D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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divine guidance, for it is only with the blessing of Torm

and the other gods that Tiamat can be defeated.

Just as good deeds must be performed in the light for

all to see, evil must be shunned and fought at every turn.

Members of the order can be won over by heroic and

righteous deeds, but they w ill turn against characters

who cooperate with or tolerate evil. The order can best

be swayed by actions that demonstrate heroism and

divine providence—uniting the metallic dragons to fight

Tiamat’s brood, for example. Slaying a wyrmspeaker

w ill also serve the party well, while capturing and

delivering such a villain to justice w ill raise them even

higher in the order’s sight.

Ontharr Fram e’s dedication to heroic justice creates

a strong connection between him and the paladin Sir

Isteval. However, Ontharr has difficulty reconciling

the heroic Isteval of legend with the diplomatic

and retiring figure of the Council of Waterdeep. It’s

incomprehensible to him why S ir Isteval does not take

to the field himself in this great conflict.

T h e E m e r a l d E n c l a v e

The Emerald Enclave is

dedicated to maintaining

balance in the natural order

and combating the forces

that threaten that balance.

Members of the enclave live

in the wilderness or in small

communities, and the order

has almost no representatives

in towns and cities. They are

not opposed to civilization,

however. Rather, they seek

to prevent civilization and

wilderness from harming one

another. Those who serve the

Emerald Enclave are masters of survival and living off

the land, of navigating through the wilderness, and of

reading the signs that indicate approaching weather,

the passage of creatures, and the general weal of the

natural world.

Severin’s plan to release Tiamat from the Nine Hells

represents a grave threat to the natural order. The

Dragon Queen’s reign and the ascendancy of chromatic

dragons would trigger a continent-wide catastrophe that

the Emerald Enclave cannot allow.

U s i n g t h e E m e r a l d E n c l a v e

Members of the Emerald Enclave operate alone or in

small groups. Their primary focus is places where

the natural world and civilization intersect, because

that’s where the natural order is most easily upset.

Humanoids and monsters alike can become a threat to

nature when they are thrown out of balance with their

environment or their role in the world.

Whenever characters are traveling through the

wilderness—and especially if they get into trouble in a

remote area—they can encounter agents of the Emerald

Enclave. If the adventurers need someone to guide them

safely across a mountain range or lead them through

trackless, monster-infested forest, there is no better

choice than a member of the order.

Druids, rangers, and barbarians make up most of

the Emerald Enclave, but any character with a strong

affinity for nature can find a place in the order.

D e l a a n W i n t e r h o u n d

Neutral good male half-elf ranger

Ideals: Balance, life (“In all good hearts is a spot of

darkness, and in all tragedy is a glimmer of light.”)

Interaction Traits: Quiet

Pledged Resources: Druids, treants, and good- and

neutral-aligned lycanthropes

Delaan has come to the Council of Waterdeep as the

lone representative of the Emerald Enclave. Even

his regular companion, a winter w olf named Loska,

remains on patrol outside the city. Delaan spends

much of his time wandering the northern wilderness,

and although he visits friends in Nesme once a year,

he otherwise shies away from large settlements. He is

clearly uncomfortable in Waterdeep.

There is no question that Tiamat must be stopped, but

the Emerald Enclave wants to see the world restored

to order. This sometimes means taking a middle

ground in battles between good and evil. Delaan is

acutely aware of the destruction accompanying the

recent activities of the Cult of the Dragon. He knows

the cult must be destroyed for upsetting the balance of

nature, and he knows that many dragons supporting

the cult w ill die before the end. He would rather not kill

unnecessarily, however.

Delaan is initially reserved in his support of the party.

To earn his respect, the characters must recognize that

their battle is not just to save civilization but to preserve

the natural order. He thus objects to many actions that

good or neutral characters might not think twice aboutincluding

destroying chromatic dragon eggs and other

acts that disrupt the natural cycle.

Delaan’s oldest friend and mentor is a mighty treant

named Turlang who resides in the High Forest. With

Delaan’s support, many treants w ill join the fight

against Tiamat.

T h e L o r d s ’ A l l i a n c e

“The Lords’ Alliance” is not a

metaphor. This organization

was created and is led by

leaders and nobles from across

Faerfln. Although many of

its members have conflicting

goals and long-standing

rivalries outside the alliance,

they band together in the face

of events that are too big for

any of them to handle on their

own. The rulers of Waterdeep,

Silverymoon, Baldur’s Gate,

and other cities, families, and

trading houses of the Sword

Coast might never set aside their differences, but they

can pull together when the survival of all depends on it.

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