D&D 5E - The Rise of Tiamat

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been charged with establishing temples for her open

worship in Faerun. This aspect of the cult’s plans is still

in the early stages, and the inner circle remains divided

on how the Cult of the Dragon should interact with the

faithful of Tiamat.

T h e I n n e r C i r c l e

These four Wearers of Purple are the keepers

of the dragon masks and Severin’s most devoted

servants in the effort to summon Tiamat. Each of

these wyrmspeakers bears one of the dragon masks,

which they never part with except under the direst

circumstances—and then only at the request of Severin

or a draconic ally. The members of the inner circle

each have an affinity for a particular color of chromatic

dragon. They treat with dragons of those colors to

recruit more dragons to the cause, and plan cult

missions that advance Severin’s plots.

In addition to Severin, the Red Wyrmspeaker, the

members of the inner circle are: Galvan (male human),

the Blue Wyrmspeaker; Neronvain (male moon elf),

the Green Wyrmspeaker and son of Melandrach, King

of the Misty Forest; Rezmir (female half-black dragon),

the Black Wyrmspeaker; and Varram (male dwarf), the

White Wyrmspeaker.

If any wyrmspeakers are killed or captured in your

campaign—including Rezmir, who the characters might

have defeated in Hoard o f the Dragon Queen—Severin

appoints new followers to his inner council.

D i s s e n t i n t h e R a n k s

Under Severin’s leadership, most cultists are devoted

to Tiamat--but not all. Some of the old guard dislike

the cult’s new direction, and long for the established

traditions and the rise of the dracoliches. A common

thought among the dracolich loyalists is that Severin

is being played by the fiendish Tiamat. Notable among

these members of the old guard are Naergoth Bladelord,

the former commander of the stronghold at the Well

of Dragons, and Jorgen Pawl and Iskander, two high-

ranking cultists in command of Xonthal’s Tower.

U s i n g t h e C u l t o f t h e D r a g o n

Cultists are suitable foes for the adventurers in

most situations. They keep a low profile in public, so

characters are unlikely to see cultists in full regalia on

the streets of Waterdeep or Scornubel. As their plots

near fruition, however, the cultists grow bolder and

might engage the adventurers openly.

By the start of The Rise o f Tiamat, the effects of the

cult’s activities are visible across the Sword Coast.

The scorched ruins of farming communities pillaged

by cultists for Tiamat’s hoard are a common enough

occurrence that travelers know something is amiss.

R e d W iz a r d s o f T h a y

The Red W izards hail from Thay, over two thousand

miles east of the Sword Coast. A grim, dismal region

spread across a towering plateau, Thay is defended

by an army of undead warriors and ruled by the lich

Szass Tam and the zulkirs he appoints to rule over the

eight schools of magic. The Red Wizards of Thay are

known across Faerun, and are easily recognized by

their distinctive crimson robes and the arcane sigils

tattooed onto their shaved heads. Because of their evil

reputation, Red W izards are arrested or killed on the

spot in many lands. For that reason, they often travel in

disguise, invisibly, or by magical means.

For many years, Szass Tam’s grip on absolute power

in Thay has been weakened by internal strife. Mortal

Red W izards have risen against their undead masters,

destroying some of Szass Tam’s lich zulkirs and

thinning the ranks of other undead. Little is known of

the conflict beyond Thay’s borders, however. In this

quiet civil war, both sides fear that too much attrition

w ill make Thay a target for its long list of enemies.

Szass Tam questions the allegiance of all living Red

W izards outside Thay, and has made it clear that death

and worse await any who oppose him.

R a t h M o d a r ’s A m b i t i o n

One such Red Wizard exile is Rath Modar, an illusionist

of great skill who long ago made the Sword Coast his

home. Having a natural interest in dragons, it wasn’t

long before Rath Modar came into contact with the Cult

of the Dragon and Severin. The young, ambitious cult

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