Meri mirror jan- april 2023

Meri Magazine is a monthly magazine by students of journalism and mass communication of MERI college

Meri Magazine is a monthly magazine by students of journalism and mass communication of MERI college


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About College


A top ranking B-School, MERI is affiliated to Guru Gobind

Singh Indraprastha University (IPU), offers, MBA, BBA,

BA (JMC), BCA & B.COM(H) courses. Established since 1995,

MERI is a part of higher & technical education, and is promoted

by Triveni Educational & Social Welfare Society, holds an ISO

9001:2015 certification and is NAAC accredited.

The Management Education & Research Institute (MERI),

Janakpuri is not only one of the centrally located B-Schools of

Delhi but is also a self financed & self established institute like

its other counterpart institutions. The institute has been ranked as

an ‘A+’ grade institute successively for last many years by GG-

SIPU and Delhi government.

The Management Education & Research Institute (MERI),

Janakpuri is not only one of the centrally located B-Schools of

Delhi but is also a self financed & self established institute like

its other counter The institute has been ranked as an ‘A+’ grade

institute successively for last many years by GGSIPU and Delhi


--To create conducive environment

where innovative ideas and

research flourish.

--To optimize use of latest pedagogy

for knowledge transfer.

--To transfer understanding of

theoretical concepts into real life


--To impart training to student

to become professionally committed,

ethical professionals and



To excel in professional education

and Research to indusrty

and Society.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Art, a way of Mental piece

Art, a way of Mental piece VOL - 3 || Issue - 7




Published by MERI, Janakpuri, New Delhi


Shri. I.P. Aggarwal, President

Prof. Lalit Aggarwal, Vice President


Shri. S.K. Aggarwal, CFO

Prof. (Dr.) S.K. Goel, Director-Coordination

Prof. A.K. Aggarwal. Dean


Dr. Nutan Bharti

Head of Department BA(JMC)


Mr. Rahul Kumar, Assistant Professor


VOL.- 03 || ISSUE- 06


Arpita Chaturvedi

Ansh Nagpal

Mohit Kumar

Devangshi Bhattacharjee


Devangshi Bhattacharjee

Ansh Nagpal


Pankaj Negi


Anusha Sajwan

Manas Soni

Saurav Kumar

Pankaj Negi


01. Music a friend in every problem ..........................................................07

02. Sports and mental health go hand in hand ...........................................08

03. Playground we miss ..............................................................................09

04. Abstract art and how people perceive it differently ................................10

05. Art a personal therapy ........................................................................11

06. Healing your mind by poetry and Needle work ...................................12

07. Music is a Magic and magic and life ........................................................13

08. Activities we prefer, open windows in the format of Art .....................14

09. Idiosyncrasy of Money ...........................................................................15

10. Impact on people of public art ................................................................16

11.Forget your troubles and dance ............................................................17

12Super Model Worldwide Talent Hunt 2023 ...........................................18

13. Pratibimb & La-Kermesse 2023 ..................................................................19-20

14.Binge with MERI “Bholaa” ...............................................................21

15.Binge with MERI “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar .....................................22

16. Clubs of MERI ............................................................................................23-24

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Art, a way of Mental piece

Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Message From President’s Desk

- Shri I.P. Aggarwal


Message From Vice Pesident Desk’s

- Prof. Lalit Aggarwal

MERI has been a trendsetter in

realizing the industrial needs and

trying to satisfy those by developing

human resources equipped with

knowledge, technical skill set and

other values essential for good performance.

The teaching methodology

MERI has been successfully integrating

the technical and managerial

knowledge with professional inputs

from the industry. Over a period of

15 years, MERI has continued to

progress in all areas namely faculty,

students, updating courses

and all - round placements in top

organizations of India as well as

in MNC’S. It is a matter of great

pleasure that we have developed

a distinctive niche for ourselves.

I extend a hearty welcome to all

the candidates aspiring to join




STITUTE, B-School in the state of

art, for a journey which will stimulate

your creativity and enterprise

equipping you with the skills and

knowledge to build a satisfying

professional career. At MERI, we

have a Mega-Vision of building a

Management & IT School par excellence

in which we have been

largely successful. Our commitment

is towards professionally inclined

Management & IT graduates

who, when unleashed in the

practical world will be powerful

performers. In short, we believe in

excellence in the realm of management

education. Strong links with

industry and commerce enables us

to ensure that our PGDM, MBA &

MCA courses are practical yet innovative

& are flexibly helpful to

an ever-changing industrial and

business climate. Our commitment

to teaching excellence with application

orientation is matched by a

caring approach. We are proud of

the quality and flexibility of our

courses and teaching methods. We are

continually seeking ways to improve

the services, facilities and courses

which we offer. The particular blend of

working with industry and community

is the hallmark of MERI’s educational

philosophy. Add to this our location in

the historic city of Delhi where opportunities

for a satisfying professional

life abound. I am sure that if you decide

to join us, you will find the experience

both enjoyable and rewarding.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 01

02 // Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Message from Director Co-ordination’s


- Dr. S.K Goel

Message from Dean’s Desk

- Prof. (Dr.) Deepshikha Kalra


We ensure a fair representation

in the teaching-learning process.

Great importance is being laid on imparting

skills and knowledge and on

endeavors to strengthen institute industry

interaction through our highly

qualified faculty. Seminars, Workshops

and Industrial visits form an

integral part of our curriculum The

Institute attaches great importance

to multidimensional and multifaceted

Personality Development of

the budding Professionals. This

is achieved through not only

the global exposure but also

through the participation in the

cultural-cum-techno activities

round the year. The institution

has signed twelve partnerships

so far, with Universities/Institutions

of high repute in U.S., Canada,

France, U.K. mainly for the

academic and student exchange.

It has been planned that during

the stay of four years, each student

avails the facility of summer

internship abroad. The institution

is proud of its Advisory

and Academic Boards which

comprise renowned and eminent

persons from the fields of Management,

Information Technology

and Journalism and Mass

Communication. Regular meetings

are held for guidance and

advice. MERI has been ranked

in top B-school.

Welcome to the world of Opportunities.

MERI believes in the

holistic development of the students.

It provides ample opportunities

to spill your creativity. At

MERI students have an enriching

and life turning experiences

which enable them to reach new

heights in their professional life.

It’s not just an educational institute

but a community. “Empower

each student who joins our institution

in every sector”.

An attitude of collaborative

learning, teamwork and healthy

competition is developed among

the students through various academic

and non-academic events.

We try to develop a growth

mindset and work on their emotional

and social intelligence.

We engage our students in active

hands-on and creative learning.

We promote their intrinsic

motivation to learn analytical and

critical thinking. MERI Mirror is

one such initiative. I congratulate

the team for their efforts.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Art, a way of Mental piece / 03 04 / Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Message From HOD’s Desk

- Prof. (Dr.) Nutan Bharti,

(HOD Journalism & Mass Communication)

Message From Editor’s Desk

- Mr. Rahul Kumar,

Assistant Professor


The Department of Journalism

and Mass Communication puts a

strong emphasis on training students

with professional skills in order to

meet the demands of a media world

that is both evolving and changing

constantly. Adequate attention is

paid by qualified faculty members

with industrial experience in audio

video, film/documentary production

and mobile journalism. Our Department

has prepared the students to

extend their professional services in

major media houses in the near

future with a number of media

disciplines including print, electronic,

photography, etc. I am

fully confident that this department

having imparted qualitative

theoretical and professional education

will attain more heights

of success infuture. Our Department

shall strive to achieve academic

excellence, lighting the

Management Education and Research

Institute torch high and


A journalist’s peculiar function is to

reach the mind of the country and to give

definite and fearless expression to the mind.

Mahatma Gandhi Journalism is what keeps

check-and-balance on the democratic

practices of a government. It maintains

the democracy in a country and roots for

progressive social changes. Journalism is

the wall that prevents totalitarian rule. In

an ideal world, journalism should do all of

these, but we do not live in an ideal world

neither do our journalists. In recent times,

we are witnessing the downfall of our

journalistic practices. It pains me to see the

deteriorating condition of our mainstream

media. To counter this, we need another

form of journalistic practice that can keep

check-and-balance on our main- stream

journalism. Some people say that citizen

journalism is an option. But, we cannot

trust citizen journalism as much as we

used to trust mainstream journalism.

Citizen journalism is like citizen

doctor, we will never trust a doctor who

is practicing without training and degree,

then how can we trust a journalist who

does not have any idea of what are the

responsibilities journalist has to fulfill and

what are the ethical procedures he /she

has to follow before writing any article or

breaking a story. But, we cannot discard

the idea of citizen journalism completely.

The need for citizen journalism came into

existence because of the mainstream media’s

lack of accountability. If you want mouthpiece

of the government and forgotten its roles and

responsibilities. We are in dire need of an option

that can give voice to the voiceless and practice

healthy journalism. I know, I am hoping for

something that isn’t going to happen soon, but

what can I say, I am an optimist who wants to

live in an ideal world where every member of

society practices their duty with utmost honesty.

I wish the students of MERI (Management

Education and Research Institute) the best of

luck for their future endeavors and wish to see

them contributing to the betterment of society.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Art, a way of Mental piece / 05 06 / Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Music a friend in every Problem


Physical and Mental health go hand

in hand

By - Mohit Kumar

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

Everybody loves music.

Many people feel that

music makes life worth

living. We can hear music on

CDs, Radio, and Television,

today’s generation have online

platformslike YouTube, Spotify,

and many other sources

to hear music. Music gives us

pleasure, it can cheer us up, excite

us, or call us. Music can be

of various types Happy, sad, romantic,

pop even sleepy. Music,

like language, is a uniquely human

form of communication.

People listen to jazz, rock, classical,

folk, country, and many

other kinds of music. Music has

always been important to religious

ceremonies. Thus, music

is necessary for all of us.

You can’t just listen to music

once and that’s it. Music is

a friend and a companion.It has

an extraordinary influence over

various things, like letting you

recall that pleasant incident that

happened to you years ago. It’s

an awesome thing, and that’s

why music is regarded as a


Everyone wants a buddy,

and music is that friend. It can

cheer you up when you’re down

and calm you down when life

gets too crazy. It remains by

your side in both good and bad

times and never abandons you.

Music can help you get through

difficult moments since it can

relate to what you are feeling.

When is music useful, if

you ask?

To muffle the sound of

Screaming parents, noisy

housemates, other music, or

general noise that isn’t wantedWhite

noise or other calming

noises can be useful in these

circumstances because music

can distract the mind and steal

focus in a variety of ways.

Music is seen as a friend

since it is the most ideal and universal

form of expression and it

crosses linguistic, cultural, and

religious boundaries. You can

choose music that will change

your mood or listen to music

that complements it.There is

something to listen to every

day of one’s life, regardless of

mood, circumstance, or place,

thanks to the wide variety of

musical forms and interpretations.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 07

08 / Art, a way of Mental piece

By - Arpita Chaturvedi

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

“All work and no play

make Jack a dull boy.”

You’ve probably heard before,

that participating in physical

activities can significantly

affect your mental health. According

to the stats published

by, The Faculty of Sport and

Exercise Medicine, UK, a 20-

30% reduction in depression in

adults who participate in physical

activity other than their

daily chores is evident. Limited

research proves that teens and

adults who participate in physical

sports have reduced levels

of anxiety and distress and are

less likely to develop dementia

in the older stages of their lives.

When our body engages

in physical acts, endorphins

are released in our brains

which trigger a positive and

energizing feeling in the body.

Although research is still ongoing,

scientists have found

out that higher endorphin levels

help reduce symptoms of

stress, anxiety, and depression,

improve mood, and accompany

a euphoric outlook on life.

Exercising is a well-known

method for its mood-boosting

effects and role in decreasing

the risks of developing

certain conditions, such as

moodiness, troubled sleep,

addiction, and depression.

The spirit of sports is

teamwork and companionship,

thus contributing to an active

social life, communication

skills, and better social relationships.

The benefits of social

connections are linked to

our mental health. Improved

confidence, higher self-esteem,

ability to trust, and greater

empathy, are motivated when

we have a group of people.

Every aspect of life is

equally important, be it physical,

social, mental, or financial.

In this internet age, the

physical aspect is where people

are most lacking. Who

would want to move around

and get things done themselves

when everything is just a click

away? Despite the psychological

and social benefits of

sports, there are only a handful

of people who realize the

benefits it brings to the table.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


The Playground we Miss


Abstract Art and How People

Perceive Differently

By - Ansh Nagpal

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

We always face many

consequences regarding,


our body physically noticeable.

Since we are evolving

into Virtuality or in an Online

World, We Somewhere

skipped our living lifestyle. It

was a time when we as kids

eagerly waited to move out

into the Playgrounds, making

ourselves dirty to the fullest,

it was a time when we used to

fight for a bat n Ball or badminton

rackets, the wait, that clock

ticking, that hype for every 6

pm, friends waiting, that fight

before the game starts and after

few hour’s we were ready

to get scolded by our Parents

for playing so long.

But now, the time has

changed, we don’t compare

our bats, we now compare

who’s mobile phone is good

to play, we don’t fight for who

gets to play first, we fight for

the Phone’s charger. Our Parents

still Scream at us but to

move out and play. We grew up

and lost our childhood in that

playground and in that classroom,

our dusty bat and ball

and broken strings of a badminton

racket kept aside for

years and years which no one

wants to play with. That Small

Screen had destroyed the mental

well-being and capacity to

grow physically and snatched

away all the Physical Strength

and Ability to work more.

Although online platforms

have their benefit it had

also have a negative upshot to

them. A few hours of physical

workouts or games would

lead to great results for a living

body and will save you from

health-related problems. If

build ourselves knowing the

hardships around us, we can

create a positive environment

that will benefit others too, and

in my Sense, I think

“If you carry your childhood

with you, you never become


VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 09


trictly speaking, the word

abstract means to withdraw

something from

something else, so adding this

term to art is defined to simplify

the visual, figures, and

landscape. Abstract art does

not consist of defined visuals

but is a mixture of simplified

visuals, colors, and strokes.

This art uses geometric shapes

and gestural marks which have

no external source or external

visual reality. According

to some artists abstract art is

pure and not always a distinctive

visual required to glow

out creativity or art. Abstract

art mainly shows order, purity,

simplicity, and spirituality.

This concept of abstract art

was mainly invented by the

Greek philosopher Plato who

said that random geometric

shapes, lines, and strokes are

used to describe art, purity,

and love, not always concrete

visuals. Talking of how people

perceive abstract art says that

it shows real-world people in a

simple form of art, seeing the

real world, real nature, and surroundings.

The uniqueness of

abstract art makes it more interesting

that simple lines and

strokes can just influence people’s

thinking and perception.

10 / Art, a way of Mental piece

By - Devangshi Bhattacharjee

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

Due to the freestyle type of

drawing this artwork is given

huge freedom and a vast area

to explore the artwork in their

way and study in depth what

the art says and how the artist

depicted its work in form of

just simple strokes. The visuals

of this art are self-explanatory

to putting that up to words that

how people perceive abstract

art can be difficult but the way

people perceive it highlights

their psychological personality.

Abstract art needs a lot

of cognitive training and the

final results of how a person

can perceive simple strokes

and lines can tell a lot about

that person. It may be meaningless

to a lot of people due

to the way it is made but some

things are better perceived

when having no concrete visuals

because having a concrete

visual will imprint the same

kind of perception to everyone

looking that that art but art like

these need cognitive work and

is consisted to vast meaning.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Art is a personal therapy


Healing Your Mind by Pottery And

Needle Work

By - Reet Kaur

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

Every one of us has experienced

situations where

we are unable to convey

our feelings. It occurs occasionally

with friends and family, occasionally

with a partner, and occasionally

just with ourselves. We

experience emotions we didn’t

know we were capable of. Life

becomes difficult when all these

unsaid feelings and thoughts pile

up over time. Each of us must find

a way to handle Art therapy aims

at helping people heal and come

to terms with their circumstances,

through art.

If you’re a creative person, art

therapy may also have a lot of

advantages for you. You’ll take

to art therapy naturally whether

you’re an artist, writer, painter,

interior designer, advertising

professional, marketer, or in any

other creative career because it

uses your creativity to promote

healing.We all have negative stereotypes

about our routines, physical

appearance, and conduct. Art

therapy helps us appreciate and be

kinder to ourselves by assisting us

in realising that who we are and

what we do don’t always have to

be perfect, assisting in the healing

of years of harsh indoctrination

As a result of doctors observing

that people with mental illness

frequently expressed themselves

in drawings and other artworks,

many began to investigate the use

of art as a therapeutic technique.

Since then, art has developed

into an important component of

recovery. There are many simple

activities you can try from the

comfort of your home such as

art journaling, sketching, making

collages, sculpting with clay,

etc. It doesn’t matter what media

you choose. The only thing that

matters is that you feel comfortable

using it Emotional release:

The greatest benefit of art therapy

is giving you a healthy outlet

for expressing and letting go all

your feelings and fears. Complex

emotions such as sadness or anger

sometimes cannot be expressed

with words. When you are unable

to express yourself, but you desire

emotional release, making art

may help you to do it.

Stress relief: Fighting anxiety,

depression or emotional trauma

can be very stressful for you both

mentally and physically. Creating

art can be used to relieve stress

and relax your mind and body.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 11

When we are feeling

stressed, we can

easily throw that

stress from our minds and

can get peace. Do you know

how it is possible? Just by doing

the pottery as well as the

needlework. By doing this we

will not only master the wheel

and handle the needle but also,

will love it just by converging

into them. We can express ourselves

by doing this beautiful

artwork. When our eyes along

with our mind are directed in

the clay and the needlework,

we will get distracted from

our problems especially when

we are in distress. Whatever

we produce helps increase

a feeling of self-worth by doing

these magical artworks.

Pottery is an inimitably

powerful artistic path that can

serve as an intensely valuable

therapeutic modality for

people suffering from mental

health disorders. By merging

physical practice built around

the primal knowledge of touch

with emotional, creative engagement,

pottery can allow

us to awaken our spirit and

activate our natural flexibility.

Pottery provides a new, rich

12 / Art, a way of Mental piece

language to give voice to our

inner self through sculptural

form, allowing us to experiment

with physical media to

discover new paths of communication

with both others

and ourselves. Needlework is

increasingly becoming recognized

as an effective way

to combat depression. The

flow of doing this work helps

in calming the mind and reducing

stress. It is an act that

can release neurotransmitters

By - Ankita Kumari


that promote joy and well-being

while also reducing stress

hormones, anxiety, brain

plasticity, and most important

strengthening eyesight.

Concluding, it is true

that if we practice the pottery

and the needlework, we will

surely self-discover ourselves

in mental and physical distress

on our healing journeys

at the potter’s wheel and the

eye of the needle with peace.

VOL - 3 || Issue- 7



sense of

care is created

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Magic Is Life

more importantly, we

need to be conscious of the

cultures we want to create

cultivate with our music.

And when we express the

impact of music on morality,

it will bring up a lot of

results about the negative

impact it has on society, especially

in the area of rap

hip-hop. However, music

can play a significant role

determining what appears

be right or wrong, okay or

okay, and good or bad.

Because of this, we have to

careful about the messages

we put out with our songs,

to take it a step further,

what if the songs we wrote

were intentionally carrying

positive message? What if

they became hymns that proclaim

hope and joy, victory

over weakness, courage, and

love? We would like to make

impact to strengthen the

hearts and minds of the next

generation and that is something

we need to embrace.

Art, a way of Mental piece / 13


Art is an expression

of someone’s character.


Art means to understand

perception, cognition,

characteristics of art. Art

a form of therapy for many

people. People follow their

hobbies to give peace to their

minds. Hobbies like cooking,

traveling, sketching, writing,

etc. make people peace.

Coming to hobbies. Traveling

is a passion, and hobby

for almost all generations.

ery person wants to explore

new places. Different people

have different views on traveling.

Some travel just to

plore, some travel because they

just enjoy it, then here comes

the third category of people,

the one who travels for peace

of mind. Here comes why they

travel for peace of mind.The

psychology of travel refers

the mental, emotional, and

havioral ways that people

perience the act of traveling.

can include motivation, decisions

during travel, managing

stress when traveling, cultural

influences and reactions,

the actions we take in planning

14 / Art, a way of Mental piece


windows in

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Is Magic And we prefer, open

the format of art

mind calm and led to peace.




By - Khushi Vohra

and By - Kshitiz Gupta


BAJMC/Sem - 4th

BAJMC/Sem - 4th


love and music are intertwined, and

and going on travels. Coming

when what our parents used to dig

to the next point i.e. cooking

into today’s kids would consider

lame, in a few years,

something that u love the most

While cooking you make

the music we think is cool

and it makes you happy and


now will probably be outdated.

That’s nothing against

ultimately led to making your

in And lastly, some people

the music. It is only a representation,

a manifestation of


to love sketching though they are


not good in that when they are

what is constantly changing

sketching they are not following

the output, shades of col-

around us. With that being

be ex-

said, we need to be very

or, or any other thing. They

aware of our modern culture,

are just following their hobby

but which they love the most. Hoba







A we grew up listening

to songs, that touched us and

spoke to us differently. If we

talk about the cultural impact

of music in the modern

world, it positively reflects

our daily life, for example,

the selfie song by chain

smokers, the song talks about

youth and media culture.

In other words, culture and

bies are the ultimate solution

if you are going through any

emotional problems. Because

if you are following your hobbies,

you’ll not think about the

output and it makes you so

happy and release dopamine in

your body which helps to release

stress from the mind. Research

shows that people with

hobbies are less likely to suffer

from stress, low mood, and

depression. So keep following

your hobbies and it will lead

you to keep your mind at peace.


Idiosyncrasy of Money


Impact on people of public art

By - Saurav Kumar

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

It is very much Vivid that

money is important for

everyone in today’s running

world. There is a famous

saying “Money is nothing

but Money is Everything”

this statement indicates many

things, the worth of money is

considered when one shouldn’t

afford his needs his favorite

product which his heart wants

to buy but his pocket won’t allow

it. Money does give access

to happiness that small paper

can build a dreamy mansion

but the matter of concern is, we

do learn the values, passion to

follow the dream, and tactics of

life, but we don’t have the skill

to earn money we don’t have

a particular classroom where

the psychology of money is to

be taught. The difference remains

the same between the

Poor and the Rich. The Wide

gap wouldn’t be covered when

normal middle-class people or

lower-middle-class people cannot

earn money. They kept on

doing the hard work but for-

get to do the Smart work. The

problem lies in the making and

designing of educational Structures

where the students only

learn the old things that old 5

main subjects which they have

to study and move ahead, but

that’s not how life works basic

knowledge is evident but life

wouldn’t rely only on those 5

subjects. The Basic value to

earn money should be taught

at a very young age when a

student started touching the

higher educational boundaries.

Our rules and norms are so

tight and composed a particular

growth can’t ensure his growth

and figure out his way whether

he wants to earn money in

this current world or grow following

his passion and live a

compassionate life. In the end,

medals and the wall of achievement

won’t decide what will be

your luxurious meal would but

the hardworking done in earning

money will do. Following

passion is good and should be

one of the priorities but earning

a good lively hood for own and

for the family is to be achieved

by one own self or a group of


VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 15

Art has power to connect

us with anything,

even with

ourselves. Public art can be

anything whether a building,

statue or a painting etc.

What differentiates a public

art with any other art is its

uniqueness of how it portrays

a strong emotion and

alive its surrounding environment.

It is basically

a reflection of how we see

the world, an artist’s response

to our time and place.

Public art can have

a great impact on people.

Some studies have proven

that some cityscapes increase

sadness and disease

related illness. Some can

create positive emotions too

which will eventually force

the public to slow down in

their busy lives. Public art

doesn’t only make the space

look alive, it makes us feel

alive too. Thus it will create

more excitement, eventually

engaging more public

which will also help in

the economic growth. Its

16 / Art, a way of Mental piece

uniqueness creates a cultural

understanding. People living

in that community will

feel a sense of belonging.

Study shows that public

art has improved the

quality of life of people. It

not only improves the attractiveness

of the area but

also reflects the identity

and history of the culture.

Thus uplifting the envi-

By - Priyanka Arora

BAJMC/Sem - 4th

ronment, improving social

characteristics and elevating

the education standards.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Forget your troubles and dance

Super model worldwide

Talent hunt show 2023


By - Aashi Priya


Individuals under the age

of 60 were observed performing

physical activities,

most of them interested

in dancing. Older adults also

begin to include physical limitations,

pre-existing medical

conditions, etc. Dance has

the potential to be a fun activity

that can be modified to

have a purpose for all people.

A Preferred Reporting

Items for Systematic Reviews

(PRISMA) search was conducted

using the PubMed database,

eighteen studies met

the inclusion and exclusion

criteria and were outcome

for intervention type, study

design, demographics, and

outcomes. A survey that was

conducted in North America,

South America, Europe, and

Asia. When it was examined,

two reports focused on older

adults and pre-existing medical

conditions. Researchers

used a variety of measures to

assess effectiveness, and regardless

of style, these results

can significantly improve

muscle strength and endurance,


and other aspects

of functional


in older adults.

Many of

the researchers

will analyze

the effects

of dance

on mental

health and explore

ways to make the intervention

attractive to all age

groups of both sexes. Fortunately,

adding physical activity

to your life is an effective

method of prevention, control,

and mitigation. any medical

conditions. Studies have

shown that physical activity

has positive effects on depression,

anxiety, dementia,

heart failure, stroke, cognition,

and sleep. The harmful

effects of physical inactivity

and the positive effects of

physical activity suggest that

additional efforts are needed

to promote physical activity

with an emphasis on populations

at high risk of inactivity.

Physical inactivity is

commonly seen in individuals

aged 60 years and older.

Although many older adults

have positive attitudes toward

physical activity and

its benefits, factors such as

the person who recommends

physical activity, the older

adult’s environment, the

cost of activities, and safety

concerns influence their

physical activity behaviour

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7 Art, a way of Mental piece / 17

Management Education

and Research Institute,

Janakpuri organizes

Super Model Talent hunt show 2023

of international repute on 10th of

April 2023. Models from 20 countries

around the world participated

in the mega event. The central theme

of the event remained the empowerment

of women. The talent search

was started by Saraswati Vandana,

followed by Professor Lalit Aggarwal,

Vice President, MERI Group,

who emphasized the importance of

women empowerment and the role

of educational institutions in it. The

opening of the event began with a

dance performance by the students

of MERI College, which highlighted

the cultural and traditional atmosphere

of the rich heritage of Indian

civilization. The cultural program

which included the depiction of the

epic Mahabharata and Ganesh Vandana

in an art form remained the

main highlight of the talent show.

Models from various countries

around the world were Daria

Shapovalova - Belarus, MerveÜret

- Belgium, Leslie Ybema - Benelux,

Prema Drolkar - Bhutan, Momita

18 / Art, a way of Mental piece

Singha - India, Nadya Putri Rahmi

Candra - Indonesia, Noriko Nishiyama

- Japan, EiEiMyint Aung Thein

- Myanmar, Michantly Chanel Cornelly

Lisse - Netherlands, Henry

Loveth Ukamaka - Nigeria, Shyrla

Santos Nuñez - Philippines, Angelina

Gorbunova - Russia, Diane

Ngabonziza - Rwanda, Matina

Elizabeth Doherty - Sierra Leone,

Tsakane BothoWanyane - South Africa,

H.T. DilrukshiHeiyanthuduwage

– Sri Lanka, Natrawee Chiarasathid

- Thailand, Aileen Joyce

Santiago - United Arab Emirates,

Keyla Yomaris - USA, Precious

Ng’oma - Zambia. The supermodels

showed their talent in promoting

their respective cultures and traditions.

The event was managed and

evaluated by external experts in

their field. Honourable Mr. Sonal

By - Dhruv Verma

BAJMC/Sem - 2nd

Kelzang (2nd Secretary, Embassy

of Bhutan) and Mr. Satyender

Tripathi - Journalist Punjab Kesari

Group were the chief guests on

this occasion. The event was managed

and evaluated by experts in

the field. The talent show highlights

the empowerment, inner strength,

and leadership power of women to

inspire future generations and contribute

to the community. The event

ended with the congratulations of

the participants and a folk-dance

performance by MERI college students.

The participants thanked

MERI College and welcomed the

idea of organizing such events in

the future.

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7


Pratibimb & La-kermesse



Glimpses of Pratibimb & La-kermesse 2023

By - Chahat Sehgal


Management Education

& Research


organized its college fest

on 4th April 2023 and

5th April 2023. Every

college student waits a

whole year for a fest, full

of excitement, and enjoys

joyfully with friends.

It is a two days

fest sponsored by Epics

Stuff, Algocs, Chawala

de Mashoor Amritsari

Naan, Tata Global Beverages,

Kamal Associates,

and MRRM Hospital.

The first day was full

of excitement, energy,

enjoyment, and drama.

A total of twenty events

were organized in the

Annual Fest of MERI

College. On the first day

event was organized a

Nukkad Natak, AD Mania,

Cartooning, Poetry

Competition, Tech Gig,

Photo Exhibition, Arm

Wrestling, Group Dance,

Stand-up Comedy, Solo

Dance, Self-Extempore,

Solo Singing, and last in

the evening DJ Night.

However, On the

Day of the Second events

were organized, Anchoring

Hunt, Duet Dance,

Fashion Show, Act Play,

Cooking Without Fire,

Tug of War, Face Painting,

MR & MRS La-kermesse.

Other IPU students

have participated

in all of these events.

All of these events

were scheduled on the

college campus. Star

Night schedule in the

“Mini Sports Complex”

with a “Bandhir Band”

Haryanvi Singer “Yash

Vashist” and Punjabi’s

Pride The “Parmish Verma”.

The event was full

of Strength, Lots of Entertainment,

and energetic

vibes the noise of the

crowd is very high. Also,

other college students are

part of the MERI College

Annual Fest.

Everyone has a part

in this event faculty

members, student coordinators,

staff, and so

on. Who has to assign a

job did do very well. The

Annual Fest of MERI

College was successfully


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20 / Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7



Binge With MERI “Bholaa”

Binge With MERI

“Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar”

IMDB RATING:- 7.8/10

Story:- Bholaa is a 2023 Indian

Hindi-language action-adventure

film, directed by Ajay Devgn and

jointly produced by Ajay Devgn

FFilms, Reliance Entertainment,

T-Series Films and Dream

Warrior Pictures. It is a remake

By - Harshita Dutta

BAJMC/Sem - 2nd

of the 2019 Tamil film Kaithi and

stars Ajay Devgn in the titular

role alongside Tabu, Deepak

Dobriyal, Sanjay Mishra, Gajraj

Rao and Vineet Kumar while

Amala Paul, Abhishek Bachchan

and Raai Laxmi make special

appearances. The film follows

an ex-convict who battles

criminals while transporting a

truck full of poisoned cops to the

hospital in exchange for meeting

his daughter after ten years of


Bholaa, by contrast, is mad

from the get-go. Ajay and his

writers (four in total) forfeit any

claim to restraint and then some

more. The film is too masala,

too eager to please; complete

with animals, item numbers and

balletic bike chases through the

night. At times, it resembles a

cross between Mad Max: Fury

Road and K.G.F., neither register

particularly suited for a lean,

emotional story like Kaithi.

After Bachchhan Paandey and

Vikram Vedha, this is another

Hindi remake that goes in for an

overthe-top treatment. It gives

Bholaa a distinct visual identity,

if not much suspense or edge.

The film screams out its

crowd-pleasing credentials, but

will this be enough? “These days,

movies do not work without a

story,” says a character in Kaithi.

The line isn’t repeated in Bholaa,

which is smart. Here is a film that

bets the entire farm on its frills.

IMDb rating - 6.7/10

Indian love comedy Tu Jhoothi

Main Makkaar was released in

2023 and was written by Rahul

Mody and Luv Ranjan. Ranbir

Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor

play the lead roles in this Luv

Films and T-Series Films production,

which also features Dimple

Kapadia and Anubhav Singh Bassi

in significant supporting parts.

Cast - The main roles were chosen

for Shraddha and Ranbir Kapoor,

marking their debut collaboration.

Boney Kapoor, who is making

his acting debut, and Dimple

Kapadia were cast as Ranbir’s

parents. Additionally, it was the

first Hindi film for actress Monica

Chaudhary and the debut of

stand-up comedian Anubhav

Singh Bassi in the acting world.

In January 2023, Hasleen Kaur

announced that she would be appearing

in the movie.

Plot - Aside from Monica Chaudhary,

who plays Kinchi, and her

friend Shraddha, who plays Tinni,

Ranbir plays Mickey, Dabbas,

a character played by Anubhav

Bassi, who is also engaged to

Monica. Along with their jobs,

the pair also serves as consultants,

offering significant sums

of money to assist individuals

in their romantic relationships.

Tinni comes from a line of certified

public accountants.

When the group travels

to another country for Dabbas’

bachelor party, Mickey falls in

love with Tinni. Tinni’s admission

that she won’t be staying

with Micky’s family following

the wedding, which initially results

in their unsatisfactory marriage,

turns things interesting. In

addition to Monica Chaudhary,

By - Pankaj Negi


Hasleen Kaur, Boney Kapoor,

and Dimple Kapadia are included.

Performance - While Shraddha

performs a class act, Ranbir is

cool with his wonderful dialogue.

The debut of Anubhav Bassi is

astounding, and Dimple Kapadia

is a joy to see. Aajkal relationship

mein ghusna asaan hai, usmein se

nikalna mushkil is one of the best

lines Ranbir has ever delivered.

Rishta Jodna asaan hai todna

mushkil. Boney Kapoor and the

climax are the movie’s highlights.

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22 / Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7



Clubs at MERI

E - Cell Club

Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Dr. Anil Grewal &

Dr. Meenakshi Kharb

C.S.R Club

Prof. (Dr.) Deepshika Kalra,

Ms. Sheela Narang, Ms. Shweta Ahuja,

Mr. Amit Vikas Hans


Ms. Preeti Verma & Dr. Aaqib Anwar Butt

Clubs at MERI

Literary(Sukriti) & MUN

Dr. Shikha Gupta, Ms. Deepti Kapoor

& Ms. Bindu Sharma

Fashion Vista Club

Ms. Swati Chawla

Ms. Nivedita Sharma &

Ms. Stuti Narula Markan

Precious Pixels Club

Mr. Naresh Chandra,

Dr. Ruchika &

Mr. Pawan Kumar Jha

Fitness/Sports Club

Dr. Sumit Chauhan, Mr. Rahul Kumar

& Mr. Ishwar Singh

Research Club

CMA Ajay Jain &

Dr. Pooja Singh Negi

Theatre Club (Rngbhoomi)

Ms. Amanpreet Kaur,

Dr. Neha Shivani & Ms. Sarita Yadav

Cultural Club

Ms. Niivedita Sharma , Ms. Monika Sharma

Ms. Shubhangini Ruhela &

Ms. Ankita Sharma

Neogen Club

Mr. Mitesh Verma &

Mr. K.K. Sharma

Invent Kala Club

Ms. Jyoti Vashisht &

Ms. Indu Sharma

Media Cell Club

Prof. (Dr.) Nutan Bharti,

Dr. Aaqib Butt and, Mr. Rahul Kumar

Coding club

Ms. Lakshmi kumari,

Ms. Simmi Madaan

& Mr. Saharsh Gera

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

Art, a way of Mental piece / 23

24 / Art, a way of Mental piece

VOL - 3 || Issue - 7

“The Art of Peace begins with

you. Work on yourself and your

appointed task in the Art of

Peace. Everyone has a spirit that

can be refined, a body that can

be trained in some manner, a

suitable path to follow. You are

here for no other purpose

than to realize your

inner divinity and manifest

your inner enlightenment.

Foster peace in

your own life and then

apply the Art to all that

you encounter.

One does not need buildings,

money, power, or status

to practice the Art of Peace.

Heaven is right where you are

standing, and that is the place

to train.”

- Morihei Ueshiba

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