D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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are legally justifiable—even when such justification must

be “rediscovered” from long-forgotten or ignored laws.

In the first council meeting, Lord Dagult’s resources

have been spread thin between the massive investments

he’s made in rebuilding Neverwinter and in maintaining

dominance in Waterdeep. He strongly supports the

members of the Lords’ Alliance pooling resources,

because he worries that neither of his investments can

survive the coming catastrophe without assistance.

This changes by the second council. Though losing

Waterdeep allows him to consolidate his strength,

Dagult resents Laeral for taking his position. He avoids

letting his feelings cloud his judgment, however, intent

on showing that he is a more fitting leader by backing

the adventurers and taking a firm leadership role in

the council.

A m b a s s a d o r C o n n e r a d B r a w n a n v i l

Law ful good male shield dw arf fighter

Ideals: Honor, respect (“A sturdy axe, a strong hand to

hold it, and a straight fight are all we dwarves need to

end this little problem.”)

Personality Traits: Hot tempered, suspicious

Pledged Resources: Dwarf soldiers and dwarf-forged

armaments and siege weapons

Son of Banak Brawnanvil and a former king of Mithral

Hall, Connerad has made the long journey from

Mithral H all to act as the Lords’ Alliance delegate for

the dwarves of the North, including Citadel Adbar and

Citadel Felbarr.

Even though Connerad hates dragons, devils,

and cultists alike, he is as stubborn as a mule about

committing troops anywhere but his homeland.

The dwarven kingdoms in the North have lost many

people in recent years, and the dwarves that remain

are struggling to retain ancient lands only recently

reclaimed. He knows the adventurers only by reputation,

and desires tangible proof that they have the mettle

and wits to lead soldiers and dwarves before he’ll make

a serious commitment. Like Ontharr Frume of the

Order of the Gauntlet, Connerad responds well to bold

demonstrations of heroism. However, he is personally

and deeply insulted by any slight against dwarves or

intrusions by the characters into dwarven affairs. His

reactions to the adventurers’ exploits determine how he

votes in the fourth council.


a r s h a l l U l d e r R a v e n g a r d

Law ful neutral male human fighter

Ideals: Responsibility, glory (“I am trusted with

protecting thousands of lives, and I w ill not betray that

trust no matter what my personal desires.”)

Interaction Traits: Honest

Pledged Resources: Flam ing Fist warriors and expert

advisers to train conscript troops

Ulder Ravengard is the leader of the Flam ing Fist—the

military might of Baldur’s Gate. He has the greatest

martial acumen of anyone at the council (and probably

in the whole Lords’ Alliance). He can also muster more

soldiers than any other delegate, and he is not bashful

about saying so. His place is at the head of the war

council and the front of the battle—but he w ill take that

place only if the party proves worthy of his trust.

Ravengard is a stern warrior dedicated to discipline

and results. Having risen through the ranks of

the Flam ing Fist by the might of his blade and the

sharpness of his wits, he sometimes lacks sophistication

and tact, but he possesses an unwavering commitment

to the law. More comfortable working with soldiers than

adventurers, Ravengard is used to giving orders and

having them obeyed without question.

Though Baldur’s Gate is still recovering from the

havoc caused by the resurrection within the city of

Bhaal, god of murder, the metropolis remains one of

Faerun’s most populous, wealthy, and powerful cities.

Ravengard recognizes his duty to protect the city above

all else, and the Flam ing Fist’s tired reserves are

desperately needed for reconstruction and policing.

However, he would love to see the Flam ing Fist take a

leading role in the fight against the Cult of the Dragon,

if only to give the defenders of Baldur’s Gate a stature

befitting the greatest city in Faerun. This opportunity

for glory makes Ravengard receptive to the adventurers’

overtures, as long as their plans and decisions promise

stability and discipline.

K i n g M e l a n d r a g h

Neutral male wild e lf fighter/druid

Ideals: Balance, nation (“We elves were once the

greatest civilization to grace Faerun, and my people

are heir to that history. I w ill not squander our

waning strength.”)

Interaction Traits: Quiet, arrogant

Pledged Resources: Elven eldritch knights

The King of the Misty Forest is the delegate for the

elves of both the Misty Forest and the High Forest.

Whereas his sons Alagarthas and Neronvain always

rushed headlong into their own pursuits, Melandrach

is more circumspect. He has led the elves of the Misty

Forest since before most of their kind abandoned their

lands in the Retreat. Despite the years of discussion

and meditation that preceded it, Melandrach considered

the Retreat a rash decision, and he is understandably

hesitant to commit to any sudden course of action.

During meetings of the council, Melandrach

consistently argues for caution and more information,

and nothing the adventurers say seems to make any

difference. That changes when it is revealed that

his lost son Neronvain has become the cult’s Green


T a e r n “ T h u n d e r s p e l l s ” H o r n b l a d e

Law ful good male human wizard

Ideals: Logic, greater good (“Calculated risks are

necessary to w in this war, and no one is likely to

emerge unscathed.”)

Interaction Traits: Ponderous, curious

Pledged Resources: The army of Silverymoon (the

Knights in Silver) and Silverymoon conscript troops

Taern Hornblade has lived an unnaturally long

life by consuming potions o f longevity. The wizard

led Silverymoon for many years as high mage, but

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