D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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B a c k in Wa t e r d e e p

The most powerful factions of the Sword Coast all

recognize the significance of Tiamat’s possible return,

and they are w illing to cooperate with each other to

prevent it. Trust doesn’t come easily for these disparate

groups. But even for orders and organizations that have

been in conflict in the past, the “enemy of my enemy” is

easily understood.

To coordinate their efforts against the Cult of the

Dragon, the factions have sent important delegates for

secret meetings in Waterdeep. If the adventurers played

through Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, they now know

as much as anyone about the cult’s activities, and their

heroics have been brought to the attention of powerful

leaders and earned them a place at the council table. If

you didn’t play Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, a separate

group of heroes assaulted Skyreach Castle and bravely

gave their lives to crash the fortress. The characters

are then invited to the council simply because of their

reputation as powerful adventurers, and because the

council expects to need their services.

F o u r C o u n c i l s

When the characters arrive in Waterdeep, they are

met by the Harper agent Leosin Erlanthar. The

monk explains the purpose of the council and tells

the adventurers they are expected to attend the first

gathering—both so the council can thank them for their

great deeds and to advise the council about the Cult

of the Dragon. Four meetings of the council occur at

critical points throughout the crisis, right up to the final

episode of the adventure at the Well of Dragons.

During the first session of the council, all the Sword

Coast becomes aware of how the Cult of the Dragon’s

plots are advancing when the Draakhorn sounds. In the

aftermath, the characters are given leads to episode 2 or

to Varram in the “Death to the Wyrmspeakers” episode.

A second session of the council is summoned to

address increasingly aggressive dragon activity. The

characters are asked to investigate a devastating series

of raids in the Misty Forest, leading to Neronvain in the

“Death to the Wyrmspeakers” episode. The adventurers

are also approached by a representative who wishes

to bring the party to a secret meeting with the metallic

dragons, leading to episode 6.

A third session of the council is called to assess the

gains made by the allied factions against the Cult of

the Dragon. The party is called on to pursue two leads

that might grant even more advantage over the cult—a

renegade cultist offering to turn over one of the dragon

masks, in episode 7, and an attempt to undercut the

power of the exile Red Wizards in episode 8.

At the fourth session of the Council of Waterdeep,

the adventurers learn that the plots of the Cult of the

Dragon and the Red W izards are nearing fruition. The

forces of the various factions must gather in preparation

for the assault on the Well of Dragons.

During each new council, the various factions

measure the party’s actions and achievements,

comparing those actions to their own goals. Characters

who further the goals of a faction w ill find that faction

w illing to pledge more resources to the fight against

the cult. However, gaining the allegiance of one faction

might lead to distrust from others. The adventurers

must strike a careful balance in their appeal to—and

appeasement of—the delegates to gather the strongest

force possible to confront Tiamat.

Though it isn’t ideal for all attendees, the Lords’

Palace in Waterdeep is the designated location of

the council meetings. The Lords’ Alliance faction is

sending the most delegates, and those delegates prefer a

civilized gathering place.

G a t h e r i n g A l l i e s

Though every faction provides some troops and

resources toward the final showdown with the forces

of Tiamat, the extent of their support—and how much

effect that support w ill have—is dependent on the

respect the adventurers garner from each group for

their actions. Before committing irrevocably to the

fight, a faction must be convinced that the cult presents

a danger surpassing all other concerns—and that the

adventurers are the right heroes to lead this fight.

Moreover, what is worthy of respect in one faction might

lose respect from another.

As the adventurers successfully complete episodes of

the adventure, you track how they earn or lose respect

from each faction on the Council Scorecard (appendix C).

See “Scoring the Sessions,” below, for more information.

L e a d i n g D e l e g a t e s

Most factions have sent a delegation to the Council of

Waterdeep consisting of several important persons

and their aides. In general, only the leaders of each

delegation are present at the council meetings attended

by the adventurers. However, no matter how individual

delegates might react to the characters’ deeds, they also

heed the words of their fellow councilors not present

at the council meetings. Brave and heroic feats that

individual leaders might approve of could be frowned on

by a faction as a whole if those deeds don't line up with

the faction’s agenda.

Se s s io n s o f t h e C o u n c i l

The format of the four council meetings as described

below follows the flow of the adventure as set out in

the “Overview” section. If events unfold differently

in your campaign, adjust the meetings and their

events accordingly. For each council meeting, a brief

justification for the different attitudes of the factions

is provided. More information on the factions and

their delegates is provided under “Allies” in the

introduction section.

Each session of the council discusses the setup for

episodes meant to be played as a result of that session,

and the follow-up for previous episodes whose outcome

is resolved in that session. In all cases, see those

specific episodes for full details.

Two preliminary events help to set up the first session

of the council: news of the assassination of Arthagast

Ulbrinter, one of the Masked Lords of Waterdeep, and

the sounding of the Draakhorn.

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