D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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C h r o m a t i c D r a g o n s _____________

Severin and his supporters intend to use the ancient

draconic artifact known as the Draakhorn to rally

the chromatic dragons to Tiamat’s cause. However,

chromatic dragons are notoriously arrogant, territorial,

greedy, and suspicious of any creatures begging favors—

especially if those creatures might be a threat. Getting

dragons to cooperate is a monumental task, even when

bringing the Queen of Dragons into the world is the

ultimate goal.

The Cult of the Dragon has a secret weapon for

dealing with chromatic dragons, in the form of the five

dragon masks. Even with a dragon mask, the process of

influencing a dragon remains arduous and dangerous—

though the payoff is enormous. These relics give their

wearers the ability to communicate with dragons, but

more importantly, they impart a subtle influence over

dragons that cannot be detected. Dragons cannot be

controlled by the masks, but they can be swayed by

ideas and proposals that they would not normally find


U s i n g C h r o m a t i c D r a g o n s

The power of the chromatic dragons is a motif running

through every aspect of Tyranny o f Dragons: The Rise

o f Tiamat. As the events of the adventure unfold, more

and more dragons respond to the Draakhorn’s rumbling

moan and journey to the Well of Dragons—a migration

that inspires alarm and panic in people across Faerun.

Characters and players should seldom be allowed to

forget that the evil dragons are on the move. Whenever

the adventurers are outside, they might see a dragon

winging overhead in the distance. The shadow of a

dragon could fall across the adventurers in the daytime,

and dark draconic wings might momentarily blot out

the moon at night. When the characters arrive in a

settlement, they should hear stories about dragon

sightings and attacks. When they travel, burned-out

hamlets and demolished caravans line the road.

Dragons are among the oldest, most intelligent, and

most powerful monsters in Faerun and the D ungeons

& D rago ns game. Chromatic dragons are evil and

merciless, and every battle against these creatures

should be a life-or-death struggle. No dragon should

ever fall without the heroes suffering during the battle.

Chromatic dragons use every possible advantage with

no regard for fairness, and their chief advantage is flight.

A dragon never fights on foot where enemies might

hack at it when it can soar majestically out of reach and

slaughter foes with its breath weapon. Only in its lair

w ill a dragon typically engage in melee, and then only if

its hoard is threatened.

Characters who can tackle the challenges of this

adventure are high enough level to have allies raised

from the dead when those allies fall to a draconic foe. If

the characters can’t do so themselves, their allies in the

Order of the Gauntlet or the Harpers should be w illing

to help out.

With lifetimes of a thousand years or more to lose,

chromatic dragons have no interest in dying in battle

against mere humanoids, and they don’t sacrifice

themselves nobly for any cause—Tiamat included. A

dragon caught in a losing battle takes any escape that

presents itself, most often simply soaring away. This

changes during the final showdown at the Well of

Dragons, however, when Tiamat can be seen clawing

her way through the portal from the Nine Hells.

G i a n t s

If the characters claimed Skyreach Castle in Hoard of

the Dragon Queen, they might well hear from a frost

giant diplomat who shows up to reclaim it as property

of the giants who built it. A frost giant named Harshnag

lives on Mount Sar north of Waterdeep, and he is

sometimes called upon when the Sword Coast faces

dire threats. The player characters could fly the citadel

to him or—in a more dramatic interlude—he might come

to a council meeting and demand the citadel’s return

on behalf of his kin so that he might rally them against

their ancient foes.

If the player characters did not claim the citadel (or

crashed it), this option is not available to them.

U s i n g G i a n t s

Giants are unlikely to appear side by side with dragons

anywhere before the final showdown at the Well of

Dragons. However, characters who gain any insight into

the giants’ alliance with the dragons should understand

its apocalyptic significance.

A l l i e s

Several powerful organizations battle the Cult of the

Dragon even as the party does. The characters are key

players in the drama, but everyone in Faerun has a

stake in the outcome of the battle against Tiamat and

her allies. Each faction has a presence in the Council

of Waterdeep, and all factions are ultimately on the

adventurers’ side—even if some of them occasionally

hinder the characters more than they help.

This section describes each faction’s goals and

driving concerns, its leading delegate or delegates to the

council, and what resources it can contribute to the final

battle against the Cult of the Dragon.

T h e H a r p e r s

The secret society known

as the Harpers has been

disbanded and rebuilt several

times over its long history. The

latest incarnation of the group

retains its focus on gathering

information, keeping a close

watch on the balance of power

in Faerun, and promoting

fairness and equality in quiet,

unobtrusive ways. Harpers try

to keep out of the public eye,

preferring secrecy to fame and

using knowledge to win the

day over brute force. However,

as the Cult of the Dragon grows more brazen and

destructive, the Harpers are forced to act more openly

in their opposition.

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