D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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Alliance, however, and they are the only group with the

resources to pay the Black Network’s price. The heroes

can attempt to sway the opinions of the other factions—

and have a chance to buy the Zhentarim’s allegiance

outright in the follow-up to episode 7.

In the end, too much is at stake to sit this fight out,

and the Zhentarim pitch in against the cult regardless

of whether their price is paid. However, if the other

factions want a voice in how the Zhentarim go to war

against the cult, it w ill cost them. If the Zhentarim fight

on their own, they strike when and how they choose.

At least one Black Network mission is carried out

regardless of payment. Without the knowledge of anyone

outside the Zhentarim, one of their agents has infiltrated

the cult and gets close enough to Wyrmspeaker Varram

to steal the White Dragon Mask. This theft sets off a

sequence of events that culminates in Varram’s portion

of the “Death to the Wyrmspeakers" episode.

U s i n g t h e Z h e n t a r i m

Black Network agents are useful N P C s that you can

introduce at appropriate times during the adventure.

Characters who played Hoard o f the Dragon Queen have

already met one member of the Black Network—the

female gnome Jamna Gleamsilver. If the characters

need information or gear they can’t obtain any other

way, seeking out or being approached by a Zhentarim

agent is an easy way for you to provide it.

A typical Black Network agent is a highly capable

adventurer with no scruples. Some Zhentarim have

winged snake companions that carry messages on

scrolls as they fly, allowing agents to keep in contact

with one another.

Although the Zhentarim as a whole oppose the cult’s

plans, not everyone in the Black Network shares that

view. A number of Zhentarim agents believe that the

cult’s victory is inevitable, and that by standing against

the cult, the Zhentarim risk losing everything. If events

are going too smoothly for the heroes, you can introduce

a few rogue Black Network agents to throw a wrench

into the characters’ plans at the worst possible moment.

R i a n N i g h t s h a d e

Law ful evil female tie fling warlock

Ideals: Logic, greed (“I’m certain we can come to an

agreement that all parties w ill favor. But if not, we

have other means of settling the issue.”)

Interaction Traits: Polite, mercantile, ruthless

Pledged Resources: Assassins and mercenaries

Rian is a member of the Zhentarim and the Black

Network’s envoy during the third Council of Waterdeep.

She is seated at the table as a special adviser to Lord

Neverember, and her affiliation with the Zhentarim

w ill not be mentioned. However, neither she nor Lord

Neverember try to deny or conceal that affiliation if the

characters question why Rian is present.

The Black Network backs any plans that increase the

likelihood of defeating the cult. Any and all alliances

are fine, as are any outcomes that add to the council’s

strategic resources. Rian doesn’t have any particular

interest in morality, and dark acts have no impact on

her attitude toward the party. She disapproves of taking

any wyrmspeakers alive, though, fearing the power of

such dangerous figures and questioning the chance of

success for attempts to turn or interrogate them. She

favors discreet execution, interrogation of the corpse

with appropriate rituals, and destruction of the body to

prevent resurrection.

The Black Network remains uncommitted until the

final council when pledges are made. If the party has

earned the Zhentarim’s respect, they provide their

services at only a nominal cost. However, such action

almost certainly alienates most of the other factions

from the adventurers. Unlike the other factions, the

Zhentarim’s loyalty can be purchased regardless of their

respect for the characters, if the party can negotiate

terms to be paid by the other factions.

M e t a l l i c D r a g o n s

The good dragons of Faerun hear the Draakhorn’s

call and know what it portends. With the fate of the

world hanging in the balance, the good dragons w ill

take action to oppose the return of Tiamat. However, it

remains to be seen whether they do so in concert with

the humanoid factions of the Sword Coast, or whether

they strike on their own with no thought or concern for

the fate of the lesser races.

U s i n g M e t a l l i c D r a g o n s

The metallic dragons w ill strike against the cultists at

the Well of Dragons, but they are much more effective

if their attacks are coordinated as part of the overall

plan of battle. Moreover, if they can be brought into the

alliance represented by the Council of Waterdeep, they

can help defend humanoid territories from the cult’s

devastating raids. This is covered in greater detail

in episode 6.

G ia n t s

Though many giants have thrown their lot in with

the Cult of the Dragon, most remember the ancient

dragon-giant wars with bitterness and hatred. Tales of

feuds, bloodletting, and death fuel the giants’ hatred of

dragons, but the giant races are their own masters. As

such, they don’t easily cooperate with the small races.

Even when good giants see the need and wisdom in

joining forces with lesser folk, they often resist the idea

out of pride until someone or something can command

their respect.

U s i n g G i a n t s

Engaging the giants in an alliance against the Cult of

the Dragon can be handled by N P C s (most likely by

members of the Harpers or the Emerald Enclave). If

the characters completed Hoard o f the Dragon Queen

in possession of Skyreach Castle, offering to return

it to the giants (either behind the scenes or in a side

trek episode of your own creation) is sure to guarantee

their support of the factions against the Cult of the

Dragon. The presence of giants at the final showdown

w ill be an enormous advantage for the forces fighting

against the cult.

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