D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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eventually ceded control to Methrammar, leader of the

city’s army and son of its most famous ruler, Alustriel.

Though Methrammar remains leader of Silverymoon

and a member of the Lords’ Alliance, he is too forthright

and earnest to succeed as a diplomat. As such, Taern

was sent to the Council of Waterdeep in his stead.

Silverymoon has a large army and many wizards who

would greatly assist in the coming battle, but Taern has

not lived this long by being rash. He is one of the most

cautious delegates, knowing that Silverymoon’s great

wards of protection have stood against dragons before.

Fearing that committing soldiers to the effort against

the Cult of the Dragon might leave the city weakened,

Taern needs to know that the party w ill protect any

troops he lends to the coalition. As such, he seeks

to gather as much information as possible about the

adventurers and other potential allies.

S i r I s t e v a l

Law ful good male human paladin

Ideals: Tradition, honor (“Against Tiamat, we

either stand together or fall alone. W ho w ill stand

with Cormyr?”)

Interaction Traits: Honorable, wise, dour

Pledged Resources: The might of Cormyr, including

Purple Dragon Knights and War Wizards

Sir Isteval is a former adventurer and Purple Dragon

Knight of Cormyr. Though not an actual member of

the Lords’ Alliance, he is present at the Council of

Waterdeep as the alliance’s nominal representative for

Daggerford. That small settlement can contribute little

to the effort to defeat the Cult of the Dragon, however,

and in truth, Isteval has been drafted by Cormyr to

gain insight into what looks to be a war brewing on its

western border.

Isteval has too much respect for the other delegates to

hide this information from them, and he assures those

present that his loyalties—to Daggerford, to Cormyr,

to the Lords’ Alliance, and to all good folk—are not at

cross-purposes. This forthright approach nevertheless

causes an uproar among other delegates, and the

adventurers must take a hand in insuring that Isteval is

not expelled from the council meetings.

A veteran dragon slayer, Isteval bears a wound in his

leg that resists magical healing, and he walks with a

cane made from a bone of the green dragon that dealt

him the injury. The paladin can be a helpful source of

dragon lore, but his advice is always guarded. He sees

his infirmity as a reminder from his god Lathander of

the dangers of hubris. As befits his deity’s ethos, Isteval

has chosen to treat his injury as a reason to encourage

the heroics of others even as his own legend fades. Still,

at times like these when the world needs heroes, he

doesn’t like being reminded that he must watch the fight

from the sidelines.

Isteval believes in heroes as the spark that can ignite

the flames of righteousness in others and the light that

chases away the darkness of evil. Seeing this spark in

the adventurers makes the paladin one of the party’s

strongest advocates at the Council of Waterdeep, as long

as they pursue a principled path.

S ir Isteval has much in common with Ontharr Frume

of the Order of the Gauntlet. The two are potential allies

in all things, which worries some of the other Lords’

Alliance members.

T h e Z h e n t a r i m

The Zhentarim—also known

as the Black Network—is a

loose affiliation of merchants,

mercenaries, and malefactors.

Common folk know the

Zhentarim as the people to

talk to when you need the best

guards or mercenaries money

can buy. And if the cargo is

shady or the cause you’re

fighting for is questionable or

even unjust, the Zhentarim

don’t mind.

Affiliation with the Zhentarim

can be profitable to sellswords,

thieves, and rogues of every stripe. It’s plausible that

adventurers in your campaign might become members

of the organization—but like most residents of Faerun,

they won’t know the full extent of the Zhentarim’s

operations and goals.

Unknown to all but a few, the heart of the Zhentarim

is a cabal of evil and sometimes monstrous leaders

who seek to extend the Black Network’s blood-soaked

reach into every assassination, black market, and illegal

deal that happens in Faerun. The order’s crim inal

connections burrow into every major city and thieves’

guild in the Western Heartlands and along the Sword

Coast. Wherever a city’s coinage is disastrously

undermined by counterfeiting, wherever an up-and-

coming business runs roughshod over its established

competitors, and wherever a political struggle turns

to widespread intimidation, it’s a safe bet that the

Zhentarim are involved.

However, engaging in mainstream corruption and

wanting to see Tiamat ascendant are two different

things. The Zhentarim have no illusions about what

the Dragon Queen’s return would mean for their plans.

Wanting to secretly rule the world from the shadows for

themselves, the leaders of the Black Network have no

desire to become agents and errand-runners for some

petty god and her dragon cohorts.

This viewpoint makes the Zhentarim an interesting

addition to the characters’ possible allies. Under normal

circumstances, the Harpers, the Lords’ Alliance, the

Order of the Gauntlet, and the Emerald Enclave would

shun ties to the Black Network—and possibly arrest

its emissaries. However, the crisis created by the Cult

of the Dragon is unprecedented. Every resource that

can be mustered w ill be needed in the final showdown

against the cult, and the Zhentarim’s network of spies,

assassins, and mercenary armies cannot be ignored.

Even with the fate of the world and the Zhentarim’s

own future hanging in the balance, the order demands

payment for services—and where need and risk are

greatest, the pay is expected to be equally great. This

mercenary attitude does not sit well with the Lords’

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