D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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D e a t h o f a M a s k e d L o r d

Though the leadership of the Cult of the Dragon could

not have realized it, one of the key events in the fight

to thwart Severin’s plans was the cult’s assassination

of Arthagast Ulbrinter, a Masked Lord of Waterdeep

and husband of Remi Haventree of the Harpers. News

of Arthagast’s recent murder has spread across the

Sword Coast, and has galvanized opposition to the cult

in Waterdeep.

In her grief, Remi Haventree has sworn to destroy the

cult and the threat it presents to the Sword Coast. She

has been instrumental in bringing the factions together

for this Council of Waterdeep, setting up the potential

for alliances that the adventurers must now complete.

T h e D r a a k h o r n S o u n d s

Shortly after the crash or capture of Skyreach Castle,

operatives of the Cult of the Dragon sounded the

Draakhorn at the distant Well of Dragons. An ancient

magic relic, the Draakhorn is being used by the cult to

summon chromatic dragons to their dark cause.

As the characters are arriving in Waterdeep, read or

paraphrase the following.

A sudden shift in the wind brings with it a strange sense

o f unease. The feeling is akin to the drop in air pressure

before the approach o f a deadly storm, or faint tremors

felt from a landslide or earthquake far away. You’re not

the only ones who have noticed. The city around you

goes unnaturally quiet suddenly. No dogs bark, no birds

squawk. Even the street vendors have gone silent.

The silence lasts only a moment before the normal

sounds of Waterdeep return to mask the unexplained

sensation. If the characters get to a quiet place, they

notice the disturbance again, like a rumbling almost too

faint to hear. As well, subtle changes in the behavior of

animals can be noted. Dogs are nervous and on edge,

horses are skittish, cats are more feral than usual, and

rats gather in large, bold packs. Sensitive N P C s are also

affected, becoming nervous, fearful, and impatient.

During the first session of the council (or earlier if

the characters make efforts to investigate the strange

phenomenon), the adventurers are approached by

Dala Silmerhelve—a Waterdhavian noble. Read

or paraphrase the following when the characters

speak to Dala.

“The disturbance that's been sensed across the Sword

Coast is the Draakhorn— an ancient device whose

sounding alerts dragons across Faerun that great events

are unfolding. It's impossible to say what the sounding

means, but the dragons hear it clearly and will eventually

answer its call. ”

Lady Silmerhelve learned this from her family’s secret

benefactor, an ancient bronze dragon named Nymmurh.

She knows a little more about the Draakhorn, but she

waits to reveal it until she attends the first council

meeting. She flatly refuses to tell anyone the source of

her knowledge if asked. This makes Ulder Ravengard,

King Conneerad, and Ontharr Frume suspicious, but

others take the secrecy in stride. If Lady Silmerhelve is

treated poorly, it might affect how Nymmurh interacts

with the characters in “Metallic Dragons, Arise.”

F i r s t Se s s io n

Having accepted the invitation to the council meeting,

the adventurers are received at the Lords’ Palace.

Make the introduction to the City of Splendors and

the Lords’ Palace as detailed or as simple as fits your

campaign style.

Once inside the Lords’ Palace, the party is escorted

to the secret council chambers by Leosin Erlanthar.

The outer galleries are packed with nobles engaged in

heated debate, and the guards are wearing livery from

city-states across the North.

Although Erlanthar is not invited to the council

discussions, Remallia Haventree has informed him

of the agenda and the reason the party has been

summoned. He advises the characters that though the

factions are all nominally committed to stopping the

Cult of the Dragon, none of the delegates have made

substantive pledges yet.

Too much mistrust still burdens the factions, and not

enough is known about the situation. Erlanthar thinks

the leaders need someone to show them the right path—

heroes who w ill lead the forces of the Sword Coast

with certainty into the coming darkness. He believes

that the adventurers have a chance to be those heroes.

However, he explains that each faction w ill weigh every

word the characters say and scrutinize every one of

their decisions. What pleases one group might anger

another, and it w ill be incredibly difficult to make all

parties happy.

F o l l o w - u p : H o a r d o f t h e D r a g o n Q u e e n

Once introductions are made, Dagult Neverember

summarizes the situation if the adventurers did not play

through Hoard o f the Dragon Queen. This includes the

plan to summon Tiamat, increased dragon raids led by

the cult, the treasure collection system, the crash or

capture of Skyreach Castle, and the importance of the

wyrmspeakers and dragon masks to the cult.

If the party played through the previous adventure,

Dagult explains that the council has heard reports

from Ontharr, Leosin, and other witnesses, but that the

delegates wish to hear from the heroes at the center of

recent events. (At this point, use Neverember to also fill

in any information the characters did not gather during

Hoard o f the Dragon Queen that you deem important.)

Most of the factions recognize that Skyreach Castle

needed to be stopped, and they are happy if the castle

was crashed. However, some members of the Lords’

Alliance think it unconscionable that such a resource

would be destroyed, intentionally or otherwise. These

dissidents believe it would have been better for the

characters to have waited for reinforcements, then

attacked to secure the castle (regardless of how

unrealistic that plan might have been).

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