D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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The fate of the dragon hatchery divides opinion as

well. Most delegates respect a decision to destroy the

hatchery, accepting that having fewer dragons to deal

with later on is an advantage. However, the Harpers

would have preferred the eggs to be kept for ransoming

back to their parents, potentially keeping those dragons

from cooperating with the cult. Dagult would have sold

the valuable eggs to “responsible buyers,” then used that

gold to hire more mercenaries. The Emerald Enclave

is firmly against any dragon eggs being destroyed,

believing that the chromatic dragons are a part of

the natural order and that killing their young upsets

the balance of that order. Taern Hornblade and Lady

Laeral Silverhand think there might have been a way

to leverage the eggs as ransom, but both recognize that

they would have been dangerous to hold onto—and even

more dangerous to return.

When the discussion around the events from H oard o f

the Dragon Queen is concluded, the council moves on to

current matters. It’s obvious to all that the adventurers

have taken a firm hand in addressing this crisis, and

that they have proven their worth. The council deputizes

the characters with emergency investigative powers and

a writ demonstrating such. This grants the characters

access to resources and sites they deem necessary for

their investigation, but carries with it the burden of

oversight from the council. If the adventurers misbehave

or abuse their powers, their actions w ill be reviewed

and the writ w ill be revoked.

Once the characters have been vested with their

powers, the first stages of the adventure await.

S e t u p : V a r r a m t h e W h i t e

One of Remallia Haventree’s first acts in her fight

against the Cult of the Dragon was to encourage the

Harpers to focus all their resources on the cult’s

activities and its most powerful members. Those efforts

have been successful, and Leosin Erlanthar reports to

the adventurers of the movements of Varram, the cult’s

White Wyrmspeaker. This leads to “Varram the White,”

part of the “Death to the Wyrmspeakers” episode.

S e t u p : T h e S e a o f M o v i n g I c e

The sounding of the Draakhorn weighs heavily on

all the leaders of the Sword Coast. Seeking more

information on the horn and its whereabouts leads

the party on an expedition to the frozen North,

and episode 2.

Se c o n d Sessio n

At the Second Council of Waterdeep, the adventurers

see two new faces. Lord Neverember has been replaced

as Open Lord of Waterdeep by Lady Laeral Silverhand,

who now sits at the head of the council table. Dagult sits

to her right, alongside a human female introduced as

Elia (see below).

The delegates discuss the raids in their various

domains after receiving the characters’ report, providing

flavor for the ongoing activities of the cult and giving a

clear impression that the situation is escalating.

F o l l o w - u p : V a r r a m t h e W h i t e

In response to the fate of Wyrmspeaker Varram, the

Harpers and Taern are upset if the dwarf was slain

without being interrogated, and Connerad is upset

that he was not captured and made an example of in a

court of dwarven law. Though most are pleased with

capturing Varram, the Emerald Enclave is nonplussed,

believing that capturing him only complicates matters.

Varram has already demonstrated a willingness to

corrupt the natural order, making a trial excessive—and

potentially opening the door to a rescue attempt.

F o l l o w - u p : T h e S e a o f M o v i n g I c e

The Arcane Brotherhood are powerful allies, and all

are pleased if the party wins their allegiance—with the

exception of the Order of the Gauntlet. Ontharr Frume

knows that the Arcane Brotherhood does not police its

members in what kinds of knowledge they pursue, and

that they tolerate many evil wizards in their company.

Bringing the Arcane Brotherhood into the alliance

doesn’t lose Frum e’s respect, but neither does it earn it.

S e t u p : N e r o n v a i n

Delaan Winterhound of the Emerald Enclave is involved

with investigations into recent dragon attacks in the

Misty Forest. King Melandrach waves away Delaan’s

concerns, saying that dragon attacks in the area have

stopped since his elves increased their patrols and

fortified their positions. Discovering the truth w ill lead

the adventurers to “Neronvain,” part of the “Death to the

Wyrmspeakers” episode.

S e t u p : M

e t a l l i c D r a g o n s , A r i s e

During the council, the adventurers are introduced

to the silver dragon Otaaryliakkarnos, in her human

guise as Elia. She bears an invitation from the metallic

dragons to a council of their own, and the council

delegates ask the adventurers to attend. This leads

into episode 6.

T h ir d Sessio n

The third council features another new face—the tiefling

Rian Nightshade, introduced as a special adviser to

Lord Neverember. Characters who pay attention notice

that some at the meeting—including S ir Isteval, Ontharr

Frume, and Ambassador Brawnanvil—are doing their

best to ignore the secret Zhentarim delegate, who

makes no statements unless addressed by the party.

F o l l o w - u p : N e r o n v a i n

News that the dragon attacks in the elven forest have

ended is gratefully received by all on the council.

However, King Melandrach responds with cold fury

to news of his son Neronvain’s betrayal. He remains

hesitant to put elves in the front lines of combat, but

no longer acts as a roadblock to negotiations. His

pragmatism means that he no longer has any qualms

against the adventurers’ securing the allegiance of

Red Wizards, giants, or even devils in the fight against

the Cult of the Dragon—as long as such allies are

conveniently arrayed in front of his elves in battle.

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