D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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If the characters played through Hoard o f the Dragon

Queen, they’ve already met one of the most influential

of the Harpers: Leosin Erlanthar, a male half-elf monk

from Berdusk.

U s i n g t h e H a r p e r s

Harper agents operate most effectively alone or in small

groups, much like adventurers. When on a mission,

they are independent and self-reliant. The ideal Harper

is a keen observer, persuasive, and able to go almost

anywhere without arousing suspicion.

N P C Harpers are the kinds of characters who

consistently pop up when they’re least expected and

most useful. If the characters need a safe house in

a strange city, are unable to locate an elusive foe, or

have been captured by the cult and need inside help

to escape, a Harper can offer up a secure hideout, a

whispered clue, or a smuggled knife. Bards, mages, and

rogues are the most common character types in the

Harpers, but characters of every class can be found in

the organization.

R e m a l l i a H a v e n t r e e

Chaotic good female moon e lf fighter

Ideals: Freedom, respect (“Our failure would spell an

end to all beautiful and honest things.”)

Interaction Traits: Honest, friendly

Pledged Resources: Harper mages and scouts

The elf noble Remallia—“Rem i” to her friends—is the

Harper’s leading delegate to the Council of Waterdeep.

She is quiet, speaking only after others have had their

turn, and is content to let events unfold until she feels a

need to offer intervention and guidance. This embodies

her attitude about combating the cult as well.

Remi is convinced that the rumors of Tiamat’s return

are true, and she is frustrated by the unwillingness of

the other Harpers to commit to fighting the Cult of the

Dragon. She understands their hesitation, however.

The Harpers’ have only recently been reformed, and the

cause of their near-destruction was the decision to act

more openly and aggressively.

The Harpers measure success in the value and

quantity of intelligence gained by a course of action, as

well as how that knowledge can be used to leverage an

enemy into submission. Remallia wants the party to

succeed using such tactics, knowing that this w ill sway

the conservatives in her faction.

The Harpers are w illing to cooperate with unsavory

types and leverage evil assets, but not if doing so

endangers others unnecessarily. They can respect

the deftness and skill needed to make such an

arrangement, even if they do not like the arrangement

itself. The Harpers are always dissatisfied if the

characters kill important cultists rather than capturing

them—or at least trying to extract information from

them beforehand.

T h e O r d e r o f t h e G a u n t l e t

The Order of the Gauntlet

shares the Harpers’ dedication

to justice and equality, but

their methods and attitude are

quite different. Bearers of the

gauntlet are holy warriors on

a righteous quest to crush evil

and promote justice, and they

never hide in the shadows.

Evil must be opposed openly

and vanquished in the light of

day, so that all can see and be

emboldened by its destruction.

Members of the order are

driven by religious fervor and

by devotion to the principle of justice for all. Whether

a member places more emphasis on one or the other

of those ideals is an individual choice. Camaraderie

and esprit de corps run high within the order, and an

individual member w ill risk anything to save a fellow

member or to complete an important mission.

The Order of the Gauntlet is a young organization, and

it is eager and restless for action. It does not take orders

from any government or temple, although the opinions

of holy figures are greatly esteemed within the order.

When evil threatens, the gauntlet strikes.

U s i n g t h e O r d e r o f t h e G a u n t l e t

The Order of the Gauntlet is an invaluable asset at

the final showdown at the Well of Dragons. No other

faction can muster more paladins and priests to heal the

wounded and combat Severin’s devil allies directly.

Before the final battle, members of the order make

interesting N P C s for roleplaying encounters because

of their outgoing ways and strong opinions. Sharing a

roadside inn with twenty paladins from the Order of the

Gauntlet, or joining their march for a few days when

headed in the same direction, should be a memorable


Clerics, paladins, and monks make up the majority

of the Order of the Gauntlet, but any character of a

righteous mind is welcome in the order’s ranks.

O n t h a r r F r u m e

Law ful good male human paladin

Ideals: Responsibility, greater good (“The strong must

defend the weak, whatever the cost.”)

Personality Traits: Friendly, hot-tempered

Pledged Resources: Paladins and healing clerics to

support the fight against Tiamat’s forces

Boisterous and gregarious to a fault, Ontharr is the

leading delegate for the Order of the Gauntlet. He

has all the justification he needs to support the party

(especially if the characters played through Hoard of

the Dragon Queen). However, the rest of the order is not

yet convinced. In particular, the order does not tolerate

evil, and if the characters are known to have committed

acts of a dubious moral nature, Ontharr Frume w ill

be pressured to withhold his support. Members of the

order w ill seek proof that the party is righteous or has

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