracorage mythal. He makes the

apology because honor demands it, but he resents the

party for forcing his hand. Connerad Brawnanvil is

similarly unhappy if a concession was made in response

to the ancient dragonmoots of the dwarves. The

traditions of the dragonmoot saved many lives in their

time, and the fact that one metallic dragon was injured

indicates that it was probably misbehaving. Dwarves

have no patience for tolerating misbehaving dragons, no

matter what their color.

Bartering away portions of the hoard that the

cult stole is the only way some factions can make

concessions. For every concession that was made

for a share, circle a negative (-) icon in the following

order: Dagult Neverember, Connerad, Melandrach,

Lady Laeral, Ulder Ravengard, Taern Hornblade, the

Harpers, Sir Isteval, and the Order of the Gauntlet. The

Emerald Enclave is not affected by such concessions,

since the order has not been overly affected by the

dragon raids.

As an effect of the way in which the adventurers have

impressed the dragon council, it now falls to them to

allocate the dragons that have pledged their service

to the factions. Dragons allocated to a delegate of the

Lords’ Alliance are assigned to protect the capital city

of the delegate’s territory. A dragon assigned to the

Harpers w ill be used for intelligence gathering. The

Order of the Gauntlet sends any dragons to the city of

Elturel, while the Emerald Enclave sends dragons to

guard the ancient treant known as the Grandfather

Tree. The party can also distribute dragons to specific

regions. In such a scenario, a dragon protects a

100-mile-radius area around the point where it is

assigned, stopping draconic raids in that area.

S e t u p : M i s s i o n t o T h a y

The Red W izards are integral to the cult’s plans for

summoning Tiamat, but the Red W izards allied with

the Cult of the Dragon are exiles with no connection to

Thay. The Thayan Red W izards approach the Council

of Waterdeep asking for an envoy to be sent to Thay,

where they must convince the most reviled wizards in

Faerun to join with the forces of the Sword Coast for the

common good. This paves the way for episode 8.

F o u r t h Sessio n

The fourth council is the final meeting between the

faction leaders and the adventurers. Hundreds of

chromatic dragons have been sighted near the Well of

Dragons, and the time has come to strike. At the end

of this council, the delegates make their final decisions

of support for the adventurers and their cause, if they

haven’t done so already.

F o l l o w - u p : X o n t h a l ’s T o w e r

At an appropriate point in the council meetings, Rian

Nightshade approaches the characters and asks for

a private audience. She explains her position as an

emissary of the Zhentarim, and of the Zhentarim’s

interest in current affairs. She bemoans the dithering

of the other factions, stating that the Black Network

is w illing to act immediately and unflinchingly—if

the party can help arrange agreeable terms for the

Zhentarim's support.

Rian points out that the Zhentarim have a keen

interest in Xonthal’s Tower. Ownership of the tower is

under discussion by the council, but the tiefling wants

to deal directly with the adventurers, who have claim

to the tower by right of conquest. The Zhentarim are

w illing to purchase the adventurers’ interest in the

tower for 50,000 gold pieces, and Rian can throw

in a potion o f greater healing, a potion o f frost giant

strength, and a scroll o f earthquake to sweeten the

deal. This price could go up considerably if the party

negotiates agreeable terms from the other factions for

the Zhentarim’s support—up to an additional 25,000 gp,

at your discretion.

S e t u p : X o n t h a l ’s T o w e r

At the summit, information comes to the characters

revealing that a senior member of the Cult of the Dragon

seeks to defect from the group, and that the cultist

is offering a dragon mask as part of his plea for aid.

Though the offer could be a trap, the council delegates

believe that the risk is worth it. The defector is holed up

in a fortress known as Xonthal’s Tower, recently taken

over by the cult. Because a small team has a better

chance to successfully infiltrate the tower than a larger

force, the adventurers are asked to investigate. This

leads to episode 7.

F o l l o w - u p : M i s s i o n t o T h a y

Any alliance with the Red W izards is a mixed blessing.

More pragmatic factions and delegates—including the

Harpers, King Melandrach, Dagult Neverember, and

Taern Hornblade—are impressed by the diplomacy

such an arrangement demonstrates, and know that

regardless of the Red W izards’ character and previous

plots against the Sword Coast, they are a significant

asset. Sir Isteval, Ambassador Brawnanvil, and the

Order of the Gauntlet object to the idea of even opening

dialogue with the Red Wizards, and believe that the

Thayans would agree to an alliance only if it furthered

their own plots to rule the Sword Coast and all Faerftn.

Lady Laeral and Ulder Ravengard both think the Red

Wizards unpredictable but necessary, believing that the

only important factor is how the Thayans influence the

outcome of the final battle.

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