D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Episode 1: Council of Waterdeep

The Rise o f Tiamat begins immediately after the

conclusion of H oard o f the Dragon Queen, and

assumes that the characters have returned to

Waterdeep in the aftermath of that adventure. W hile

in the city, the adventurers are summoned to the

first meeting of the Council of Waterdeep. W hile at

that gathering, they hear the sounding of the ancient

Draakhorn that heralds the next stage of the Cult of the

Dragon’s plots. (See appendix B for more information on

the Draakhorn, but be sure to withhold that information

until the characters have played through the episode

“The Sea of Moving Ice.”)

St a r t i n g t h e A d v e n t u r e

The Rise o f Tiamat begins in Waterdeep. If you played

Hoard o f the Dragon Queen, the characters might have

already made their way back to the City of Splendors

after Skyreach Castle crashed at the end of that first

adventure. If you didn’t play Hoard o f the Dragon Queen,

if Skyreach Castle wasn’t crashed, or if the characters

went somewhere other than Waterdeep afterward, you

need to get the party back to Waterdeep for the start of

this adventure.

It’s easy enough to simply tell the players that their

characters are back in Waterdeep. However, if you

suspect that your group won’t find that satisfying, you

can avoid playing through a long overland journey by

making use of the following scenario.

Wherever the characters are when this session

begins, a raven flies up to them. The bird is part of

an animal messenger relay dispatched by Leosin

Erlanthar’s allies in the Emerald Enclave.

The raven lands a dozen paces from you, then boldly hops

closer, a flat parcel wrapped in oilskin strapped to its belly.

It eyes you enigmatically for a few moments, then speaks

in a familiar voice. “ Leosin Erlanthar sends his heartiest

congratulations! Please use the gift this bird brings to

meet me in Waterdeep as soon as possible.”

The bird waits patiently while the leather parcel is

removed from its harness. The parcel contains a

carefully folded teleport scroll and the sigil sequence

of a permanent teleport circle in Waterdeep. The circle

can be in a temple, a government building, or any other

site of your choice. If the party includes more than six

characters, the parcel contains two scrolls. If none of

the characters can use a teleport scroll, they’ll need to

seek out an N P C who can. Just don’t make it too difficult.

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